Purpose : To seek opinions of medical doctors regarding self-management of assessed personal problems in health information records (SAPPHIRE) by patients themselves.
Methods : Ten-item questionnaires regarding SAPPHIRE were sent to each of two groups of medical doctors, using regular mail for A) doctors of private clinics, and hand-delivered to B) doctors working in a large hospital.
Results : Of the responding 292 medical doctors, 72.9% were in favor of using SAPPHIRE. More medical doctors of private clinics indicated preference for recording and assessment by a medical doctor (47.4%) than doctors working in a large hospital (25.2%). On average, responding medical doctors answered that problem lists could be recorded by co-medical staff (44.1%), but in the end, need to be created with the trustworthy assessment of a medical doctor (79.7%).
Conclusion : More than 70% of medical doctors responded in favor of using SAPPHIRE. Patients' reliable problem lists could be recorded by co-medical staff or a medical doctor, but need to be created with the trustworthy assessment of a medical doctor.