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Author:(Satya Prakash SINGH)

1.Scapulothoracic and scapholunate dissociation in the ipsilateral upper limb of a trauma victim.

Hitesh LAL ; Yashwant Singh TANWAR ; Atin JAISWAL ; Satya Prakash SINGH ; Masood HABIB

Chinese Journal of Traumatology 2014;17(4):242-245

2.Bilateral traumatic proximal humerus fractures managed by open reduction and internal fixation with locked plates.

Atin JAISWAL ; Naiman Deepak KACHCHHAP ; Rupak CHATERJEE ; Yashwant Singh TANWAR ; Masood HABIB ; Satya Prakash SINGH

Chinese Journal of Traumatology 2013;16(6):379-381

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