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Author:(Satheesha NB)

1.Replaced Right Hepatic Artery Associated with Uncommon Triplet Right Renal Vein: Embryological Perspective and Clinical Importance 45

Satheesha NB ; Srinivasa RS ; Surekha DS ; Naveen K ; Anita G

Journal of Surgical Academia 2012;2(2):45-48

2.Uncommon Peritoneal Anomaly of Spleen Associated with the Unusual Relationship of Spleen with the Left Lobe of the Liver

Satheesha NB, Srinivasa Rao S ; Narendra P, Anitha G ; Surekha DS ; Naveen K ; Ashwini A ; Swamy RS

Journal of Surgical Academia 2013;3(1):47-49

3.A Rare Case of Undescended Caecum Accompanied by Looped Retroperitoneal Appendix

Ashwini AP ; Naveen K ; Jyothsna P ; Swamy R S ; Satheesha NB

Journal of Surgical Academia 2014;4(2):32-34

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