1.A checklist for assessing gender responsiveness in TB control program in the community
Marita V. T. Reyes ; Lorna L. Jandoc ; Rebecca M. Ramos ; Helen A. de Guzman
Philippine Journal of Health Research and Development 2024;28(2):72-74
Unrecognized gender issues in TB prevention and management in the community and the resulting lack of mechanisms to address
these poses as barrier in the success of TB control. Results from two projects on gender responsiveness in TB prevention and
management in the community conducted in 2020-2023 contributed to the development of a checklist that can be used as guide to make
TB control measures gender-responsive. The checklist used the basic elements of a public health program as framework. This was
enhanced by measures to address gender issues which surfaced from KAPcommunity surveys on TB and Gender, in-depth interviews
of TB program implementers, and FGDs with women and men who had lived with TB, including their families.
Public Health
2.Glass ceiling phenomenon in nursing: A scoping review
Lovie Japhet S. Lopez ; Loraine C. Ramos ; Bella Faith A. Masong ; Judilyn R. Tabin ; Erlinda C. Palaganas
Philippine Journal of Nursing 2023;93(2):47-58
Glass ceiling is the unseen barrier that prohibits women and minorities in achieving a higher potential in the workplace. This
barrier influences the well-being and prosperity of women and minorities resulting to career stagnation and inability to earn a
higher income. Despite the abundance of literature on the issue, there is a dearth of comprehensive information that examines the
organizational, cultural, and individual factors that contribute to the glass ceiling phenomenon in the healthcare industry. The
main goal of this study is to do a full scoping review to find and map all the existing healthcare settings that contribute to the glass
ceiling effect. A total of 28,184 hits resulted in the search of the published and grey literature. Nine articles passed the full-text
review and were further reviewed. Data were synthesized and interpreted to determine the experiences of nurses about the glass
ceiling phenomenon.
Findings: Gender discrimination, bias, and stereotyping prevent nurses from learning executive summary skills, maintain the
gender wage gap, and lead to unequal treatment of women and men in the health workforce; structural and systemic barriers
within healthcare organizations can restrict their access to these higher-level positions; underrepresentation of women in
leadership roles leads to lack of mentors; and lack of work-life balance due to limited flexible work arrangements.
Gender Equity
3.Anthropological Analysis of the Korean Skulls by Moire Contourography.
Seung Ho HAN ; In Beom KIM ; Young Hee KIM ; Dae Kyoon PARK ; Dae Woong KIM
Korean Journal of Physical Anthropology 1998;11(2):223-236
The patterns of the moir'e fringe were investigated in 178 modern Korean skulls (112 males and 66 females) using moir'e contourography. The analysis of fringe patterns was executed using image analyzer on the photographs taken from anterior, both lateral, posterior and superior aspects. In the anterior aspect, the center of fringe was the glabella. The cotyledon shape of fringe (type I) was the most frequently observed in males (77%), but reverse triangular shape (type II) and rhomboid shape of fringe (type III) were more frequently observed in females. In the lateral aspect, the euryon, the center of fringe, was located at higher (4 mm) and more lateral (3 mm) position in females than in males. The contour patterns were more irregular (type I) in males than in females where the stripes were arranged more concentrically (type II, III). In the posterior and superior aspects, there was no difference between males and females in the shape of fringe patterns. The relative position of the opisthocranion, the center of fringe in the posterior aspect, was high by 35 mm to eye -ear plane on the average in both sexes. The stripes in the superior aspect were arranged concentrically in both sexes, but wider in females than in males. The results of this nonmetrical study suggest that the analysis of the moir'e fringe patterns in the Korean skulls is a new method for sex discrimination in the field of forensic anthopology.
4.Development of the Korean Version of Disability Assessment for Dementia Scale(DAD-K) to Assess Function in Dementia.
Journal of the Korean Geriatrics Society 2003;7(4):278-287
OBJECTIVES: To develop the Korean version of Disability Assessment for Dementia Scale(DAD-K), an instrument for functional disability for use with proxy-respondents of community-dwelling persons who have Alzheimer`s disease METHOD: Community-dwelling elderly and their caregivers with memory impairment(N=341) participated in this study to evaluate reliabilities and validities of DAD-K. RESULTS: The DAD-K demonstrated a high degree of internal consistency(Cronbach`s alpha=0.88) and excellent interrater(ICC=0.96) and test-retest(ICC=0.96) reliability and good concurrent validity. In addi- tion, it was found not to have age, education and gender bias. CONCLUSION: The DAD-K is valid and reliable instrument in Korean elderly with Alzheimer`s disease, that may help clinicians and caregivers of the population with Alzheimer`s disease make decisions regar- ding the choice of suitable interventions.
5.Sex Discrimination with the Metric Measurements of the Korean dried Pelvic Bones by Discriminant Function Analysis.
Byoung Young CHOI ; In Hyuk CHUNG
Korean Journal of Physical Anthropology 1999;12(1):151-158
Pelvic bone is the representative bone which has the quite different features discriminating the sex. And these features are well described in almost all gross anatomy textbooks. The parameters which are used to sex determination are relating to the those of obstetrics. To suggest the most significant parameters for sex discrimination with the bones, we have selected the frequently mentioned 21 metric fields of non-pathologic Korean pelvic bones, which sexes were already confirmed (M: 40, F : 19). Measuring theses metric measurements, the statistic procedure (descriptive statistics and discriminant analysis) were performed (SASPC version 6.11). The parameters showing more than 80% of discriminating probability are the acetabular length (Martin No. 22) and the pubic angle(Martin No. 16). The parameters showing more than 75% of discriminating probability are the transverse diameters of pelvic outlet (Martin No. 27), the breadth of greater sciatic notch, the ischiatic length (Martin No. 15a), the pelvic breadth (Martin No. 2), the obturator foramen long length (Martin No. 20), the obturator foramen short length (Martin No. 20) and the pelvic height (Martin No. 1).
Discriminant Analysis
Pelvic Bones*
6.Group Analysis Using the Metric Measurements of Korean skulls.
Byoung Young CHOI ; Kyu Seok LEE ; Seung Ho HAN ; Dae Kyoon PARK ; Na Hyuk LIM ; Ki Seok KOH ; Hee Jin KIM ; Ho Suck KANG
Korean Journal of Physical Anthropology 2001;14(3):207-215
The metric parameters including Martin's (#41, 43, 44, 45, 46, 51, 52, 53) and non -Martin's parameters (nasion - occipital length, glabella -occipital length, nasion -inion length, glabella -lambda length, basion -nasion length, biauricular breadth, biasterion breadth, porion -bregma height, porion -vertex height, frontal arc, frontal chord, parietal arc, parietal chord, occipital arc, occipital chord, mastoid height, mastoid width, basion -prosthion length, internal palate length, internal palate breadth, external palate length, external palate breadth) were measured on 61 Korean skulls (M47, F14) with cephalometry (GPM Co., Swiss) and calipers (GPM Co., Swiss, Mitutoyo Co, Japan). Using the metric data of 35 parameteres, the statistic procedure (descriptive statistics, t -test, paired t -test, discrimination process, group analysis) was performed. Among those parameters, 28 parameters have the statistic significance in group analysis. The 2 clustering was most appropriate.
Discrimination (Psychology)
Group Processes
7.A Study on Voice Change after Septoplasty with Turbinoplasty.
Soo Kweon KOO ; Soon Bok KWON ; Young Jun KIM ; Sung Hoon JUNG ; Ji Seung MOON
Korean Journal of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery 2016;59(5):377-382
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Septoplasty with turbinoplasty has the potential to affect voice because it alters the vocal tract. We conducted a study to evaluate the postoperative voice changes and aid using subjective and objective data regarding the effect of surgery. SUBJECTS AND METHOD: To rule out gender bias, only 23 male patients were enrolled. Voice change was analyzed by a subjective test through a questionnaire and an objective test through acoustic analysis. During each recording session, the subject uttered the words [^m ma: the Korean word for "mother"] and [Nu Na: the Korean word for "sister"]. We then analyzed the nasal consonant ([m] in [^m ma]), the nasalized vowel ([a] in [^m ma] and [a] in [Nu Na]), and the intensity of nasal sound. RESULTS: In the subjective study, 73.9% of patients reported an improvement in the quality of voice after surgery. Most of the patients reported a reduction in twang. In the objective study, there was a tendency for increased formant frequencies in the nasal consonant, and F1 of [m] in [^m ma] was increased significantly (p=0.003). There was also a tendency for decreased formant frequencies in the nasalized vowel, F2 of [a] in [^m ma] and F1 of [a] in [Nu Na] were decreased significantly (p<0.001), and there was an increase in the intensity of nasal sound, [^m ma] (p=0.009) and [Nu Na] (p=0.013). CONCLUSION: Nasal sound became clearer with reduced twang after surgery. It is important to keep the phonetic aspect in mind when patients are undergoing septoplasty with turbinoplasty.
Nasal Cavity
Nasal Obstruction
8.A Topic Modeling Analysis for Online News Article Comments on Nurses' Workplace Bullying
Jiyeon KANG ; Soogyeong KIM ; Seungkook ROH
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2019;49(6):736-747
PURPOSE: This study aimed to explore public opinion on workplace bullying in the nursing field, by analyzing the keywords and topics of online news comments.METHODS: This was a text-mining study that collected, processed, and analyzed text data. A total of 89,951 comments on 650 online news articles, reported between January 1, 2013 and July 31, 2018, were collected via web crawling. The collected unstructured text data were preprocessed and keyword analysis and topic modeling were performed using R programming.RESULTS: The 10 most important keywords were “work” (37121.7), “hospital” (25286.0), “patients” (24600.8), “woman” (24015.6), “physician” (20840.6), “trouble” (18539.4), “time” (17896.3), “money” (16379.9), “new nurses” (14056.8), and “salary” (13084.1). The 22,572 preprocessed key words were categorized into four topics: “poor working environment”, “culture among women”, “unfair oppression”, and “society-level solutions”.CONCLUSION: Public interest in workplace bullying among nurses has continued to increase. The public agreed that negative work environment and nursing shortage could cause workplace bullying. They also considered nurse bullying as a problem that should be resolved at a societal level. It is necessary to conduct further research through gender discrimination perspectives on nurse workplace bullying and the social value of nursing work.
Data Mining
Discrimination (Psychology)
Public Opinion
9.Statistic Approach for Sex Differentiation of Dried Korean Pelvic Bones.
Byoung Young CHOI ; Ho Suck KANG
Korean Journal of Physical Anthropology 2001;14(3):227-234
Pelvic bone is the major bone which has the quite different features between male and female. And these features are well described in almost all gross anatomy textbooks. The parameters which are used to sex determination are related with the those of obstetrics. To suggest the most significant parameters for sex discrimination with the bones, we have selected the frequently mentioned 21 metric fields of non -pathologic Korean pelvic bones, whose sexes were already confirmed (M 40, F 19). For measuring these metric parameters, the statistic procedure (descriptive statistics and discriminant analysis, group analysis) was performed (SAS PC version 6.12). The parameters showing more than 80% of discriminating probability are the acetabular length (Martin #22) and the pubic angle (Martin #16). The parameters showing more than 75% of discriminating probability are the transverse diameters of pelvic outlet (Martin #27), the breadth of greater sciatic notch, the ischial length (Martin # 15a), the pelvic breadth (Martin #2), the obturator foramen long length (Martin #20), the obturator foramen short length (Martin #20), and the pelvic height (Martin #1). All the metric parameters could be categorized into 5 groups.
Discriminant Analysis
Pelvic Bones*
Sex Differentiation*
10.The Anatomical Relationship Between Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve and First Tracheal Ring in Males and Females.
Ferit AKIL ; Umur YOLLU ; Muhammed AYRAL ; Faith TURGUT ; Murat YENER
Clinical and Experimental Otorhinolaryngology 2017;10(1):104-108
OBJECTIVES: Despite the modern advances in thyroid surgery, recurrent laryngeal nerve (rln) paralysis is still a critical problem. In order to decrease the rate of this complication, rln anatomy has been studied intensively. In our study, we aimed to recognize the relationship of rln and landmarks of the first tracheal ring. METHODS: Eighty-six female and 18 male patients who were undergone total thyroidectomy were included in this study. Trachea vertical height (tvh), right recurrent laryngeal nerve height (rrh), left recurrent laryngeal nerve height (lrh), right recurrent laryngeal nerve to trachea anterior face median raphe distance (rrd), left recurrent laryngeal nerve to trachea anterior face median raphe distance (lrd), right recurrent laryngeal nerve respect to trachea ratio (rrtr), and left recurrent laryngeal nerve respect to trachea ratio (lrtr) parameters of all patients were measured and compared in males and females using independent t-test and measurements on both right and left sides were compared statistically without sex discrimination. RESULTS: There were no significant differences between groups in tvh, rrh, rrd, lrd, rrtr, and lrtr parameters. Lrh parameter was significantly higher in males than in females (P<0.04). Comparison of right and left sides revealed that lrh was significantly higher than rrh (P<0.001), lrd was significantly higher than rrd (P<0.001), and rrtr was significantly higher than lrtr (P<0.001). CONCLUSION: In this study, we have shown that in all cases the rln was located around the lower half of trachea vertical length and at this level left rln was located significantly deeper than the right side.
Intraoperative Complications
Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve*
Thyroid Gland