1.Perceived Susceptibility To Chronic Disease Among Healthy People Questionnaire: Development, Validity And Reliability Among Young Iraqi Adults
Harith Alaa ; Shamsul Azhar Shah
Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine 2018;18(1):139-148
Chronic non-communicable diseases are the new emerging epidemic, and they are thought to challenge only rich countries; cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, and other non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are now the leading cause of death and disability in low-income and middle-income countries, where they killed almost 8 million people younger than 60 years in 2013. Therefore, there is a need to develop a valid and reliable tool to measure the beliefs that influence people’s general behaviour, and a used to measure beliefs about chronic disease perceived susceptibility. The purpose of this study was to develop and validate the use of perception questionnaire among the young Iraqi adults. A total of 200 young adults participated who are free from any chronic diseases under study, and are living in Baghdad. The questionnaire, validated by an expert’s panel, translated to Arabic language, and pretested. Analyses included descriptive statistics of all the study variables, reliability estimates, and construct validity using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Results showed that mean age of respondents was 30 years old, majority were males 71.5%, and EFA showed that factor loading was more than 0.4. CFA results show that Chi-square (df) = 1.213(2); p value (>0.05) = 0.297. Internal consistency reliability analysis on health-related behaviour; special practice, information seeking and perceived probability of diseases have good Cronbach’s α value of between 0.8 - 0.9. These findings revealed that validation is favourable and can be utilized on larger scale of sample to proceed with main study on chronic disease perceived susceptibility among healthy people.
chronic disease
2.Environmental Factors Associated with Sarcopenia: A Systematic Review
Thinakaran Kandayah ; Nazarudin Safian ; Shamsul Azhar Shah
International Journal of Public Health Research 2023;13(no.2):1714-1722
Elderly is a vulnerable population that is prone to sarcopenia which is associated with the loss of muscle mass, strength and function which are some of the diseases that affect the elderly. The association between environmental factors with sarcopenia should be explored as it has the potential to influence the health and disability of a person. At present, limited research is conducted to investigate the association that could be attributed to the complex interaction between human and environmental interactions. Hence this review is conducted to identify the environmental factors associated with sarcopenia.
A systematic review was conducted using PubMed, SCOPUS, Web of Science and manual search following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) criteria. We used articles that had been written in English and relevant articles were then screened, duplicates were removed, eligibility criteria were applied, and studies that met the criteria were reviewed. The keywords environmental factors, pollutants food environment, neighbourhood environment, locality and sarcopenia were included.
Initial search generated 934 publications and 12 articles were included after the inclusion and exclusion criteria for this review. In this review, environmental factors associated with sarcopenia are divided into 3 themes that comprises of food environment (availability and physical access, economic access and food quality and safety), neighbourhood environment and pollutants.
This systematic review revealed an association between the food environment, neighbourhood environment and pollutants with sarcopenia. The findings are salient as they could aid policymakers in formulating the necessary strategy to reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with sarcopenia, especially with the increase in the ageing population globally.
3.Predictors of mortality in patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI): Insights from National Cardiovascular Disease Database (NCVD), Malaysia
Jaya Purany Stanley Ponniah ; Shamsul Azhar Shah ; Mohamad Adam Bujang
The Medical Journal of Malaysia 2012;67(6):601-605
The aim of this study is to determine risks factor of mortality among patient with post percutaneous coronary
intervention. Estimation of post operative mortality risk
factor is essential for planning prevention modalities. This is retrospective cohort study based on secondary data
extracted from the National Cardiovascular Disease
Database (NCVD-ACS and NCVD PCI). Both these registries
were interlinked and was further matched to JPN (Jabatan
Pendaftaran Negara/National registration Department) to
assess mortality among the patients who underwent PCI and
all death which occurred in between 2007, 2008 and 2009.
There were 630 patients in this studied. Age, history of
diabetes mellitus, peripheral vascular, renal failure and
previous percutaneous coronary intervention were
univariately associated with mortality. However based on
logistics stepwise method, only age and history of renal
failure had showed statistically significant and sizeable
odds ratio in predicting the patient died of coronary death. Older age and renal failure are the predicting factors for mortality among patients with post percutaneous coronary intervention.
4.Verbal Memory Test Performance In Patients With Bipolar I Disorder Attending A Psychiatric Clinic Of A University Hospital In Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Normala Ibrahim ; Abdul Hamid Abdul Rahman ; Shamsul Azhar Shah
ASEAN Journal of Psychiatry 2009;10(2):157-168
Objective: The study aims to determine pattern of verbal memory and learning impairment and its associated factors among patients with bipolar I disorder in a psychiatric clinic of a university hospital. Methods: A case control study comparing verbal memory test performance in 40 patients with bipolar I disorder to that of 40 healthy normal subjects using Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test
(RAVLT). The association between demographic, clinical characteristics and poor verbal memory performance were examined.
Results: Up to 92% of patients with bipolar I disorder have impaired short term working memory in this hospital-based study. They also recalled fewer words in all the RAVLT trials and had difficulties learning the word list in comparison to that of normal healthy individuals. Verbal memory and learning impairment are observed in bipolar illness in the absence of active mood symptoms while duration and severity of illness are not found to have any effect on verbal memory and learning. Conclusion: There is consistent verbal memory
and learning problems in individuals with bipolar I disorder and their presence in the absence of mania, depression and mixed symptoms during the course of the illness suggests a trait related deficit.
5.Barriers and Motivation Factors towards Treatment Compliance from the Perspective of Defaulted Tuberculosis Patients in Kuala Lumpur
Noorsuzana Mohd Shariff ; Shamsul Azhar Shah, Fadzilah Kamaludin
Malaysian Journal of Health Sciences 2017;15(1):75-87
There is a large volume of published studies describing the adverse relationship between treatment non-adherence
with tuberculosis treatment outcome. Non-adherence could result in increased risks of prolonged infectiousness, drug
resistance, relapse cases and poor survival among tuberculosis patients. Nevertheless, few studies are to be found providing
detailed on the reason of defaulting treatment among tuberculosis patients in Malaysia. Hence the goal of this paper is
to find out the barriers and motivations factors that affect patients’ treatment compliance among our local tuberculosis
patients. This is a qualitative study which included 12 in-depth interviews with tuberculosis non-compliance patients
who were treated at Institute of Respiratory Medicine, Kuala Lumpur. All the conversations were recorded, transcribed
and analysed by using thematic analysis. It was found that low knowledge, self-negative attitudes, traditional believes,
negative perceptions towards health caregiver, drug side effects, stigma, financial problems, less family support and
work commitments are the barriers that prevent the patients from religiously taking their anti-tuberculosis treatment.
Meanwhile, factors that encourage them to continue their treatment were the believes of bad effects of the disease onto
their lives and health, good relationship between patient and health caregiver and social support from people around
them. In conclusion, non-adherence involved a dynamic influence of individual, socio-economic and treatment-related
factors on the patients. The results presented here may facilitate improvement in the activities in promoting compliance
among tuberculosis patients in the future which tailored to the patients’ specific needs.
6.Geographical Information System (Gis) Application In Tuberculosis Spatial Clustering Studies: A Systematic Review
Norazman Mohd Rosli ; Shamsul Azhar Shah ; Mohd Ihsani Mahmood
Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine 2018;18(1):70-80
Tuberculosis (TB) is known as a disease that prone to spatial clustering. Recent development has seen a sharp rise in the number of epidemiologic studies employing Geographical Information System (GIS), particularly in identifying TB clusters and evidences of etiologic factors. The aim of this systematic review is to determine evidence of TB clustering, type of spatial analysis commonly used and the application of GIS in TB surveillance and control. A literature search of articles published in English language between 2000 and November 2015 was performed using MEDLINE and Science Direct using relevant search terms related to spatial analysis in studies of TB cluster. The search strategy was adapted and developed for each database using appropriate subject headings and keywords. The literature reviewed showed strong evidence of TB clustering occurred in high risk areas in both developed and developing countries. Spatial scan statistics were the most commonly used analysis and proved useful in TB surveillance through detection of outbreak, early warning and identifying area of increased TB transmission. Among others are targeted screening and assessment of TB program using GIS technology. However there were limitations on suitability of utilizing aggregated data such as national cencus that were pre-collected in explaining the present spatial distribution among population at risk. Spatial boundaries determined by zip code may be too large for metropolitan area or too small for country. Nevertheless, GIS is a powerful tool in aiding TB control and prevention in developing countries and should be used for real-time surveillance and decision making.
Tuberculosis cluster
geographical information system
spatial analysis
7.Violence-Related Behaviors Among School Going Adolescents In Peninsular Malaysia
Muhammad Alimin Mat Reffien ; Shamsul Azhar Shah ; Lim KH
Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine 2020;20(2):65-73
Violence among adolescents is a significant public health issue. The focus was on school-going adolescents because of the life-long negative impact at an individual level both for the perpetrator and victim. Besides, it increases the costs to provide health, welfare, and criminal justice as well as decreases general productivity at the community level. The study aims to determine the prevalence of violence-related behavior, characteristics of both victims and perpetrators, in addition to inter and intrapersonal factors associated with violence-related behaviors. A study was carried out in 2013, which involved all upper secondary school students (aged 16 to 17 years). It was a part of the Malaysian Adolescent Health Risk Behavior (MyAHRB) study, which was conducted in 11 states in Peninsular Malaysia. Standardized, validated questionnaires were used for data collection. The prevalence of violence-related behaviors was 22.4%, and this was higher among male students as compared to females (29.1% vs. 16.3%). Multivariable analysis revealed that the odds of violence-related behaviour increased among males, Malay race, drug use, smoking, had exposure to sex, which sometimes and always felt lonely and had attempted suicide. Agreeable to ensure that their lifestyles do not transgress religious limit and belief was significantly protective. This study provides evidence for a targeted approach to combat violence-related behaviors among adolescents.
8.Neigbourhood Factors on Mental Health Questionnaire: Development, Validity, and Reliability among Malaysian Adolescents
Zahir Izuan Azhar ; Shamsul Azhar Shah ; Susan MK Tan ; Syed Sharizman Syed Abdul Rahim
International Journal of Public Health Research 2016;6(1):713-718
The risk factors associated with mental health among adolescents are usually described by researchers at an individual level. Neighbourhood factors and health have opened a new insight into the field of epidemiology. The aim of this study was to assess the reliability and validity of a newly developed Neighbourhood Factors on Mental Health Questionnaire among Malaysian adolescents. A cross-sectional study was conducted in four secondary schools in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia using a newly developed questionnaire which comprised of two main domains and seven items. Exploratory factor analysis and Cronbach’s alpha were used to measure the instrument’s construct validity and reliability. A total of 106 adolescents participated in this research. The majority of adolescents were 13 years old (40.6%), female (55.7%), Malays (68.9%), have parents who only studied until secondary school (66.0%) and lived in flats (32.1%). Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity was significant (Chi-square = 258.361, p<0.001) and Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) value was 0.820. The final model of the instrument contained two domains, the neighbourhood physical environment and neighbourhood social environment factors. Factor loadings for all items were satisfactory ranging from 0.591 to 0.870. The overall Cronbach’s alpha was 0.810. The Neigbourhood Factors on Mental Health Questionnaire was found to be a valid and reliable instrument. It can be used to assess neighbourhood physical and social factors that can influence mental health of adolescents in Malaysia.
9.Validation of the Malay Version of the Parental Bonding Instrument among Malaysian Youths Using Exploratory Factor Analysis
Noor Azimah Muhammad ; Khadijah Shamsuddin ; Khairani Omar ; Shamsul Azhar Shah ; Rahmah Mohd Amin
Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences 2014;21(5):51-59
Background: Parenting behaviour is culturally sensitive. The aims of this study were (1) to translate the Parental Bonding Instrument into Malay (PBI-M) and (2) to determine its factorial structure and validity among the Malaysian population.
Methods: The PBI-M was generated from a standard translation process and comprehension testing. The validation study of the PBI-M was administered to 248 college students aged 18 to 22 years.
Results: Participants in the comprehension testing had difficulty understanding negative items. Five translated double negative items were replaced with five positive items with similar meanings. Exploratory factor analysis showed a three-factor model for the PBI-M with acceptable reliability. Four negative items (items 3, 4, 8, and 16) and item 19 were omitted from the final PBI-M list because of incorrect placement or low factor loading (< 0.32). Out of the final 20 items of the PBI-M, there were 10 items for the care factor, five items for the autonomy factor and five items for the overprotection factor. All the items loaded positively on their respective factors.
Conclusion: The Malaysian population favoured positive items in answering questions. The PBI-M confirmed the three-factor model that consisted of care, autonomy and overprotection. The PBI-M is a valid and reliable instrument to assess the Malaysian parenting style. Confirmatory factor analysis may further support this finding.
10.Students’ perception of schooling in associations with externalizing/internalizing syndromes and truancy
Nik Ruzyanei Nik Jaafar ; Tuti Iryani Mohd ; Shamsul Azhar Shah ; Rozhan Shariff Mohamed Radzi ; Hatta Sid
ASEAN Journal of Psychiatry 2008;9(2):85-92
Objectives: To determine the association of students’ perception of schooling with externalizing/internalizing scores; and to examine the different perceptions related to truancy. Methods:
A total of 373 predominantly 16 year-old students attending three high risk schools in Pudu,
Kuala Lumpur completed the questionnaires on schooling variables (four items) and externalizing/internalizing syndromes (Youth Self-Report, 112 items). Results: Certain negative perceptions (uncertainty of the schooling purpose, thinking schooling as time wasting) were significantly associated with higher internalizing (p<0.05), externalizing (p<0.005) and total
problem (p<0.005) scores. Truants were significantly associated with disliking school
(OR=2.52, 95% CI=1.01-6.20), lower educational goals (OR=2.03, 95% CI=1.18-3.49) and
uncertainty of the schooling purpose (OR=3.14, 95% CI=1.47-6.67). Among truants, those
who thought schooling as time wasting scored significantly higher on externalizing (p<0.005)
and total problems (p<0.005). Conclusions: Certain negative perceptions of schooling are associated with self-reported emotional/behavioral problems and truancy. Positive schooling
experience may correct schooling misperceptions and solve related emotional and behavioural