1.Online Career Education with Active Book Dialogue
Junichi TANAKA ; Shuzo TERUYA ; Takeshi KONDO ; Ayako SHIBATA ; Tatsuya FUJII ; Yumi YONEOKA
Medical Education 2021;52(3):235-240
In career education, devising ways to elicit proactive participation is vital, thus we conducted face-to-face workshops to drive learners’ participation. However, the COVID-19 pandemic forced us to teach classes online. Therefore, to motivate more than 100 students to participate actively in the online format, we conducted career education using Active Book Dialogue® where several students read a book together in a short period of time. Each student read a specific part of the book they were assigned and summarized it in collaboration with their group members. This enabled them to learn career theory. Additionally, the online format allowed several lectures to be held within a remote and interactive environment. We will reflect on this experience and report on how this can be applied in other schools.
2.Career Education Using a Game to Experience a Turning Point
Junichi TANAKA ; Shuzo TERUYA ; Takeshi KONDO ; Ayako SHIBATA ; Tatsuya FUJII ; Yumi YONEOKA
Medical Education 2020;51(4):417-421
We developed a virtual career thinking game and provided third-year medical students with workshop-type career instruction to identify "transition" in a career and their own values. The game is a group work activity based on the assumption that the virtual character will respond to a turning point during undergraduate school and after graduation, and experience the story of a doctor's life. After playing the game and sharing the story of each group, participants were asked to think about what they would do at a possible turning point. Although favorable response were observed in the first year, problems were found, and improvements were made in the second year, and further effects were observed. The results show that career education using games increases students' ability to respond to turning points and is an effective technique in career education.