2.Evaluation of partial genotyping with HPV16/18 for triage of HPV positive, cytology negative women in the COMPACT study
Sharon J.B. HANLEY ; Hiromasa FUJITA ; Satomi AOYAMA-KIKAWA ; Mitsunori KASAMO ; Toshihiko TORIGOE ; Yoshihiro MATSUNO ; Sakuragi NORIAKI ;
Journal of Gynecologic Oncology 2021;32(6):e86-
While cytology-based screening programs have significantly reduced mortality and morbidity from cervical cancer, the global consensus is that primary human papillomavirus (HPV) testing increases detection of high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) and invasive cancer. However, the optimal triage strategy for HPV+ women to avoid over-referral to colposcopy may be setting specific. We compared absolute and relative risk (RR) of >CIN2/3 within 12 months of a negative cytologic result in women HPV16/18+ compared to those with a 12-other high-risk HPV (hrHPV) genotype to identify women at greatest risk of high-grade disease and permit less aggressive management of women with other hrHPV infections.
Participants were 14,160 women aged 25–69 years with negative cytology participating in the COMparison of HPV genotyping And Cytology Triage (COMPACT) study. Women who were HPV16/18+ were referred to colposcopy. Those with a 12-other hrHPV type underwent repeat cytology after 6 months and those with >abnormal squamous cells of undetermined significance went to colposcopy.
Absolute risk of >CIN2 in HPV16/18+ women was 19.5% (95% CI=12.4%–29.4%). In women 25–29 years and HPV16+ it was 40.0% (95% CI=11.8%–76.9%). Absolute risk of >CIN3 in women HPV16/18+ was 11.0% (95% CI=5.9%–19.6%). For women 30–39 years and HPV16+ it was 23.1% (95% CI=5.0%–53.8%). Overall risk of >CIN2, >CIN3 in women with a 12-other hrHPV HPV type was 5.6% (95% CI=3.1%–10.0%) and 3.4% (95% CI=1.6%–7.2%) respectively. RR of >CIN2, >CIN3 in HPV16/18+ vs. 12-other hrHPV was 3.5 (95% CI=1.7–7.3) and 3.3 (95% CI=1.2–8.8), respectively.
Primary HPV screening with HPV16/18 partial genotyping is a promising strategy to identify women at current/future risk of >CIN2 in Japan without over-referral to colposcopy.