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Author:(Satoru SAITO)

1.Coronary-Pulmonary Artery Fistula Complicated with a Left Coronary Artery

Masahiro Saito ; Dai Kawashima ; Satoru Maeba ; Minoru Ono

Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2017;46(5):217-221

2.Practical application of an actogram to physical fitness research. Recording of physical activity pattern during daily life.


Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine 1992;41(2):174-182

3.Why Patients in Institutions with Religious Background Achieve ‘Good Death’ ? : Findings from National Bereavement Survey of 127 Hospice and Palliative Care Units

Maho Aoyama ; Ai Saito ; Mari Sugai ; Tatsuya Morita ; Yoshiyuki Kizawa ; Satoru Tsuneto ; Yasuo Shima ; Mitsunori Miyashita

Palliative Care Research 2017;12(2):211-220

4.A Case of Churg-Strauss Syndrome (Allergic Granulomatous Angiitis) with Severe Heart Failure Treated by Steroid Pulse Therapy.

Satoru TAKEDA ; Toshiaki TAKAHASHI ; Kaori OHMORI ; Kohei FUKAHORI ; Masayuki YOSHIDA ; Koki SAITO ; Etsuko FUSHIMI ; Nobuyo SEKIGUCHI ; Toru TAKAHASHI ; Keiji KIMURA ; Masato HAYASHI ; Masahiro SAITO

Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 2002;51(2):127-133

5.Surgical treatment of occipital epilepsy: Basic and clinical approach

Tatsuya Tanaka ; Masato Saito ; Masao Sato ; Ryogo Anei ; Yoshimitsu Hayashi ; Satoru Hiroshima ; Ryosuke Orimoto ; Akira Hododuka ; Kiyotaka Hashizume ; Kyousuke Kamada

Neurology Asia 2011;16(Supplement 1):75-76

6.Recent refinements and advances for pancreatoduodenectomy

Yuji Morine ; Mitsuo Shimada ; Satoru Imura ; Tetsuya Ikemoto ; Yusuke Arakawa ; Syuichi Iwahashi ; Yu Saito ; Shinichiro Yamada ; Daichi Ishikawa

Innovation 2014;8(4):136-137

7. Recent refinements and advances for pancreatoduodenectomy

Yuji MORINE ; Mitsuo SHIMADA ; Satoru IMURA ; Tetsuya IKEMOTO ; Yusuke ARAKAWA ; Syuichi IWAHASHI ; Yu SAITO ; Shinichiro YAMADA ; Daichi ISHIKAWA

Innovation 2014;8(4):136-137

8.Metachronous Gastric Cancer Following Curative Endoscopic Resection of Early Gastric Cancer.

Seiichiro ABE ; Ichiro ODA ; Takeyoshi MINAGAWA ; Masau SEKIGUCHI ; Satoru NONAKA ; Haruhisa SUZUKI ; Shigetaka YOSHINAGA ; Amit BHATT ; Yutaka SAITO

Clinical Endoscopy 2018;51(3):253-259

9.Элэгний мэс засалд гарсан сүүлийн үеийн ололт амжилтууд: Элэгний үйл ажиллагааны нөөцийг үнэлэх, загварчлах болон чиглүүлэх

Satoru Imura ; Mitsuo Shimada ; Tohru Utsunomiya ; Yuji Morine ; Tetsuya Ikemoto ; Yusuke Arakawa ; Mami Kanamoto ; Shuichi Iwahashi, ; Yu Saito ; Daichi Ishikawa, ; Batsaikhan Bat-Erdene.

Innovation 2013;7(3):8-12

10."Cancer and Acupuncture & Moxibustion"-The Effective Indications and the Limitations of Acupuncture Treatments as Primary and Secondary Preventions (Treating Patient before Disease Arises), Treatments, Palliative Cares of Cancer-

Takayoshi OGAWA ; Masahiro KANAI ; Katsutaro NAGATA ; Fumihiko FUKUDA ; Shun-ichi MAGARA ; Satoru YAMAGUCHI ; Jukichi OGUSHI ; Haruka SAITO ; Masake SUZUKI ; Yumiko HANDA

Journal of the Japan Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion 2004;54(5):672-685

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