1.Efficacy of nonoperative management of blunt splenic injury in children
Son Ngoc Tran ; Liem Thanh Nguyen
Journal of Medical Research 2007;55(6):46-51
Background: Nonoperative treatment of blunt splenic injury in children has become routine standardization in Viet Nam. Objectives:This study aims to study the efficacy of nonoperative management (NOM) for blunt splenic injury (BSI) in children. Subjects and method: The records of all the patients treated in National Hospital of Pediatrics with final diagnosis blunt splenic injury between January 2000 and December 2006 were reviewed. The clinical signs, investigations, imaging studies, methods of treatment and results were analyzed. The splenic injuries were graded according to the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma (AAST). Results:There were 15 patients from one day to 12 years of age, with average injury grade 2.2. From 13 patients who were attempted NOM, only 2 patients (blunt liver injury - BLI grade 3 and 4) were operated thereafter because of continuing bleeding or worsening clinically, the remains of 12 recovered well with average hospitalized duration wasf 6 days. The NOM for BLI was successful in 11/13 (84.6%) in our series. Conclusion:NOM was highly efficient method and should be the standard initial approach for all the children with BLI. These patients must be closely monitored for prompt surgical treatment in case of NOM failure.
Spleen/ injuries
2.Blunt liver injuries in children: the role of nonoperative management
Son Ngoc Tran ; Liem Thanh Nguyen
Journal of Surgery 2007;57(5):6-10
Background: Nonoperative management (NOM) is presently considered the treatment modality of choice for hemodynamically stable patients sustaining blunt liver trauma, especially in children. Objective: To evaluate role of NOM of blunt liver injuries (BLI) in children at National Hospital of Pediatrics. Subjects and method: Therecords ofallthe patientstreatedin National HospitalofPediatricswithfinaldiagnosisBLI betweenJanuary2000 and December 2006 were reviewed. The clinical signs,investigations,imagingstudies, methods oftreatmentandresultswereanalysed.Theliverinjuriesweregradedaccordingtothe American AsociationfortheSurgeryofTrauma(AAST).Results: There were15patients from one dayto 12 years of age with average BLI grade 2.5; 14 patients with precise diagnosis BLI were atempted NOM, 1 neonate was operated with diagnosis intraabdominal haemorrhage (BLI grade II found intraoperatively). Two patients (BLI grade II and V) from the atempted NOM group were operated thereafter because of hemodynamical instability or continuing bleeding, the remained 12recovered well with average hospital stay of 7.5 days. The rate of succesful NOM for BLI in our series was 12/14 (85.7%). Conclusions: NOM can be applied safely for BLI in children with high successful rate. Patients\ufffd?hemodynamic status may be more important for treatment decision-making than the injury grade according to the AAST based on ultrasound or CT.
Liver/ injuries
3.Study on the burden of mortality in Phu Cat district, Binh Dinh province
Hung Ngoc Nguyen ; Tan Thi Thanh Pham ; Giang Le Tran ; Son Hoa Hoang
Journal of Medical Research 2008;59(6):94-99
Background: Phu Cat district, Binh Dinh province is one of the areas contaminated with Agent Orange in Wartime and now up to it still continues to affect the environmental life and health of people living there. Objectives: Investigate the factual status of mortality rate from 2002 to 2006 in Phu Cat district, Binh Dinh province and determine the burden of mortality based on the number of Years of Lost Life (YLLs). Subject and methods: A retrospective study was conducted on all deaths from January 1, 2002 to December 31, 2006 in Phu Cat population. Burden of mortality was analyzed using the WHO standard method. The dead cases were causal diagnosed by Verbal Autopsy tools and update information for mortality rate. Results: Mortality rates were 3.1%o (2002), 3.3%o (2003), 4.08%o (2004) and 2.67% (2005). YLLs from 2002 to 2006 in order are: 55.87%, 57.98%, 73.82%, 48.74% and 49.01%, respectively. The number of mortality in men was higher than women and had a tendency to increase from 2002 to 2004, to decrease during 2005 and 2006. YLLs in group of ages 0-4 was highest in 2004 (150.76%o), followed by 2002 (126.28%o) and was lowest in 2005 (39.72%o). YLLs in groups of ages >60 was high, especially in non-communicable disease. Conclusions: Mortality model from 2002 to 2006 in Phu Cat district, Binh Dinh province was appropriate for the national mortality model. According to YLLs, the burden of mortality was determined as the general burden of mortality from 2002 to 2006 and burden of mortality followed disease groups: communicable disease, nutrition disease and pregnancy; non-communicable disease; poisoned and accident related diseases.
burden of mortality
4.Epidemiological characteristics of HIV/AIDS patients and community care in Thua Thien Hue
Ngoc Thi Tran ; Son Dinh Nguyen ; Minh Quang Duong ; Hoa Thai Nguyen ; Tam Le Nguyen ; Son Van Ly ; Son Huu Le ; Dung My Tran ; Hao Van Huynh
Journal of Preventive Medicine 2007;17(4):39-44
Background: HIV/AIDS pandemic really become danger to mankind on the earth. Objectives: Description epidemiological characteristics of HIV/AIDS patients. Studying clinical expression, learning aboutdemands of infected patients and community care for infected patients. Subjects and method: 71 HIV/AIDS people in Thua Thien Hue were studied in 2006. Using descriptive method to give epidemiological characteristics and behaviour of HIV/AIDS people. People were determined HIV/AIDS infection based on the criteria of Ministry of Health. The information were collected by target study. Results: HIV/AIDS people mainly from the age of 20 to 39 (83,10%), males were 52,10% and in various levels of education and all kinds of occupation. The rate of sexually transmitted infection was 84,5% and infection transmission was 15,5%. The rate of sexually transmitted infection within the last 12 months was 57,7%. 63,4% of infected people used condom while having sex with their spouses or partners. 1,4% of infected people using drug infection within the last month. 38% of the infected people had manifestations of AIDS, 77,8% of HIV/AIDS were treated with antiviral drugs. Families and communities had positive attitudes and behaviors to the HIV/AIDS people. Infected people being remoted from the society was 12,7%, 88,7% of them receiving supports from their communities such as disease treatment, spirit and material supports and job opportunities. Conclusion: Strengthen communication activities to change behavior of HIV/AIDS people and in communitiy to reduce alienation, discrimination for infected people. Execute socialization in care and support for HIV/AIDS people.
HIV/ immunology
isolation &
Community Health Services/ organization &
Epidemiologic Methods
5.The situation of HIV/AIDS infection of prisoners at Binh Dien prison from 2005-2006
Tam Le Nguyen ; Minh Quang Duong ; Hue Thanh Dinh ; Son Dinh Nguyen ; Ngoc Thi Tran ; Hoa Thai Nguyen ; Son Van Ly ; Son Huu Le ; Dung Thi My Tran ; Hung Chi Nguyen
Journal of Preventive Medicine 2007;17(4):45-50
Background: With the development of HIV/AIDS pandemic in community, amount of HIV/AIDS people more and more increase in prison. Objectives: Determine the rate of HIV/AIDS infection of prisoners at Binh Dien prison. Learning about related elements to HIV/AIDS infection. Subjects and method: Prisoners at Binh Dien prison. Method: 492 prisoners were chosen, interviewed directly and taken blood samples to HIV test. Using cross-sectional study on accidental samples. Techniques were used in this study: SERODIA-HIV and ELISA technique. Results: The rate of current HIV/AIDS infections was 21,74%, some HIV/AIDS related factors in the prison included sex, religion, income source, marrital status, common knowledge of HIV/AIDS, drug addiction history, needle sharing, sexually transmitted disease history, body tatoos and forskin inserted with metal balls, alcohol and beer drinking history, some factors such as: age and educational level were not associated with HIV/AIDS infection in prison. Conclusion: Strengthen interventional activities in prison to prevent HIV/AIDS spread between prisoners. To prisoners who were not infected HIV/AIDS: strengthen educational communication to they may prevent themselves from HIV/AIDS infection behaviors. To HIV/AIDS prisoners: Need to educate and consult especially to they have right behaviors, prevent HIV/AIDS spread for the others while they were in prison as well as they return to society.
HIV Infections/ blood
6.The situation of child injury by injury supervision at Viet Duc hospital in 2006
Chinh Duc Nguyen ; Lap Doc Cao ; Huy Danh Luu ; Nhung Kim Nguyen ; Bich Van Nguyen ; Son Hong Trinh ; Quyet Tien Nguyen ; Tu Thi Hong Nguyen ; Lan Thi Ngoc Tran ; Trang Thi Quynh Khieu ; Anh Mai Luong
Journal of Surgery 2007;57(2):18-27
Background: According to WHO, there are 5 million deaths from kinds of injury a year in the world, of which 875000 deaths occur in children under 18 years old. Injury leads to 40000 deaths which account for 10.7% deaths due to all other causes a year in VietNam. Objective: To show conclusions of the situation of child injury, recommendations for prevention of child injury and methods in order to enhance emergency activity in Vietnam. Subjects and method: The authors collected information about all patients who had emergencies due to injury at Viet Duc hospital, from March 26th 2006 to Octorber 26th 2006. However, supervised cases were the patients under 18 years old who were examined and treated at the Department of Emergency. Results: During the period of study, 2536 patients under 18 years old were examined for injury, of which death and coming back home for death were 83 cases (3.27%). 974 children had emergency resulted from injury: male was more than female: 697 verus 227. The leading causes of child injury were fall and traffic accident, respetively 34% and 60%. The most common traumas were traumatic brain injury (45%), limbs injury (41%). Although most of cases had first aid at the hospitals in district or province level, the rate of non-first aid cases was high (34%). Conclusion: Child injury is a leading cause of child death in hospitals. Methods for prevention of child injury should focus on educating and propagandizing to minimize injuries caused by traffic accident and fall.
Wounds and Injuries
7.Protection of palmitic acid treatment in RAW264.7 cells and BALB/c mice during Brucella abortus 544 infection
Alisha Wehdnesday BERNARDO REYES ; Tran Xuan NGOC HUY ; Son Hai VU ; Hyun Jin KIM ; Jin Ju LEE ; Jeong Soo CHOI ; John Hwa LEE ; Suk KIM
Journal of Veterinary Science 2021;22(2):e18-
We previously elucidated the protective mechanism of Korean red ginseng oil (RGO) against Brucella abortus infection, and our phytochemical analysis revealed that palmitic acid (PA) was an abundant component of RGO. Consequently, we investigated the contribution of PA against B. abortus.
We aimed to investigate the efficacy of PA against B. abortus. infection using a murine cell line and a murine model.
Cell viability, bactericidal, internalization, and intracellular replication, western blot, nitric oxide (NO), and superoxide (O2 - ) analyses and flow cytometry were performed to determine the effects of PA on the progression of B. abortus. infection in macrophages. Flow cytometry for cytokine analysis of serum samples and bacterial counts from the spleens were performed to determine the effect of PA in a mouse model.
PA did not affect the growth of B. abortus.. PA treatment in macrophages did not change B. abortus. uptake but it did attenuate the intracellular survivability of B. abortus.. Incubation of cells with PA resulted in a modest increase in sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) expression.Compared to control cells, reduced nitrite accumulation, augmented O2 - , and enhanced pro-inflammatory cytokine production were observed in PA-treated B. abortus.-infected cells.Mice orally treated with PA displayed a decreased serum interleukin-10 level and enhanced bacterial resistance.
Our results suggest that PA participates in the control of B. abortus. within murine macrophages, and the in vivo study results confirm its efficacy against the infection. However, further investigations are encouraged to completely characterize the mechanisms involved in the inhibition of B. abortus. infection by fatty acids.
8.Impact of Awareness of Breast Density on Perceived Risk, Worry, and Intentions for Future Breast Cancer Screening among Korean Women
Anh Thi Ngoc TRAN ; Ji Hae HWANG ; Eunji CHOI ; Yun Yeong LEE ; Mina SUH ; Chan Wha LEE ; Yeol KIM ; Kui Son CHOI
Cancer Research and Treatment 2021;53(1):55-64
This study sought to examine perceived risk and concerns for breast cancer according to awareness of breast density and states thereof among Korea women and to identify the impact of such awareness on screening intentions.
Materials and Methods:
This study was based on the 2017 Korean National Cancer Screening Survey of a nationally representative and randomly selected sample of Koreans. Ordinal logistic regression was conducted to examine associations for awareness of and knowledge on breast density in relation to psychological factors. Multivariate logistic regression analyses were conducted to investigate significant factors associated with intentions to undergo breast cancer screening.
Among a total of 1,609 women aged 40-69 years, 62.0% were unaware of their breast density, and only 29.7% had good breast density knowledge. Awareness of one’s breast density and knowledge about breast density were positively associated with perceptions of absolute and comparative risk and cancer worry. Women aware of their breast density (adjusted odds ratio [aOR], 1.35 for women aware of having a non-dense breast; aOR, 4.17 for women aware of having a dense breast) and women with a good level of breast density knowledge (aOR, 1.65) were more likely to undergo future breast cancer screening.
Breast density awareness and knowledge showed positive associations with psychological factors and breast cancer screening intentions. However, the majority of Korean women were not aware of their breast density status and demonstrated poor knowledge about breast density. These results demonstrate a need for better health communication concerning breast density.
9.Protection of palmitic acid treatment in RAW264.7 cells and BALB/c mice during Brucella abortus 544 infection
Alisha Wehdnesday BERNARDO REYES ; Tran Xuan NGOC HUY ; Son Hai VU ; Hyun Jin KIM ; Jin Ju LEE ; Jeong Soo CHOI ; John Hwa LEE ; Suk KIM
Journal of Veterinary Science 2021;22(2):e18-
We previously elucidated the protective mechanism of Korean red ginseng oil (RGO) against Brucella abortus infection, and our phytochemical analysis revealed that palmitic acid (PA) was an abundant component of RGO. Consequently, we investigated the contribution of PA against B. abortus.
We aimed to investigate the efficacy of PA against B. abortus. infection using a murine cell line and a murine model.
Cell viability, bactericidal, internalization, and intracellular replication, western blot, nitric oxide (NO), and superoxide (O2 - ) analyses and flow cytometry were performed to determine the effects of PA on the progression of B. abortus. infection in macrophages. Flow cytometry for cytokine analysis of serum samples and bacterial counts from the spleens were performed to determine the effect of PA in a mouse model.
PA did not affect the growth of B. abortus.. PA treatment in macrophages did not change B. abortus. uptake but it did attenuate the intracellular survivability of B. abortus.. Incubation of cells with PA resulted in a modest increase in sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) expression.Compared to control cells, reduced nitrite accumulation, augmented O2 - , and enhanced pro-inflammatory cytokine production were observed in PA-treated B. abortus.-infected cells.Mice orally treated with PA displayed a decreased serum interleukin-10 level and enhanced bacterial resistance.
Our results suggest that PA participates in the control of B. abortus. within murine macrophages, and the in vivo study results confirm its efficacy against the infection. However, further investigations are encouraged to completely characterize the mechanisms involved in the inhibition of B. abortus. infection by fatty acids.
10.Study Design for the 2016 Baseline Survey of a Health System Strengthening Project in Quoc Oai District, Hanoi, Vietnam
Van Minh HOANG ; Juhwan OH ; Bao Ngoc NGUYEN ; Le Minh DAT ; Jong Koo LEE ; Thi Giang Huong TRAN ; Van Huy NGUYEN ; Seung Pyo LEE ; Kyung Sook BANG ; Youngtae CHO ; Sun Young KIM ; Hwa Young LEE ; Quang Cuong LE ; Narshil CHOI ; Thai Son DINH ; Ngoc Hoat LUU
Journal of Korean Medical Science 2019;34(5):e42-
BACKGROUND: In order to provide essential scientific evidence on the population's health status and social health determinants as well as the current capacity of the health care system in Vietnam to health policy makers and managers, Vietnam Ministry of Health, Hanoi University of Public Health, Hanoi Medical University, and Ho Chi Minh University of Medicine and Pharmacy collaborated with Seoul National University (Korea) and conducted a health system survey in the Quoc Oai district (of Hanoi capital) that represented northern rural Vietnam. METHODS: The study design was a cross-sectional study. The survey covered different topics (more than 200 questions) and was administered in three separate questionnaires: 1) Basic information of all household members; 2) Household characteristics; and 3) Individual characteristics. Socio-demographic characteristics among the households and individuals were collected from 2,400 households sampled by multi-stage cluster sampling method: more than 200 questions. RESULTS: The household size of Quoc Oai was larger than the national average and there was no significant difference in gender composition. In addition, the proportions of pre-elderly, age 55–64, and elderly group (65 years old and over) were higher than the national population statistics. In this context, demographic transition has begun in Quoc Oai. CONCLUSION: This study design description provides the basic information about a baseline survey of a future prospective cohort (as a part of a collaborative project on strengthening the health system in Vietnam) to the prospective data user of this survey.
Cohort Studies
Cross-Sectional Studies
Delivery of Health Care
Family Characteristics
Health Policy
Population Characteristics
Population Dynamics
Prospective Studies
Public Health
Surveys and Questionnaires