1.Clinical Applications of Magnetic Resornance Spectroscopy in Newborn.
Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1994;37(7):883-889
No abstract available.
Infant, Newborn*
Spectrum Analysis*
2.A case Report of Osteopathia Striata
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1972;7(1):155-158
Osteopathia Striata is a rare developmental abnormality characterized by striation of the skeleton, especially the metaphyses of the long bones. It has been seen on only a few occasions since it was first described by Voorhoeve in 1924. This case, a nine year old boy, showed well marked striation throughout bones of right lower extremity and pelvis and so justifies the title of paper.
Lower Extremity
3.A Case of Bilateral Congenital Clasped Thumb
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1972;7(1):147-150
Congenital clasped thumb is an unusal condition characterized by the thumb being held tightly beneath the flexed fingers in such a way that it cannot escape for normal prehension. New-born infants frequently hold their thumbs beneath their flexed fingers. If the flexed thumb persists and normal independent action of the thumb does not develop third or fourth month after birth, congenital clasped thumb is suggested. It is the result of failure of normal developmenl of the muscles and tendinous structures that provide extension for the thumb and fingers at the metacarpophalangeal joint. The deformity also includes volar soft tissue contractures of digits in varying degrees of severity. Since first description of Zadek in 1934 for bilateral thumb extensor agenesis. total 48 cases of congenital clasped thumb have been reparted throughout the world. A case of bilateral congenital clasped thumb with bilateral calcaneo-varus deformity in one month-old boy was diagnosed and treatment with prospect of complete funtional recovery.
Congenital Abnormalities
Metacarpophalangeal Joint
United Nations
4.Flow cytometric DNA analysis in fibrohistiocytic tumors.
Ki Soo KIM ; Young Soo CHOI ; Jang Hyo KIM
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1993;28(3):1282-1292
No abstract available.
5.Congenital Multiple Joint Laxity: Report of 2 Cases
Ki Soo KIM ; Hun Soo PARK ; In LIM ; Jang Won KIM
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1976;11(3):576-578
Two cases of congenital multiple joint laxity are reported here. One was a 18-year-old boy, in whom the hypermobility of the joints was striking that 4 criterias (Carter & Wilkinson, 1964) could be observed. The other was a 18-year-old male who showed positive findings in three of the five diagnostic criterias. In both no familiar occurrence was noted.
Joint Instability
Strikes, Employee
6.Chronic Diarrhea in Infancy.
Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1994;37(2):212-220
Diarrhea is an extremely common cause of morbidity in infancy. Occasionally it becomes protracted, leading to a vicious cycle of malabsorption, malnutrition and failure to thrive. Thirty nine infants of chronic diarrhea who had been admitted to the Department of pediatrics, Yonsei University College of Medicine for 3 years between September, 1989 and December 1992, were clinically studied and analized, the results were as follows: 1) The mean age of the patiens was 7.5+/-4.9 months. Symptoms started at 4.0+/-3.4 months of age and lasted for 3.6+/-4.1 months. 2) Among 39 cases, there were 16 cases of secondary lactase deficiency (41%), 9 cases of milk allergy(23%) and 3 cases of rotaviral enteritis(8%). Three patients (8%). had hepatitis and a patient had sepsis. 3) Incidence is much more common in formula-fed infants than brast-fed infants. 4) The growth status of the patients were poor; 54% of the patients by body weight and 39% by height fell into lower 10 percentile of normal distribution. Malnutrition accompanied the majority (82%) of the patients; 46% of mild form, 23% of moderate and 13% of severe form by Gomez classification. 5) Laboratory data on admission showed anemia in 21% of patients, hypoalbuminemia in 13% and hypocholester olemia in 31%. 6) Thirty one percent of the patients were improved with conservative tratment only. 33% of the patients got improved by low lactose milk feeding and milk withdrawl was done in 23% of the patients. Total parenteral nutrition was performed in 13% of the patients. All patients were cured with the treatment. With the above results, the most common cause of chronic diarrhea in infancy is postinfectious disaccharidase deficiency. followed by milk allergy. Low lactose milk feeding and milk withdrawl can improve the infants from chronic diarrhea.
Body Weight
Failure to Thrive
Milk Hypersensitivity
Parenteral Nutrition, Total
7.Influence of Ginseng Powder and Ginseng Saponin on the Growth of Candida albicans in vitro.
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1982;20(1):83-91
Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer (Araliacea) has been known for thousands of years in the Far East as a remedy effective against a multitude of ailments. Pharmacological investigations have shown that the basic effect in ginseng action is its capacity to increase nonspecific resistance of the organism to various untoward influences. Ginseng saponin has been considered the active principle for ginsengs most therapeutic properties. Recently, the use of cream and soap with ginseng extract has been gradually increasing. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of Panax ginseng to Candida albicans in vitro. During this experiment ginseng saponin and powder of Panax ginseng root were diluted serially in Sabouraud's dextrose agar, and candidial suspensions of isolated strains from candidial intertrigo and female genitalia were inoculated into each medium containing different concentrations of test materials. Then their growth was observed for weeks at 25'C. After that we measured the size of colonies grown in various concentrations and eompared them with those of the Sabourauds dextrose media. For the complementary study Candida albicans strain isolated from vagina were plated on both Sabouraud's dextrose media and 80 mg/cc ginseng root powder. Microscopic examination, germ tube test and sugar fermentation test were then performed to compare the production of budding cells, the growth of pseudo-hyphae and the characteristics of the yeast on each media. Results from this study show that ginseng saponin and roots of Panax ginseng have no significant effect on growth and multiplication and the characteristics of Candida albicans in vitro.
8.Multiple Epiphyseal Dysplasia: Report of 2 Cases
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1972;7(3):347-350
Two cases of multiple epiphyseal dysplasia in a 3 years old boy and a 10 years old girl are reported. Since Fairbanks description of the disease in 1935, it has been a well recognized entity which is a rare congenital developmental error characterized by mottling or irregularity in density and outline of several of the developing epiphyses, and dwarfism. Many reports indicate a definite hereditary and familiar distribution, particularly one series in which there were 10 cases in a single family, But in this report parent and siblings, all of whom were examined clinically, and roentgenographically showed no demonstrable stigmata of any growth disturbance. As the child develops, a subnormal growth rate becomes more obvious. The vertebrae are usually not affected so that dwarfing is confined to the extremity. The process rarely comes to attention of the physician until the child begin to walk, and then it is noted that one has a waddling gait and short stubby digits of the hands and feet. Intelligence is unaffected. Prognosis as to life expectancy and range of activity is good.
Life Expectancy
9.The use of Methylmethacrylate as an Adjunct in the Internal Fixation of metastatic Femoral Shaft Fracture
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1982;17(5):1035-1038
This report deals with a 49-year-old male farmer who had a pathological fraeture. of the right femoral shaft due to metastatic carcinoma from the middle lobe of the right lung. The lesion of the femur was resected en-bloc and bone stabilization of the fractured bone was obtained by an intramedullary Kiintscher nail plus cement fixation. Two weeks later, a right middle and lower lobectomy was done. Microscopic examination of both specimens from right femur and lung revealed poorly differentiated squamous cell carcinoma. The postoperative course was satisfactory with no recurrence for period of 26 months.
Carcinoma, Squamous Cell
Middle Aged
Neoplasm Metastasis
10.The Treatment of Tuberculous Spondylitis of the Lumbosacral Junction by Transperitoneal Approach
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1983;18(1):123-126
A total seven cases of tuberculous spondylitis of the lumbosacral junction were treated by transperitoneal anterior vertebral interbody fusion. The postoperative course was unevenful with minimal complications in all cases. There was no evidence of recurrence of infection, low back pain, or sciatica during follow-up periods of seven to sixty months. The clinical experience gained in this study leads us to conclude that the transperitoneal approach for tuberculous spondylitis of the lumbo-sacral junction is advantageous in that, the lesion is exposed under direct vision, so adequate curettage and the bone graft can be carried out accurately and easily.
Follow-Up Studies
Low Back Pain