1.A histochemical study on the differentiations of anterior horn cell of the spinal cord and hindlimb muscle fibre in the rat.
Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine 1985;34(2):98-107
Wistar strain male albino rats were sacrificed at 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19 and 21 days of age, and the histochemical properties of nerve cell and muscle fibre were examined.
We obtained the following differentiation process in the muscle with postnatal growth;
phase I (newborn-7 days) undifferentiated fibre
phase II (7-15 days) FT fibre ST fibre
phase III (after 15 days) FG fibre FOG fibre SO fibre
On the other hand, histochemical differentiation of nerve cell was recognized earlier than that of muscle fibre, and there was no redistribution of soma type with growth.
Therefore, it may be said bhat histochemical differentiation process in the muscle is largely effected by the neuronal influences exerted from the lower motoneurons.
2.Survey on allergic symptoms and their pathogenesis in chrysanthemum growers.
Atsushi UEDA ; Koji AOYAMA ; Yasuyuki FUJITA ; Tadako UEDA ; Fumi MANDA ; Toshio MATSUSHITA ; Shigeru NOMURA
Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 1986;35(1):55-66
An epidemiological survey on allergic conditions of 58 male (aged 38.6±11.8yrs) and 47 female (aged 42.2 ± 9.6yrs) farmers engaged in growing chrysanthemums.
Among the subjects, 47% of males and 62% of females had complaints of at least one of inquired allergic symptoms associated with the work. The immediate type of allergic reaction on nasal and/ or upper respiratory system raised in the process of sorting flowers in the working room and delayed ype of contact dermatitis in pinching the lateral bud of chrysanthemums or spraying agricultural chemicals in the field were the main complaints of those farmers.
Incidence of positive reaction for patch testing to six kinds of chrysanthemums was 5% for males and 17% for females and that of eight kinds at agricultural chemicals was 34% and 45% for each sex. And relatively high incidence was also observed in those subjects from other immunological tests such as determination of serum immunoglobulin, prick testing and calculation of eosinophil in blood and rhinorrhoea.
There were 39 (67%) males and 36 (77%) females who had at least one of the abnormal finding of those test items above mentioned. However, not the particular kind of Chrysanthemum cultivated in that area was found to be strong causative allergen for the observed allergic conditions.
From these results, it is indicated that relatively high incidence of allergic disorders may be found in the chrysanthemum growers due to inhalation and/or contact of some kinds of allergens introduced from the process of growing to forwarding, such allergen as Chrysanthemum itself, agricultural chemicals and other elements.
3.Total Arch and Descending Aortic Replacement for a Kommerell Diverticulum and Right-Sided Aortic Arch with Aberrant Left Subclavian Artery
Shigeru Hattori ; Keiji Yunoki ; Naoya Sakoda ; Atsushi Tateishi ; Yasufumi Fujita ; Kunikazu Hisamochi ; Hideo Yoshida
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2015;44(5):279-282
A 74-year-old woman was referred to our unit with a chief complaint of dysphagia. Enhanced CT showed a Kommerell diverticulum with a maximum diameter of 46 mm, associated with a right-sided aortic arch and aberrant left subclavian artery. We performed two-staged operations : left subclavian-common carotid artery bypass followed by total arch, and descending aortic replacement by an antero-lateral thoracotomy with partial sternotomy (ALPS). The postoperative course was uneventful. Total arch and descending aortic replacement for a Kommerell diverticulum by an ALPS approach is rare. ALPS approach for Kommerell diverticulum achieves safe surgery with good exposure.
4.Hybrid-Procedure for the Treatment of Thoraco-abdominal Dissecting Aneurysm of the Aorta in a Patient with Marfan Syndrome
Naoya Sakoda ; Keiji Yunoki ; Shigeru Hattori ; Gaku Uchino ; Takuya Kawabata ; Munehiro Saiki ; Yasuhumi Fujita ; Kunikazu Hisamochi ; Hideo Yoshida
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2016;45(6):290-294
Endovascular treatment for chronic aortic dissection in patients with Marfan syndrome is still controversial. A 60-year-old man developed an extended chronic type B dissection involving the aortic arch and thoraco-abdominal aorta with a large entry at the distal aortic arch and patent false lumen. He had undergone David procedure for type A aortic dissection at age 42, and aortic valve replacement for recurrent aortic valve insufficiency at 58, which was complicated with mediastinitis. He also suffered drug-induced interstitial pneumonitis. Considering his complicated surgical history and impaired pulmonary function, conventional graft replacement of thoraco-abdominal aorta was thought to be quite a high risk. Thus, we chose debranch TEVAR with a staged approach. First, debranching and Zone 0 TEVAR with the chimney technique were performed. Then, 4 months later, abdominal debranching and TEVAR was performed. The patient tolerated both procedures well and was discharged home. Two years after last procedure, he is in good condition and computed tomography shows that complete entry closure and false lumen had thrombosed. This strategy may be worthy to be considered even for a patient with Marfan syndrome, in case the patient's condition is unsuitable for conventional surgery.
5.TEVAR for Tuberculous Mycotic Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm after Intravesical Instillations of BCG Therapy
Munehiro Saiki ; Keiji Yunoki ; Naoya Sakota ; Shigeru Hattori ; Gaku Uchino ; Tetsuya Kawabata ; Yasufumi Fujita ; Kunikazu Hisamochi ; Hideo Yoshida
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2017;46(1):45-48
A 79-year-old man, who had a history of intravesical instillations of bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) therapy for urinary bladder cancer, developed bloody sputum 4 years after BCG therapy. BCG was detected from the sputum by detailed examination. Medical therapy for tuberculosis (TB) was started, but bloody sputum continued. Computed tomography (CT) for the chest was performed to evaluate the state of TB, and surprisingly, found impending rupture of tuberculosis mycotic thoracic aneurysm. He was emergently transferred to our hospital. CT revealed that the aneurysm made a lump with surrounding lung and lymph nodes. It seemed to be quite difficult to dissect and to be quite high risk to perform graft replacement with pneumonectomy. On the other hand, TB infection was controlled with antibiotic therapy. Thus we chose debranch TEVAR for this complicated situation. His bloody sputum regressed soon after the procedure and disappeared during his hospitalization. He was discharged home on POD 13 without serious complication and continued to have antibiotic therapy under the instruction of his primary physician.
6.Neonatal Isolation Increases the Susceptibility to Learned Helplessness through the Aberrant Neuronal Activity in the Ventral Pallidum of Rats
Hironori KOBAYASHI ; Manabu FUCHIKAMI ; Kenichi OGA ; Tatsuhiro MIYAGI ; Sho FUJITA ; Satoshi FUJITA ; Satoshi OKADA ; Yasumasa OKAMOTO ; Shigeru MORINOBU
Clinical Psychopharmacology and Neuroscience 2024;22(2):354-363
Environmental deprivation, a type of childhood maltreatment, has been reported to constrain the cognitive developmental processes such as associative learning and implicit learning, which may lead to functional and morphological changes in the ventral pallidum (VP) and pessimism, a well-known cognitive feature of major depression. We examined whether neonatal isolation (NI) could influence the incidence of learned helplessness (LH) in a rat model mimicking the pessimism, and the number of vesicular glutamate transporter 2 (VGLUT2)-expressing VP cells and Penk-expressing VP cells.
The number of escape failures from foot-shocks in the LH test was measured to examine stress-induced depression-like behavior in rats. The number of VGLUT2-expressing VP cells and Penk-expressing VP cells was measured by immunohistochemistry.
In NI rats compared with Sham rats, the incidence of LH in adulthood was increased and VGLUT2-expressing VP cells but not Penk-expressing VP cells in adulthood were decreased. VGLUT2-expressing VP cells were decreased only in the LH group of NI rats and significantly correlated with the escape latency in the LH test.
These findings suggest that the aberrant VP neuronal activity due to environmental deprivation early in life leads to pessimistic associative and implicit learning. Modulating VP neuronal activity could be a novel therapeutic and preventive strategy for the patients with this specific pathophysiology.
7.Application of Tinel’s test combed with clinical neurosensory test distinguishes spontaneous healing of lingual nerve neuropathy after mandibular third molar extraction
Shigeyuki FUJITA ; Itaru TOJYO ; Shigeru SUZUKI ; Fumihiro TAJIMA
Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 2023;45(1):21-
Extraction of the mandibular third molar, the most frequent and important surgical procedure in the clinical practice of oral surgery, is associated with the risk of injury of the lingual nerve. Neuropathy of the lingual nerve poses diagnostic challenges regarding the transient or permanent nature of the injury. No consensus or criteria have been established regarding the diagnosis of lingual nerve neuropathy. We applied both Tinel’s test and clinical neurosensory testing together, which can be easily used at the bedside in the early stages of injury. Therefore, we propose a new method to differentiate between lesions with the ability to heal spontaneously and those that cannot heal without surgery.
Thirty-three patients (29 women, 4 men; mean age, 35.5 years) were included in this study. For all patients, the median interval between nerve injury and initial examination was 1.6 months and that between nerve injury and the second examination before determining the need for surgical management was 4.5 months. The patients wereassigned to either group A or B. The spontaneous healing group (group A, n = 10) revealed a tendency for recoverywithin 6 months after tooth extraction. In this group, although there were individual differences in the degree of recovery, a remarkable tendency for recovery was observed based on clinical neurosensory testing in all cases. None of the patients were diagnosed with allodynia. In seven cases, the Tinel test result was negative at the first inspection,and in three cases, the result changed to negative at the second inspection. Conversely, in group B(n = 23), no recov-ery trend was observed with regard to clinical neurosensory testing, and nine patients had allodynia. Further, the Tinel test result was positive for all patients in both examinations.
Our findings indicate that in case of transient lingual nerve paralysis, clinical neurosensory testing findings deteriorate immediately after tooth extraction and gradually recover, while Tinel’s test shows a negative result.Using Tinel’s test and clinical neurosensory testing together enabled early and easy identification of the severity of the lingual nerve disorder and of lesions that would heal spontaneously without surgical management.
8.Comparison of prognosis in two methods for the lingual nerve repair: direct suture with vein graft cuff and collagen allograft method
Shigeyuki FUJITA ; Itaru TOJYO ; Takashi NAKANISHI ; Shigeru SUZUKI
Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 2022;44(1):6-
No studies have compared the outcomes of direct perineurial suture with vein graft cuff repair and indirect collagen allograft repair of the lingual nerve following an injury. Therefore, we evaluated and compared the outcomes of each over a 1-year observation period. We retrospectively assessed 20 patients who had undergone microneurosurgical repair of unilateral lingual nerve injuries at the Wakayama Medical University Hospital between May 2015 and March 2019. We utilized two different methods for lingual nerve repair, i.e., direct perineurial repair with a vein graft cuff and interpositional collagen allograft repair. Sensory and taste function in the lingual nerve were preoperatively evaluated using a static two-point discrimination test, superficial pain/tactile sensation test, tests for the pressure pain threshold (Semmens-Weinstein monofilament), test for thermal discrimination hot and cold sensation, and a taste discrimination test. These tests were performed again at 6 and 12 months postoperatively.
Compared to the preoperative conditions, all patients showed improved sensory reactions. Functional sensory recovery outcomes were defined by Pogrel’s criteria, Medical Research Council Scale grades, and functional sensory recovery. In each group, all patients improved after the operation. However, the operation time was significantly shorter for an interpositional collagen allograft repair as compared to that for a direct perineurial repair with a vein graft cuff.
There were no statistically significant differences between the two repair Methods, except for the operation time. Both methods led to satisfactory results for all criteria. From an economic point of view, direct perineurial repair with a vein graft cuff is meaningful; however, the esthetic effect on the donor site should be considered. Conversely, interpositional collagen allograft repair has the advantage of a greatly shortened operation time.
9.Capturing the trends in hospital standardized mortality ratios for pneumonia: a retrospective observational study in Japan (2010 to 2018).
Rebeka AMIN ; Yosuke HATAKEYAMA ; Takefumi KITAZAWA ; Kunichika MATSUMOTO ; Shigeru FUJITA ; Kanako SETO ; Tomonori HASEGAWA
Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine 2020;25(1):2-2
Pneumonia has a high human toll and a substantial economic burden in developed countries like Japan, where the crude mortality rate was 77.7 per 100,000 people in 2017. As this trend is going to continue with increasing number of the elderly multi-morbid population in Japan; monitoring performance over time is a social need to alleviate the disease burden. The study objective was to determine the characteristics of hospital standardized mortality ratios (HSMRs) for pneumonia in Japan from 2010 to 2018 to describe this trend.
Data of the DPC (Diagnostic Procedures Combination) database were used, which is an administrative claims and discharge summary database for acute care in-patients in Japan. HSMRs were calculated using the actual and expected numbers of in-hospital deaths, the latter of which was calculated using logistic regression model, with a number of explanatory variables, e.g., age, sex, urgency of admission, mode of transportation, patient volume per month in each hospital, A-DROP score, and Charlson comorbidity index (CCI). We constructed two HSMR models: a single-year model, which included hospitals with > 10 in-patients per month and, a 9-year model, which included those hospitals with complete 9-year data. Predictive accuracy of the logistic models was assessed using c-index (area under receiver operating curve).
Total 230,372 patients were included for the analysis over the 9-year study period. Calculated HSMRs showed wide variation among hospitals. The proportion of hospitals with HSMR less than 100 increased from 36.4% in 2010 to 60.6% in 2018. Both models showed good predictive ability with a c-statistic of 0.762 for the 9-year model, and no less than 0.717 for the single-year model.
This study denoted that HSMRs of pneumonia can be calculated using DPC data in Japan and revealed significant variations among hospitals with comparable case-mixes. Therefore, HSMR can be used as yet another measure to help improve quality of care over time if other indicators are examined in parallel and to get a clear picture of where hospitals excel and lack.