1.Recent refinements and advances for pancreatoduodenectomy
Yuji Morine ; Mitsuo Shimada ; Satoru Imura ; Tetsuya Ikemoto ; Yusuke Arakawa ; Syuichi Iwahashi ; Yu Saito ; Shinichiro Yamada ; Daichi Ishikawa
Innovation 2014;8(4):136-137
Background: The technique of pancreatoduodenectomy (PD) has evolved, and
artery first’ approach was considered for the intraoperative early determination
of resectability for borderline resectable cases before the ‘point of no return’
and avoidance of blood congestion resulted in the reduction of blood loss. Also,
active application of energy device was useful for the reduced operative time and
blood loss. Recently, 3D simulation for hepatobiliary pancreatic surgery has been
useful and mandatory. In this presentation, we introduced our recent refinements
and advances for PD.
‘Artery first’ approach and vessel sealing system for PD: ‘Artery first’ approach
were considered as six different methods as follows; 1) Superior approach, 2)
Anterior approach, 3) Posterior approach, 4) Left posterior approach, 5) Right/
medial uncinate approach and 6) Mesenteric approach. A while ago, we
preferably applied the mesenteric approach to PD, and also the combination of
this approach with vessel sealing system (VSS) significantly reduced intraoperative
blood loss (Mesenteric approach with VSS, n=21 vs. non-‘Artery first’ approach
without VSS, n=78; 320±174ml vs. 486±263ml, p<0.01).
Modified de-rotation method as complete ‘Artery first’ approach: Most recently,
for further refinement of operative procedure, we refined a right/medial uncinate
and posterior approach as modified de-rotation method. Point of view in this
method was the complete clockwise rotation of small intestinal mesentery
including ascending colon, in order to linearize from duodenum to jejunum
and look at the direct front of superior mesenteric artery (SMA), vein (SMV) and
some branched jejunal vessels originated from SMA and SMV (Fig.). Thereby, in
the posterior view, the easy dissection of all pancreatic branch originated from
SMA can be done. This modified de-rotation method was possible to achieve the
complete ‘Artery first’ approach.
Preoperative 3D simulation of arterial and venous anatomy:
Until now, we applied 3D volumetery software (SYNAPSE VINCENT®) as
preoperative simulation for hepatic resection. And recently, for evaluation of the
position relationship between arteries and veins surround pancreas head, we
adopted this software before PD. As first step, arteries and veins are automatically
identified, and small vessels are manually traced on the axial CT view. After
that, 3D arterial and venous simulations are combined. Grasp of detailed vessel
anatomy and its relationship using preoperative 3D simulation enable to safely
perform PD, even in young surgeons (operative time; young 512±49 vs. senior
445±41 min, p<0.01), (blood loss; young 353±203 vs. senior 246±109 ml,
Conclusion: Those refinements and advances are possible to safely and easily
perform pancreatoduodenectomy.
2. Recent refinements and advances for pancreatoduodenectomy
Yuji MORINE ; Mitsuo SHIMADA ; Satoru IMURA ; Tetsuya IKEMOTO ; Yusuke ARAKAWA ; Syuichi IWAHASHI ; Yu SAITO ; Shinichiro YAMADA ; Daichi ISHIKAWA
Innovation 2014;8(4):136-137
Background: The technique of pancreatoduodenectomy (PD) has evolved, andartery first’ approach was considered for the intraoperative early determinationof resectability for borderline resectable cases before the ‘point of no return’and avoidance of blood congestion resulted in the reduction of blood loss. Also,active application of energy device was useful for the reduced operative time andblood loss. Recently, 3D simulation for hepatobiliary pancreatic surgery has beenuseful and mandatory. In this presentation, we introduced our recent refinementsand advances for PD.‘Artery first’ approach and vessel sealing system for PD: ‘Artery first’ approachwere considered as six different methods as follows; 1) Superior approach, 2)Anterior approach, 3) Posterior approach, 4) Left posterior approach, 5) Right/medial uncinate approach and 6) Mesenteric approach. A while ago, wepreferably applied the mesenteric approach to PD, and also the combination ofthis approach with vessel sealing system (VSS) significantly reduced intraoperativeblood loss (Mesenteric approach with VSS, n=21 vs. non-‘Artery first’ approachwithout VSS, n=78; 320±174ml vs. 486±263ml, p<0.01).Modified de-rotation method as complete ‘Artery first’ approach: Most recently,for further refinement of operative procedure, we refined a right/medial uncinateand posterior approach as modified de-rotation method. Point of view in thismethod was the complete clockwise rotation of small intestinal mesenteryincluding ascending colon, in order to linearize from duodenum to jejunumand look at the direct front of superior mesenteric artery (SMA), vein (SMV) andsome branched jejunal vessels originated from SMA and SMV (Fig.). Thereby, inthe posterior view, the easy dissection of all pancreatic branch originated fromSMA can be done. This modified de-rotation method was possible to achieve thecomplete ‘Artery first’ approach.Preoperative 3D simulation of arterial and venous anatomy:Until now, we applied 3D volumetery software (SYNAPSE VINCENT®) aspreoperative simulation for hepatic resection. And recently, for evaluation of theposition relationship between arteries and veins surround pancreas head, weadopted this software before PD. As first step, arteries and veins are automaticallyidentified, and small vessels are manually traced on the axial CT view. Afterthat, 3D arterial and venous simulations are combined. Grasp of detailed vesselanatomy and its relationship using preoperative 3D simulation enable to safelyperform PD, even in young surgeons (operative time; young 512±49 vs. senior445±41 min, p<0.01), (blood loss; young 353±203 vs. senior 246±109 ml,p=0.16).Conclusion: Those refinements and advances are possible to safely and easilyperform pancreatoduodenectomy.
3.Элэгний мэс засалд гарсан сүүлийн үеийн ололт амжилтууд: Элэгний үйл ажиллагааны нөөцийг үнэлэх, загварчлах болон чиглүүлэх
Satoru Imura ; Mitsuo Shimada ; Tohru Utsunomiya ; Yuji Morine ; Tetsuya Ikemoto ; Yusuke Arakawa ; Mami Kanamoto ; Shuichi Iwahashi, ; Yu Saito ; Daichi Ishikawa, ; Batsaikhan Bat-Erdene.
Innovation 2013;7(3):8-12
Recent technical innovation in liver surgery is remarkable. Now, for example, a preoperative 3D-simulation of the liver is a routine modality, and indispensable (or essential) for liver surgery. The aim of this presentation is to clarify various kinds of progresses and future perspective in liver surgery.
1) One-stop shopping of 3D-simulation of the liver: We newly developed 3D-simulation using a software of SYNAPSE VINCENT Ver. 3.1 (Fujifilm Medical, Tokyo, Japan), in which biliary system is simultaneously reconstructed in one dynamic MD-CT. This technique avoids position error which occurred in 3D fusion image using another modality such as DIC–CT or MRCP, as well as unnecessary radiation exposure.
2) Assessment of partial functional reserve: We have reported new methods to astimate regional hepatic functional reserve using hepatocyte-phase of EOB-MRI (J Gastroenterol 2012), and fusion image of 3D-CT and asialoscintigraphy using 99m-Tc galactosyl human albumin. The method of EOB-MRI utilized character of hepatocyte-uptake of EOB through membrane transporters on hepatocytes. The other used fusion of both asialoscintigram of hepatic functional reserve and 3D-simulation by the above-mentioned software. Those techniques provided accurate estimation of partial functional volume, and help surgeons’ decision making of resection volume.
1) Navigation using iPad: navigation using iPad in which preoperative 3D-image data are uploaded in advance, tumor location, accurate and anatomical orientation can confirm in the operative field during operation. This technique enable not only operators also assistants or students to better understand precise anatomy.
2) Indocyanine green (ICG) fluorescent image-guided navigation: this technique using HyperEye Medical System (MIZUHO IKAKOGYO Co., Ltd. Tokyo, Japan) help us to confirm tattooing of target segment and parenchymal intersegmental plane, and detect hepatic tumors (metastatic and HCC) near liver surface as well as invisible tumor inside the liver.
Various advancements such as preoperative 3D-simulation including partial functional reserve estimation and intraoperative navigation techniques enabled surgeons to easily and safely perform hepatic resection.
4.Recent refinements of glissonean pedicle approach for liver resection
Yu Saito M.D. ; Mitsuo Shimada M.D ; Satoru Imura M.D ; Yuji Morine M.D ; Tetsuya Ikemoto M.D. ; Yusuke Arakawa M.D. ; Shuichi Iwahashi M.D. ; Shinichiro Yamada M.D ; Daichi Ichikawa M.D ; Masato Yoshikawa M.D. ; Hiroki Teraoku M.D.
Innovation 2014;8(4):142-143
Background: The glissonean pedicle approach was introduced by Couinaud
and Takasaki in the early 1980s. The key of the glissonean pedicle approach is
clamping the pedicle first, secondly confirming the territory, and finally dissecting
the liver parenchyma. In this presentation, we introduced our recent refinements
of glissonean pedicle approach for liver resection.
“Approach to the glissonean pedicles at the hepatic hilus” Couinaud described
three approaches to the hepatic hilus. 1) Intra-fascial access (Control method):
The conventional dissection at the hilus or within the sheath is referred to as intrafascial
access However, dissection performed under the hilar plate is dangerous
and surgeons have to consider any variations of the hepatic artery and bile ducts.
2) Extra-fascial access (Glissonean pedicle approach): The glissonean pedicle is
dissected from the liver parenchyma at the hepatic hilus before dissecting the
liver parenchyma. This procedure prevents intrahepatic metastasis of HCC, which
spreads along the portal vein and improves the overall survival after surgery.
3) Extra-fascial and transfissural access: If the main portal fissure or the left
suprahepatic fissure is opened after dissecting the liver parenchyma, the surgeon
can confirm the pedicles that arise from the hilar plate or the umbilical plate.
“Operative techniques” 1) Preoperative 3D simulation of the precise anatomy
of portal vein, hepatic artery and bile duct at hepatic hilus should be performed.
2) Right glissonean pedicle: The hilar plate is detached from the quadrate lobe.
The assistant pulls the liver parenchyma cranially and the operator conversely
pulls the hepatoduodenal ligament caudally. Mayo scissors are inserted along the
liver parenchyma between the liver parenchyma and glissonean capsule (Fig.1).
Then forceps are inserted in the same way and the right main pedicle is taped
(Fig.2). The right anterior and posterior glissonean pedicles are taped as well. 3)
Left glissonean pedicle: The hilar plate is detached from the liver parenchyma.
Then, the Arantius duct is confirmed and the left pedicle is dissected along the left
pedicle at the ventral side of the Arantius duct.
“Pitfall of glissonean pedicle approach” The right pedicle should be dissected
in the liver side as much as possible to prevent the injury of left hepatic duct.
If possible, the right pedicle is recommended to be dissected at the level of the
second branches separately (Fig.3). The right posterior hepatic duct sometimes
branches from the left hepatic duct and the Arantius duct is confirmed and the left
pedicle should be dissected along the left pedicle at the ventral side of the Arantius
duct because the right posterior hepatic duct branches from the left hepatic duct
at the dorsal side of Arantius’ duct. In addition, the intraoperative cholangiogram
should be used in the case with the abnormal anatomy of bile duct.
Conclusions: Any anatomical hepatectomy can be performed using “glissonean
pedicle approach” which allows simple, safe and easy liver resection.