1.Endoscopic balloon dilations for strictures of rectum, ileocecal valve and duodenum in a patient with X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis deficiency: a case report
Shinsuke OTAGIRI ; Takehiko KATSURADA ; Kensuke SAKURAI ; Junichi SUGITA ; Naoya SAKAMOTO
Intestinal Research 2022;20(2):274-277
X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis (XIAP) deficiency is a rare primary immunodeficiency and gastrointestinal (GI) lesions in XIAP deficiency are similar to Crohn’s disease. For patients with Crohn’s disease, endoscopic balloon dilation (EBD) is known to be a standard procedure for intestinal strictures including upper GI tract. However, there are no articles which mention the efficacy of EBDs for the strictures in upper GI tract in patients with XIAP deficiency. Herein, we describe an 18-year-old male with XIAP deficiency in whom EBDs for the rectum, ileocecal valve (ICV), and duodenum were performed. Before hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT), GI endoscopy revealed strictures of the rectum, ICV and duodenum with active ulcers. Although these ulcers healed after HSCT, the strictures progressed. Therefore, we performed EBDs for the strictures of the rectum, ICV, and duodenum. In contrast studies, we did not find any other strictures in the small intestine. Throughout the patient’s clinical course, no complications of EBD occurred. He started eating after EBDs, but abdominal symptoms did not relapse without any dietary restrictions. Our case suggests that EBD could be an effective and safe procedure for intestinal strictures including upper GI tract after HSCT in patients with XIAP deficiency.
2.Characteristics and usefulness of transabdominal ultrasonography in immune-mediated colitis
Kensuke SAKURAI ; Takehiko KATSURADA ; Mutsumi NISHIDA ; Satomi OMOTEHARA ; Shinya FUKUSHIMA ; Shinsuke OTAGIRI ; Kazunori NAGASHIMA ; Reizo ONISHI ; Ryo TAKAGI ; Yoshito KOMATSU ; Naoya SAKAMOTO
Intestinal Research 2023;21(1):126-136
The usefulness of ultrasonography (US) in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract has been reported recently. This prospective study aimed to determine the features of US findings in immune-mediated colitis (IMC), an adverse event induced by immune checkpoint inhibitor, and examine the correlation between US findings, colonoscopy (CS) findings, and severity of colitis.
We studied patients examined using CS and US upon suspicion of IMC in Hokkaido University Hospital between April 2018 and February 2021. Endoscopic findings of IMC were assessed using the Ulcerative Colitis Endoscopic Index of Severity (UCEIS). The severity of US findings in IMC was evaluated using US grade, which is the ultrasonographic grading scale in ulcerative colitis. Bowel wall thickness and the intensity of the color Doppler signal were also analyzed. Severity of colitis was evaluated using Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (CTCAE) grade version 5.
Fourteen patients with IMC were enrolled. The US findings were bowel wall thickening, loss of stratification, ulceration and increased blood flow signal. The US grade was moderately correlated with the UCEIS (r=0.687, p=0.009) and CTCAE grade (r=0.628, p=0.035). Bowel wall thickness and UCEIS (r=0.628, p=0.020), as well as color Doppler signal grade and CTCAE grade (r=0.724, p=0.008), were significantly correlated.
US findings in IMC were mainly similar to those of ulcerative colitis, but there were some findings that were characteristic only of IMC. Significant correlation was found between US findings, CS findings, and severity of colitis. Hence, US could be useful for the evaluation of IMC.
3.Effectiveness of administering zinc acetate hydrate to patients with inflammatory bowel disease and zinc deficiency: a retrospective observational two-center study
Kensuke SAKURAI ; Shigeru FURUKAWA ; Takehiko KATSURADA ; Shinsuke OTAGIRI ; Kana YAMANASHI ; Kazunori NAGASHIMA ; Reizo ONISHI ; Keiji YAGISAWA ; Haruto NISHIMURA ; Takahiro ITO ; Atsuo MAEMOTO ; Naoya SAKAMOTO
Intestinal Research 2022;20(1):78-89
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patients frequently have zinc deficiency. IBD patients with zinc deficiency have higher risks of IBD-related hospitalization, complications, and requiring surgery. This study aimed to examine the effectiveness of zinc acetate hydrate (ZAH; Nobelzin) in IBD patients with zinc deficiency.
IBD patients with zinc deficiency who received ZAH from March 2017 to April 2020 were registered in this two-center, retrospective, observational study. Changes in serum zinc levels and disease activity (Crohn’s Disease Activity Index [CDAI]) before and after ZAH administration were analyzed.
Fifty-one patients with Crohn’s disease (CD, n = 40) or ulcerative colitis (UC, n = 11) were registered. Median serum zinc level and median CDAI scores significantly improved (55.5–91.0 μg/dL, P< 0.001; 171.5–129, P< 0.001, respectively) in CD patients 4 weeks after starting ZAH administration. Similarly, median serum zinc levels and CDAI scores significantly improved (57.0–81.0 μg/dL, P< 0.001; 177–148, P= 0.012, respectively) 20 weeks after starting ZAH administration. Similar investigations were conducted in groups where no treatment change, other than ZAH administration, was implemented; significant improvements were observed in both serum zinc level and CDAI scores. Median serum zinc levels in UC patients 4 weeks after starting ZAH administration significantly improved from 63.0 to 94.0 μg/dL (P= 0.002), but no significant changes in disease activity were observed. One patient experienced side effects of abdominal discomfort and nausea.
ZAH administration is effective in improving zinc deficiency and may contribute to improving disease activity in IBD.