Atrophic gastritis and gastric ulcer in rat models were induced with liquid ammonium and acetic acid respec- tively. Observation was made on the protective action of Weitongling on gastric mucosa. Quantitative observation was made on the regenerated mucosa of healing gastric ulcer by mucous histochemical staining, Ag-NoR staining, immuno - histo - chemical staining, and Forii Akira method in models induced by rubbing of glacial acetic acid. Comparison was also made between the above models after treated with Weitongling and that of natural healing mucosa. Further observations were made by density counting of acute and chronic inflammatory cells in atrophic gastrilis in rats, length of glands in the fundus, as well as thickness of PAS ( + ) layer in mucosa of gastric fundus. Results showed that Weitongling yields satisfactory results of protecting the gastric mucosa.