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Author:(Shobna BHATIA)

1.How to Perform and Interpret Upper Esophageal Sphincter Manometry.

Shobna J BHATIA ; Chirag SHAH

Journal of Neurogastroenterology and Motility 2013;19(1):99-103

2.Outcomes of Endoscopic Management among Patients with Bile Leak of Various Etiologies at a Tertiary Care Center

Suprabhat GIRI ; Sridhar SUNDARAM ; Harish DARAK ; Sanjay KUMAR ; Shobna BHATIA

Clinical Endoscopy 2020;53(6):727-734

3.Outcomes of Dilation of Recalcitrant Pancreatic Strictures Using a Wire-Guided Cystotome

Sridhar SUNDARAM ; Dhaval CHOKSI ; Aditya KALE ; Suprabhat GIRI ; Biswaranjan PATRA ; Shobna BHATIA ; Akash SHUKLA

Clinical Endoscopy 2021;54(6):903-908

4.Colitis and Crohn’s Foundation (India): a first nationwide inflammatory bowel disease registry

Ajit SOOD ; Kirandeep KAUR ; Ramit MAHAJAN ; Vandana MIDHA ; Arshdeep SINGH ; Sarit SHARMA ; Amarender Singh PURI ; Bhabhadev GOSWAMI ; Devendra DESAI ; C. Ganesh PAI ; Kiran PEDDI ; Mathew PHILIP ; Rakesh KOCHHAR ; Sandeep NIJHAWAN ; Shobna BHATIA ; N. Sridhara RAO

Intestinal Research 2021;19(2):206-216

5.Colitis and Crohn’s Foundation (India): a first nationwide inflammatory bowel disease registry

Ajit SOOD ; Kirandeep KAUR ; Ramit MAHAJAN ; Vandana MIDHA ; Arshdeep SINGH ; Sarit SHARMA ; Amarender Singh PURI ; Bhabhadev GOSWAMI ; Devendra DESAI ; C. Ganesh PAI ; Kiran PEDDI ; Mathew PHILIP ; Rakesh KOCHHAR ; Sandeep NIJHAWAN ; Shobna BHATIA ; N. Sridhara RAO

Intestinal Research 2021;19(2):206-216

6.Colitis and Crohn’s Foundation (India) consensus statements on use of 5-aminosalicylic acid in inflammatory bowel disease

Ajit SOOD ; Vineet AHUJA ; Vandana MIDHA ; Saroj Kant SINHA ; C. Ganesh PAI ; Saurabh KEDIA ; Varun MEHTA ; Sawan BOPANNA ; Philip ABRAHAM ; Rupa BANERJEE ; Shobna BHATIA ; Karmabir CHAKRAVARTTY ; Sunil DADHICH ; Devendra DESAI ; Manisha DWIVEDI ; Bhabhadev GOSWAMI ; Kirandeep KAUR ; Rajeev KHOSLA ; Ajay KUMAR ; Ramit MAHAJAN ; S. P. MISRA ; Kiran PEDDI ; Shivaram Prasad SINGH ; Arshdeep SINGH

Intestinal Research 2020;18(4):355-378

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