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Author:(Satheesha B. NAYAK)

1.An Unusual Venous Plexus on Psoas Major Muscle Connecting the Inferior Mesenteric and Testicular Veins

Satheesha Nayak B ; Bincy MG ; Snigdha M ; Srinivasa Rao S ; Surekha DS

Journal of Surgical Academia 2015;5(1):58-60

2.An Unusual Termination of Facial Vein and Anterior Division of Retromandibular Vein into External Jugular Vein: A Case Report

Jyothsna P, Naveen K ; Mohandas Rao KG ; Ashwini LS ; Somayaji SN ; Satheesha Nayak B

Journal of Surgical Academia 2014;4(1):54-56

3.Occurrence of Three Headed Sternocleidomastoid Muscle and a Common Thyro-Linguo-Facial Vein – A Case Report

Gayathri S Prabhu ; Satheesha B Nayak ; Prakashchandra Shetty ; Deepthinath Reghunathan ; Prasad AM

Journal of Surgical Academia 2015;5(2):54-57

4.Mylohyoid foramen of mandible: a rare exit point of intra-mandibular origin of nerve to mylohyoid

Satheesha B. NAYAK ; K.V. SOUMYA

Anatomy & Cell Biology 2020;53(1):114-116

5.Absence of transverse colon, persistent descending mesocolon, displaced small and large bowels: a rare congenital anomaly with a high risk of volvulus formation.

Prakashchandra SHETTY ; Satheesha B NAYAK

Anatomy & Cell Biology 2014;47(4):279-281

6.Functional and clinical importance of a large sized ostium secundum defect in a middle aged female cadaver: a case report.

Satheesha B NAYAK

Anatomy & Cell Biology 2017;50(2):152-154

7.Trifurcation of right coronary artery and its huge right ventricular branch: can it be hazardous?.

Satheesha B NAYAK

Anatomy & Cell Biology 2018;51(2):139-141

8.Dangerous twisted communications between external and internal iliac veins which might rupture during catheterization.

Satheesha B NAYAK

Anatomy & Cell Biology 2018;51(4):309-311

9.Abnormal Intraparotid Termination of Facial Vein and Its Clinical Importance

Satheesha Nayak B, Srinivasa Rao S ; Sapna M ; Ashwini LS ; Jyothsna P ; Ashwini Aithal P ; Swamy Ravindra S ; Abhinitha

Journal of Surgical Academia 2012;2(2):27-29

10.Short Axillary Vein and an Axillary Venous Ladder Formed by Basilic and Brachial Veins – An Anatomical and Clinical Perspective

Satheesha Nayak B ; Srinivasa RS ; Ashwini AP ; Naveen K ; Swamy RS ; Deepthinath R ; Surekha DS ; Prakashchandra S

Journal of Surgical Academia 2015;5(2):29-32

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