1.Postmortem MSCT Analysis and Identification of Fall from Height:One Case Report
Shunqi HAN ; Lei WAN ; Ping HUANG ; Yijiu CHEN
Journal of Forensic Medicine 2015;(3):191-195
Objective To explore the application value of postm ortem m ulti-slice spiral com puted tom og-raphy (MSCT) in cases of fall from height through observing and analyzing the injury features of the fall and reconstructing the process of the fall based on the the above procedure. Methods One real fatal case due to fall from height was fully exam ined using MSCTand three-dim ensional reconstruction tech-nique. Analyzing the m anner and cause of death through com bination of MSCTand system ic autopsy was also im plem ented. The differences betw een autopsy and MSCTin getting inform ation of injuries were com pared. Results Fractures involving m ultiple body regions and liver rupture were found through MSCTand three-dim ensional reconstruction. The autopsy got the sam e results w ith im ageological exam i-nation. The case of death was deduced to be fall leading to system ic polytraum a. Conclusion Applica-tion of MSCTcan be used as the com plim entary for traditional autopsy in the analysis of injury m anner of fall from height.
2.Comparison of Postmortem MSCT and Autopsy Findings in Traffic Accident Victims
Shunqi HAN ; Lei WAN ; Zhiqiang QIN ; Ping HUANG ; Donghua ZOU ; Yijiu CHEN
Journal of Forensic Medicine 2016;32(2):86-89,93
Objective To explore the application value of postm ortem m ulti-slice spiral com puted tom o-graphy (MSCT) by observing and analyzing the injury features in the traffic accident victim s. Methods Ten traffic accident victim s w ere scanned w ith w hole body MSCT. The system ic autopsy w as subse-quently perform ed to com pare w ith the results of MSCT. The advantages and disadvantages of autopsy and MSCTfor obtaining the inform ation of traffic accident injuries w ere then analyzed. Results MSCTcould reveal 3D shape of fractures clearly and detect air accum ulation in different positions of the body, w hich show ed the obvious advantages com pared w ith autopsy. H ow ever, the resolution of MSCTw as lim ited com pared to the detection of organ and soft tissue injuries. Conclusion A com bination of MSCTand autopsy is the best w ay for determ ining the m anner and the cause of death in traffic fatality victim s.
3.Research Advances in Postmortem Chemistry
Shunqi HAN ; Zhiqiang QIN ; Kaifei DENG ; Jianhua ZHANG ; Ningguo LIU ; Donghua ZOU ; Zhengdong LI ; Yu SHAO ; Ping HUANG ; Yijiu CHEN
Journal of Forensic Medicine 2015;(4):287-292,297
Postm ortem chem istry is becom ing m ore and m ore essential in routine forensic pathology and has m ade considerable progress over the past years. B iochem ical analyses of vitreous hum or, blood, urine and cerebrospinal fluid m ay provide im portant inform ation in determ ining the cause of death or in elucidating forensic issues. Postm ortem chem istry m ay be essential for the determ ination of cause of death w hen m orphological m ethods (diabetes m ellitus, alcoholic ketoacidosis and electrolytic disorders) cannot detect the pathophysiological changes involved in the death process. It can also provide m any in-form ation in other forensic situations, including m yocardial ischem ia, sepsis, inflam m ation, infection, ana-phylaxis and horm onal disturbances. T he m ost recent relevant research advances on glucose m etabolism , liver function, cardiac function, renal function, sepsis, inflam m ation, infection, anaphylaxis and horm onal aspect are hereby review ed.
4.Application of MSCT in the Identification and Analysis of Traffic Accidents:2 Fa-tal Cases
Shunqi HAN ; Lei WAN ; Zhiqiang QIN ; Kaifei DENG ; Jianhua ZHANG ; Ningguo LIU ; Donghua ZOU ; Zhengdong LI ; Yu SHAO ; Min CHEN ; Ping HUANG ; Yijiu CHEN
Journal of Forensic Medicine 2015;(1):15-19
Objective To explore the application value of multi-slice spiral computed tomography (MSCT) in traffic accidents through observing and analyzing the injury features of the accidents. Methods Two fatal cases caused by traffic accidents were fully examined using MSCT, 3D imaging reconstruction and angiography through cardiac puncture. The features of traffic injury mechanism were analyzed through combination of MSCT and postmortem external examination. Results In case 1, right cardiac rupture was found by MSCT and angiography through cardiac puncture. The cause of death was cardiac tam-ponade and right ventricular rupture due to the crush injury of chest in the traffic accident. In case 2, splenic rupture and intra-abdominal hemorrhage was found and caused by injury of left trunk by MSCT. The cause of death was hemorrhage and traumatic shock. Conclusion MSCT could observe skeletal in-jury, soft tissue injury, and hematologic disorder well. The combination use of MSCT and angiography through cardiac puncture provided assistance to the diagnosis of cardiovascular system injury.
5.Clinical efficacy analysis of pediatric blood type incompatible living donor liver transplantation
Chao SUN ; Xingchu MENG ; Chong DONG ; Kai WANG ; Weiping ZHENG ; Hong QIN ; Chao HAN ; Yang YANG ; Fubo ZHANG ; Shunqi CAO ; Min XU ; Wei GAO
Organ Transplantation 2020;11(4):466-
Objective To explore the clinical efficacy of pediatric blood type incompatible living donor liver transplantation. Methods The clinical data from 242 cases of pediatric living donor liver transplantation recipients were retrospectively analyzed. Recipients were assigned to group A (ABO-identical group,
6.Analysis of the clinical factors related to fibrosis after pediatric liver transplantation
Zhixin ZHANG ; Chong DONG ; Chao SUN ; Weiping ZHENG ; Kai WANG ; Hong QIN ; Chao HAN ; Fubo ZHANG ; Yang YANG ; Min XU ; Shunqi CAO ; Zhuolun SONG ; Tao CUI ; Wei GAO ; Zhongyang SHEN
Chinese Journal of Organ Transplantation 2021;42(2):91-95
Objective:To explore the clinicalfactors related to allograft fibrosis after pediatric liver transplantation.Methods:The clinical data were respectively analyzed for 94 pediatric recipients from January 2013 to December 2016 at Tianjin First Central Hospital.The Patients were assigned into fibrotic and non-fibrotic groups based upon the results of protocol liver biopsies. Univariate and multivariate Logistic regression analyses were performed for examining the risk factors of fibrosis after pediatric livertransplantation. Then Logistic regression model was established to obtain the predicted value of combined predictive factors.Thereceiver operating characteristic curve (ROC) was conducted to evaluate the predictive value of combined predictive factors.Results:A total number of 54(57.5%) patients occurred fibrosis among the 94 patients. There weresignificant differences in cold ischemia time (Z=2.094), warm ischemia time (Z=2.421), biliary stricture( χ2=4.560), drug-induced liver injury ( χ2=7.389), hepatic artery thrombosis and rejection ( χ2=6.955)between two groups ( P<0.05). Logistic regression analysis showed that cold ischemia time (OR=1.003, 95%CI: 1.000~1.007, P=0.044), biliary stricture(OR=6.451, 95%CI: 1.205~33.295), rejection(OR=2.735, 95%CI: 1.057~7.077)and drug-induced liver injury (OR=4.977, 95%CI: 1.207~20.522, P=0.026) were independent risk factors for fibrosis 5 years after liver transplantation. The area under the ROC curve was 0.786(95%CI: 0.691~0.881), for predicting patient outcome.If using 0.311as a cutoff Value, the sensitivity was 90.70%, and the specificity was 60.00%. However, through the ROC curve comparison, there was statistical significance between combined predictive factors and the other independent risk factors ( P>0.05). Conclusions:The incidence of fibrosis 5 years after pediatricliver transplantation is 57.5%. Prolonged cold ischemia time, biliarystricture, rejectionand drug-induced liver injury after liver transplantation are independent risk factors for fibrosis 5 years after pediatric liver transplantation.And the combined predictive factors have a high predictive value forallograftfibrosis.
7.Risk factors of blood loss during liver transplantation in children with biliary atresia and its influence on prognosis
Chao HAN ; Xingchu MENG ; Chao SUN ; Chong DONG ; Weiping ZHENG ; Kai WANG ; Hong QIN ; Yang YANG ; Fubo ZHANG ; Min XU ; Shunqi CAO ; Wei GAO
Chinese Journal of Surgery 2021;59(6):491-496
Objectives:To study the risk factors for massive intraoperative blood loss in children with biliary atresia who underwent liver transplantation for the first time,and to analyze their impacts on graft survival,hospital stay and postoperative complications.Methods:The data of 613 children with biliary atresia who underwent liver transplantation at Department of Pediatric Organ Transplantation,Tianjin First Central Hospital from January 2015 to December 2018 were collected and analyzed. There were 270 males and 343 females, aged 7.4 (3.9) months (range: 3.2 to 148.4 months), the body weight of the recipients were (7.8±3.5) kg (range: 4.0 to 43.3 kg).According to the 85 th quad of estimated blood loss(EBL),they were divided into two groups:massive EBL group(96 cases) and non massive EBL group(517 cases). The age,height,weight and other factors between the two groups were analyzed and compared. Univariate Logistic regression and multiple stepwise regression were used to determine the risk factors of massive EBL. Then,the postoperative complications of the two groups,including portal vein thrombosis and portal vein anastomotic stenosis etc.,were analyzed and compared by chi square test. Kaplan Meier curve and log rank test were used to analyze the recipient and graft survival rate of the two groups. Results:During the study period,713 transplants were performed and 613 patients were enrolled in the study. Ninety-six patients(15.7%) had massive EBL,and the postoperative hospital stay was 21(16) days(range:2 to 116 days),the hospital stay of non-massive EBL group was 22(12)days(range:3 to 138 days)( U=24 224.0, P=0.32). Univariate Logistic regression analysis showed that the recipient′s weight,Kasai portoenterostomy,platelet count,operation time and cold ischemia time were the risk factors of massive EBL during biliary atresia transplantation. Multiple regression analysis showed that cold ischemia time ≥10 hours,prolonged operation time(≥8 hours) and body weight<5.5 kg were important independent risk factors for massive EBL.The incidence of portal vein thrombosis,hepatic vein stenosis,intestinal leakage and pulmonary infection in patients with massive EBL were significantly higher than those without massive EBL(3.1% vs. 0.8%,9.4% vs. 2.1%,6.3% vs. 0.8%,30.2% vs. 20.1%,all P<0.05). The 3-year overall graft and recipient survival rate were significantly lower in patients with massive EBL than those without massive EBL(87.5% vs. 95.7%, P=0.001;84.4% vs. 95.4%, P<0.01,respectively). Conclusions:In children with biliary atresia who underwent liver transplantation for the first time,the effective control of intraoperative bleeding should shorten the operation time and reduce the cold ischemia time as far as possible,on the premise of ensuring the safety of operation. For children without growth disorder,the weight of children should be increased to more than 5.5 kg as far as possible to receive the operation. Reducing intraoperative bleeding is of great significance to the prognosis of children.
8.Risk factors of blood loss during liver transplantation in children with biliary atresia and its influence on prognosis
Chao HAN ; Xingchu MENG ; Chao SUN ; Chong DONG ; Weiping ZHENG ; Kai WANG ; Hong QIN ; Yang YANG ; Fubo ZHANG ; Min XU ; Shunqi CAO ; Wei GAO
Chinese Journal of Surgery 2021;59(6):491-496
Objectives:To study the risk factors for massive intraoperative blood loss in children with biliary atresia who underwent liver transplantation for the first time,and to analyze their impacts on graft survival,hospital stay and postoperative complications.Methods:The data of 613 children with biliary atresia who underwent liver transplantation at Department of Pediatric Organ Transplantation,Tianjin First Central Hospital from January 2015 to December 2018 were collected and analyzed. There were 270 males and 343 females, aged 7.4 (3.9) months (range: 3.2 to 148.4 months), the body weight of the recipients were (7.8±3.5) kg (range: 4.0 to 43.3 kg).According to the 85 th quad of estimated blood loss(EBL),they were divided into two groups:massive EBL group(96 cases) and non massive EBL group(517 cases). The age,height,weight and other factors between the two groups were analyzed and compared. Univariate Logistic regression and multiple stepwise regression were used to determine the risk factors of massive EBL. Then,the postoperative complications of the two groups,including portal vein thrombosis and portal vein anastomotic stenosis etc.,were analyzed and compared by chi square test. Kaplan Meier curve and log rank test were used to analyze the recipient and graft survival rate of the two groups. Results:During the study period,713 transplants were performed and 613 patients were enrolled in the study. Ninety-six patients(15.7%) had massive EBL,and the postoperative hospital stay was 21(16) days(range:2 to 116 days),the hospital stay of non-massive EBL group was 22(12)days(range:3 to 138 days)( U=24 224.0, P=0.32). Univariate Logistic regression analysis showed that the recipient′s weight,Kasai portoenterostomy,platelet count,operation time and cold ischemia time were the risk factors of massive EBL during biliary atresia transplantation. Multiple regression analysis showed that cold ischemia time ≥10 hours,prolonged operation time(≥8 hours) and body weight<5.5 kg were important independent risk factors for massive EBL.The incidence of portal vein thrombosis,hepatic vein stenosis,intestinal leakage and pulmonary infection in patients with massive EBL were significantly higher than those without massive EBL(3.1% vs. 0.8%,9.4% vs. 2.1%,6.3% vs. 0.8%,30.2% vs. 20.1%,all P<0.05). The 3-year overall graft and recipient survival rate were significantly lower in patients with massive EBL than those without massive EBL(87.5% vs. 95.7%, P=0.001;84.4% vs. 95.4%, P<0.01,respectively). Conclusions:In children with biliary atresia who underwent liver transplantation for the first time,the effective control of intraoperative bleeding should shorten the operation time and reduce the cold ischemia time as far as possible,on the premise of ensuring the safety of operation. For children without growth disorder,the weight of children should be increased to more than 5.5 kg as far as possible to receive the operation. Reducing intraoperative bleeding is of great significance to the prognosis of children.