Aims: Laccase is a blue copper oxidase that catalyses four electron reduction of molecular oxygen to water. It is able to
oxidise aromatic compounds with molecular oxygen as the terminal electron acceptor. The aim of this study was to
screen for laccase producing basidiomycetes isolated from decaying woods and tree trunks around Kampar, Perak.
Methodology and results: The isolated basidiomycetes were screened for their laccase activity on different agar plates
supplemented with 2, 2-azino-bis-3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid (ABTS), guaiacol and Remazol Brillant Blue R
(RBBR), respectively. In the presence of laccase, the colourless ABTS and guaiacol were oxidised to form blue-green
and reddish-brown coloured zone around the fungal colony, respectively; whereas the blue RBBR was decolourised by
the enzyme. Colour or colourless halo zones that are formed on the agar plates indicate the presence of ligninolytic
enzyme activities. Isolates KA1 and TR9 indicated the highest enzymatic hydrolysis on ABTS plates with the halo zone
ratio of 1.43 0.04 and 0.98 0.01, respectively. Based on the BLAST results from the amplicon of ITS1 and ITS4
primers, Isolates KA1 and TR9 were identified as Trametes lactinea and Pycnoporous coccineus, respectively. Under
submerged fermentation, P. coccineus has higher laccase production (0.72 U/mL) compared with T. lactinea (0.16
Conclusion, significance and impact of study: Both T. lactinea and P. coccineus are potential strains for laccase
production which can be used for dye decolourisation and degradation. Future studies will focus on the application of the
laccase in textile dye degradation.