1.Role of Vascular Surgeons in The Japanese Society for Cardiovascular Surgery
Shotaro HIGA ; Keita HAYASHI ; Yusuke IMAEDA ; Takuya TSURUOKA ; Takamitsu TATSUKAWA
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2022;51(5):5-U1-5-U5
Many aspiring surgeons under 40 years of age feel uneasy because surgical opportunities are rare. Under such circumstances, vascular surgery may provide operating opportunities relatively early. Here we used a questionnaire to clarify what opportunities young surgeons are seeking in the field of vascular surgery.
2.U-40 Column Advanced Lecture Course
Kunihiko YOSHINO ; Kenichiro TAKAHASHI ; Eigo IKUSHIMA ; Ai ISHIZAWA ; Keiichi ISHIDA ; Yuki IMAMURA ; Yusuke KINUGASA ; Kazuma DATE ; Sayako NAKAGAWA ; Toshihiko NISHI ; Ryosuke NUMAGUCHI ; Shotaro HIGA ; Yutaro MATSUNO ; Chiharu TANAKA
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2022;51(2):2-U1-2-U4
The importance of off the job training in surgical education are widely recognized. The Japanese Board of Cardiovascular Surgery has required a board candidate to do at least 30 hours of off the job training from 2017. U-40 Basic Lecture Course are held annually for young cardiovascular surgeon to learn about basic surgical skills. U-40 Advanced Lecture Course was started to provide opportunity to have more advanced hands-on lecture for young cardiovascular surgeon. However, after the COVID-19 pandemic, the opportunity to hold hands-on seminars are highly limited. In such circumstances, we held a hybrid hands-on seminar. We report details about the hybrid hands-on seminar.
3.How and When Can Cardiovascular Surgeons Get a Day Off ?? No.2
Kumiko WADA ; Takafumi ABE ; Eigo IKUSHIMA ; Katsuya KAWAGOE ; Tomonori KOGA ; Shuji NAGATOMI ; Hiromitsu TERATANI ; Takeaki HARADA ; Shotaro HIGA ; Eijiro NOGAMI ; Hirofumi YAMAMOTO
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2020;49(2):2-U1-2-U5
We investigated how cardiovascular surgeons get a day off.