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MeSH:(Sick Leave*)

1.Association between Job Stress, Psychosocial Well-being and Presenteeism, Absenteeism: Focusing on Railroad Workers.

Inn Shil RYU ; Dae Soon JEONG ; In Ah KIM ; Jae Hoon ROH ; Jong Uk WON

Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2012;24(3):263-273

2.Development of a Korean Version of the Perceived Deficits Questionnaire-Depression for Patients with Major Depressive Disorder.

Jae Min KIM ; Jin Pyo HONG ; Sang Dae KIM ; Hee Ju KANG ; Yong Sung LEE

Clinical Psychopharmacology and Neuroscience 2016;14(1):26-32

3.The Effect of Exercise on Prevention of the Common Cold: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trial Studies.

Hyun Kun LEE ; In Hong HWANG ; Soo Young KIM ; Se Young PYO

Korean Journal of Family Medicine 2014;35(3):119-126

4.Perceived Working Conditions and Sickness Absence - A Four-year Follow-up in the Food Industry.


Safety and Health at Work 2011;2(4):313-320

5.Nonfatal Occupational Injuries in Norwegian Farmers.

Kristin SVENDSEN ; Oddfrid AAS ; Bjorn HILT

Safety and Health at Work 2014;5(3):147-151

6.Influences of Working Conditions and Health Status on Absence due to Sickness in Health and Medical related Workers.

Yoonjeong LEE ; Hyun Li KIM

Korean Journal of Occupational Health Nursing 2016;25(3):216-226

7.The Relationship between Sick Leave and Pilot's Depression & Anxiety Tendency Using BDI & STAI.

Jun Yong LEE ; Yong Bo LEE ; Seong Ho BECK ; Jae Bum JO ; Noh Won PARK ; Won Keun LEE ; Je LEE ; Heon Kil LIM ; Jeong Hyun KIM

Korean Journal of Aerospace and Environmental Medicine 2003;13(4):178-183

8.Effect of teacher's working conditions on voice disorder in Korea: a nationwide survey

Yi Ryoung LEE ; Hyoung Ryoul KIM ; Seyoung LEE

Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2018;30(1):43-

9.Sick Day Management in Patients with Diabetes.

Hyun Joo LEE

Journal of Korean Diabetes 2012;13(1):44-47

10.Facilitators and Barriers in the Use of a Checklist by Insurance Physicians during Work Ability Assessments in Depressive Disorder.

Sebastiaan BLOK ; Vincent GOUTTEBARGE ; Frans G SLEBUS ; Judith K SLUITER ; Monique HW FRINGS-DRESEN

Safety and Health at Work 2011;2(4):328-335

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