1.Dermoscopy of Dilated Pore of Winer
Shashikumar Basavapura Madegowda ; Savitha Somiiah Allaranda
Malaysian Journal of Dermatology 2021;46(June 2021):43-45
Dilated pore of Winer is a benign adnexal tumour of follicular differentiation. It has typical clinical feature of asymptomatic, solitary enlarged pore with a keratin plug. Dermoscopy offers further assistance in diagnosis. In this case on dermoscopy, well defined lamellated central blackish area arranged in concentric circles, surrounded by a bluish grey halo was seen with a rim of hyperpigmentation.
2.A Study Assessing the Practices and Motivation for Seeking Tattoo Removal
Allaranda Somaiah Savitha ; Basavapura Madegowda Shashikumar
Malaysian Journal of Dermatology 2021;47(Dec 2021):43-47
As the number of patients getting tattooed is increasing, so is the number of patients seeking removal of
tattoos. The primary objective of this study was to assess the reasons as to why patients got tattoos and
also seek tattoo removal. The secondary objective was to study the demographics and the knowledge
they had regarding tattoo removal.
A cross sectional study was done among 250 consecutive patients who attended the Dermatology
centre seeking tattoo removal. A questionnaire was used to fill in the details.
167 males and 83 females were included in the study. Majority of patients were in the age group of 21
to 30 years (43.8%) followed by 31-40 years (26.7%). 56.6% of patients had got tattoos in the third
decade and 35.1% in the second decade. 52.6% of those seeking tattoo removal had got their tattoos
from amateur artists, village fairs or roadside tattoo shops. 45.8% did not have a specific reason for
getting a tattoo and were decorative tattoos. 34.7% had names of their beloved or family members.
29.5% were seeking removal for professional reasons and 23.1% due to changes in relationship status.
Patients seek tattoo removal mainly for professional reasons, changes in personal relationships when
they have name tattoo and due to complications. Most of the patients were in the third decade of life. It
is important to educate school going children ang youngsters regarding the permanent nature of tattoo
and its complications.
Laser Therapy
3.Post Surgical Cutaneous Nocardiosis Mimicking Hypertrophic Scar: A Case Report
Shashikumar Basavapura Madegowda ; Savitha AS ; Kirti Katwe
Malaysian Journal of Dermatology 2020;44(1):57-59
Nocardia species are gram-positive, aerobic, acid-fast bacteria which exist as saprophytes in nature.
Invasive disseminated infections are particularly common in immunocompromised or debilitated
hosts. Superficial infections with Nocardia species occur as a result of local trauma and contamination
of the wound. Clinically, it may manifest as an acute infection (abscesses or cellulitis), mycetoma,
or sporotrichoid infection. Herein we report a rare case of cutaneous nocardiosis following surgery
mimicking a hypertrophic scar.
4.Efficacy and Safety of Long Pulsed Nd:YAG Laser in the Management of Hypertrophic Scars and Keloids
Harish Muddenahalli Rajegowda ; Gagana Gopal ; Shashikumar Basavapura Madegowda ; Deepadarshan Kalegowda
Malaysian Journal of Dermatology 2020;44(1):14-18
Keloid scars have always been a therapeutic challenge. Lasers due to their versatile action are being
tried in the management of hypertrophic scars and keloid. Use of Nd:YAG laser especially in dark skin
types is justifiable but sufficient data is not available.