1.A History of Korean Medical Association's Emblem : the Caduceus of Asklepios and Hermes.
Korean Journal of Medical History 2007;16(1):21-35
An emblem represents the identity of an organization. Through the emblem of an organization, they differentiate the members from others and reinforce the membership, homogeneity, and pride. It is also a tool that an organization officially publicizes its mission and values. The symbol designed by Cho, Byungduk was announced as the first emblem of Korean Medical Association(KMA) on October 31st 1947. His design work has the caduceus with the Taeguk sign on the top, the symbol of Korea, and the Red Cross in the background including the name, 'KMA'. Since then, the emblem was revised three times: in 1964, 1973, and 1995. The current symbol is based on the design of the first one. Although Asklepian, the single serpent-entwined staff of Asklepios, is the one known as the symbol of medicine, this emblem takes the caduceus of Hermes who is the patron god of merchants, thieves, and travelers. The mistake comes from the unawareness of the distinction between the caduceus of Asklepios and Hermes. Moreover, it proves that U. S. Army Medical Corps(USAMC) heavily influenced the reconstruction of Korean health care system including KMA. The USAMC has used the symbol of caduceus since 1902. In 1947, the year that the first emblem of KMA was established, Southern part of Korea was governed by the United States Military Government(USMG, 1945-1948). The current emblem of KMA brings up a question whether we should continue to use the symbol that was taken from USMAC in the historical period of USMG governance. Celebrating 100th anniversary year of KMA, KMA needs to re-evaluate the appropriateness of the KMA symbol.
Emblems and Insignia/*history
History, 20th Century
Societies, Medical/*history
3.On Hansung Physicians Association.
Korean Journal of Medical History 1992;1(1):31-35
Hansung Physicians Association was organized in Dec. 1915. Its members were medical practitioners residing in Kyungsung(Seoul). It was apposed to Kyunsung physicians Association, of which members were Japanese. After the foundation of Hansung Physicians Association some other local physicians associations were beginning to be founded. Hansung Physicians Association's social activities were fee-free round practice and improving sanitary conditions. It was basically gathering-meeting or interest group for doctors, which is reflected in the fact that Hansung Physicians Association limited its members as medical practitioners. It is contrasted with the Chosun Medical Association which was founded in 1930. Chosun Medical Association differs from Hansung Physicians Association in the it was a academic association. The first issue of Bulletin of Hansung Physicians Association was published in August 1933. But it came to be the last issue. Hansung Physicians Association was disorganized compulsarilly in 1941 by Japanese Government-General of Korea
English Abstract
History of Medicine, 20th Cent.
Societies, Medical/*history
4.A Life of Ryu Sang-Kyu, a Colonial Modernized Intellectual.
Q Jin CHOI ; Sang Ik HWANG ; Soo Youn KIM
Korean Journal of Medical History 2009;18(2):157-172
Many of the Korean intellectuals resisted against suppression of Japanese Imperialism with the people during the Japanese occupation period. Ryu Sang-Kyu was also one of those intellectuals. Ryu Sang-Kyu was born in Gang-gye of North Pyongan-do on 10th November, 1897. He entered Keijo Medical College as one of the first entering students in 1916. However, at the end of his third year, he participated in the 3.1 Independence Movement of Korea and was suspended from the college which was run by the Japanese on account of his participation. Then moving to Shanghai, he joined Heung Sa Dan, an active patriotic group fighting for independence of Korea. He initiated the provisional government of Korea as a network investigator and he played second string to Ahn Chang-Ho, one of major Korean independence activists for four years. In 1923, following Ahn Chang-Ho's advice, he returned to Keijo Medical College to complete the course. Even in colonial Korea, he continued independence movement and was involved in Dong Woo Hoe, the branch of Heung Sa Dan in Korea. After the graduation of Keijo Medical College in 1927, he had served at the department of surgery in Keijo Medical College. In 1930, he participated in founding of the Korean Medical Association. He also raised public awareness by writing to many articles on hygiene and public health issues in public journals and newspapers. In short, he did his best as an intellectual, a medical doctor, an activist of independence movement until he died from streptococcal infection on 7th July, 1936.
History, 19th Century
History, 20th Century
Public Health/history
Societies, Medical/history
9.Life and Medical Activities of Yun Ti Wang.
Hyoung Woo PARK ; Jeong Wan HONG ; Yunjae PARK
Korean Journal of Medical History 2008;17(2):205-222
Yun Ti Wang studied medicine in England, different from other Korean medical doctors in early days. Yun, who entered medical school at Glasgow University in England in March 1919, graduated with a Bachelor of Medicine in October 1925, along with an England medical license. Yun began working as an instructor at Severance Medical College from November 1927, and received Doctor of Medicine from the College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists at Kyoto Imperial University in August 1936. After the Liberation, Yun began working as a faculty member at the medical school at Seoul University, and he also worked as a Chief of the Second Medical Clinic of the school from 1946. Yun made a great effort in order to build an integrated committee, eventually contributing to the launching of Joseon Medical Associates in 1947. He was also elected as a first president at Joseon Obstetrics and Gynecology Associates, which was organized at the same year as the Joseon Medical Associates. Yun entered military as an army surgeon in April 1949 and has worked there until he was appointed as a principal at the Army Medical School in September 1953. His contributions to the development of military medical services include the following: expansion of medical facilities in army, stable system of workforce in military medical service, launching of Medical Aid and establishment of Department of Medical Care, and introduction of new medical technologies in anesthesiology and neurosurgery, etc. The career of Yun can be largely divided into the field of gynecology and military medical services. In the gynecological field, Yun contributed to the settlement of obstetrics in Korea, by taking in charge of the obstetrics class at Severance following medical missionaries. As for the military medical services, he has contributed to the establishment of military medical system as well as to the opening of new academic areas. The impact of his activities on the establishment of military medical services is especially significant, since it was a field that no Korean citizens had access to during the colonization era.
Education, Medical/history
History, 20th Century
Military Medicine/*history
Societies, Medical/history
10.Tong-In Club's Medical Education Movement.
Korean Journal of Medical History 1995;4(1):11-21
During the Japanese imperialism, an attempt for colonial education in the Korean peninsula was to put into operation of a medical education movement. This plan was set up by the Tong-in club in 1907 and the foundations were laid in Pyong-yang and Tae-gu Tong-in hospitals. This report is a review acheiving the approach that was underplotted with the intention of the colonial education policy. Also, this report centralizes on the objectives of the Tong-in club establishment and the details of the medical education movement in the Korean peninslula. On June 16th, 1902, the Tong-a Don-mun club, Tong-a-mun club, Tong-mun medical club were established under the management of Mr. Irizawa Tatchkiji. The objectives of these clubs were to spread and popularize medical science into the Qing-Dynasty, Choson Dynasty and other countries. Tong-in club practiced modern medicine in the Korean peninsula. With the reason that they were responsible for cultural movement in the colonial region, the Tong-in club stayed in action until the Pacific war ended. Thus, they were playing a role similar to that of a lady-in-waiting in the aggressive war among the Imperialists. The Tong-in club was an organization with 6 main functions; 1) To provide modern medicine, prevent epidemics, maintain a sanitation level and to back up the Doctor Education Movement 2) To publish the Tong-in club's medical magazine 3) To translate and publish Chinese medical books 4) To train and provide seminars to Chinese doctors 5) To encourage communications from Chinese students studying medicine in Japan 6) To examine the standard of the hygiene in China etc. to other things To examine, the Doctor Education Movement in An-dong in the Manchurian region spread to the Chinese and Choson people in the Korean peninsula, also the Doctor Education Movement put into operation in Pyong-yang and Tae-gu. The summary of the An-dong Tong-in club's activities as follows; (1) The activities of An-dong Tong-in hospital educated 21 Koreans and 12 Chinese in 1911, but only 2 Koreans and 1 Chinese were able to graduate from the process. An-dong hospital was at the management by the principal Mr Sakazaki, and was under the pains in finance. (2) The activities of Tae-gu Tong-in hospital started on the 1st of February 1907, and continued till April 1911. Then activities they took over to the institute of medical center in Seoul attached to the Goverment-General in Choson. They educated 30 students every 1st semester and 2nd semester with the principal Mr Ikegami Shhiro as leader but all of them couldn't graduate without falling behind except 5. The contents of education mainly consisted of the Japanese language, preparatory subjects, physics, and anatomy, but they were superficial in depth. Besides that, girl students could be instructed about nursery and childbirth and delivery. And they also trained 40 students majoring in vaccination by the second term. (3) The activities of Pyong-yang Tong-in club was put into operation on December 1906. They made the medical institute attached to public Tong-in hospitals and from the days on October 1907, Mr Sato Kotcho gave his full interest in the education of the medical spheres of Korean students. The medical institute attached to Tong-in hospital had taken over the school of a private-village styled education administered by Mr Nakamura Tomitcho at the Taedong gate street on April 1905. He was the creator of medical education in that region and took a spread and hidden role in the development of medical history in Korea. 15 or 16 medical students were taught the apprentices through an interpreter at a Korean-style house in 1907. The excellent students from the public Japanese school took the role of the interpreters. At that time the Choson government gave 600 won every month to the Pyong-yang and Taegu hospitals. It seemed that the Resident-General Ito Hirobumi gazed with deep interest and anxiety on these hospital's behaviors and progress. The Pyongyang Jahye hospital taking over the former Pyongyang-hospital's duties, had 57 students including 8 seniors, 3 juniors, 6 sophomores, and 36 freshmen. There were 13 students in the nursery department including 6 Korean preparatory students and 5 Japanese and 2 Korean regular students. The first 8 students graduated form the Pyong-yang Jahye hospital in September 1910. They held a medical license without examination and entered the service of the patients at Jahye public hospitals in Won-ju, Chun-chon and Kwang-ju. I think that the projects of medical education starting from Tong-in club disappeared completely under the dictatorship of the Governor-General. It is certain that the Japanese medical education might take a great role in the development of the history in the spheres of Korean medicine. But the Japanese imperialistic government began, with deep interest and anxiety, whether it was really necessary to educate the Korean students in medical spheres. Namely, it seemed that there were many quarrelsome arguments about the necessity of medical education on the Choson colony. But it was paradoxically fortunate, the Tong-in club obtained good results to some extent by keeping the principles of the Residenty-General. It was short terms no more than 3 years but Tong-in club tried to practice the medical education projects, under the name of literally the Same Humanity and Charitly, but it managed to appease the minds of the colonized Korean people. It was the medical education projects in Tong-in club that caused a combat in outpost of the education principles of colony under 'the Same Humanity and Charity between Japan and Choson' at the just end of 3. 1 Movement by the inauguration of Saito Makkot the Governor-General. We can arrive at conclusion that the Japanese colonists tried to approach colonial education through the medical education by following the examples of western-imperialistic countries. The medical education projects of Tong-in club were the basic and continual principles since emerging Choson into Japan as colony. Namely it could be highlighted that the medical education practices of Tong-in club were planned and driven as a part of pervasion of the Japanese colonial education principles, namely 'the Same Humanity and Charity between Japan in Choson'.
Education, Medical/*history
English Abstract
History of Medicine, 20th Cent.