Procurement constitutes a cornerstone of daily operations in public hospitals,involving medical equipment,medical materials,pharmaceuticals,infrastructure projects,office supplies,and service-oriented projects.The responsibility for procurement used to rest on various functional departments overseeing business management,a situation that often led to a lack of transparency and standardization due to decisions made by a single department or a few key cadres.To standardize procurement practices,the national policy has introduced a"procurement"and"management"separation model.In public hospitals,pro-curement includes two main aspects:"procurement"entails the actual execution of purchasing activities,including market re-search,price negotiation,tender document formulation,and contract signing;and"management"involves the preliminary re-search,budgeting and project initiation,installation and commissioning,inventory acceptance,maintenance quality control,and usage management of procured items.The separation of"procurement"and"management"is an important part of the procure-ment management unit in the modern hospital administration.This process-based division ensures the functional distinction be-tween procurement and management,fostering interdepartmental collaboration and mutual oversight,thereby mitigating procure-ment integrity while safeguarding procurement quality.