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Author:(Slavinsky Vyacheslav SERGEYEVICH)

1.Traditional Living Habits of the Taz Tundra Population: A Paleoparasitological Study.

Sergey Mikhailovich SLEPCHENKO ; Sergey Nikolaevich IVANOV ; Bagashev Anatoly NIKOLAEVICH ; Tsybankov Alexander ALEKSEEVICH ; Slavinsky Vyacheslav SERGEYEVICH

The Korean Journal of Parasitology 2016;54(5):617-623

2.Archaeoparasitological Analysis of Samples from the Cultural Layer of Nadym Gorodok dated Back to the 14th-Late 18th Centuries

Sergey Mikhailovich SLEPCHENKO ; Oleg Viktorovich KARDASH ; Vyacheslav Sergeyevich SLAVINSKY ; Sergey Nikolaevich IVANOV ; Rakultseva Daria SERGEYEVNA ; Alexander Alekseevich TSYBANKOV ; Dong Hoon SHIN

The Korean Journal of Parasitology 2019;57(6):567-573

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