The development of antibody titers and cross reation between Sarcocystis and Toxoplasma were investigated by means of IFA test and ELISA in pigs experimentally infected with 1.5 x 10(6) S. suicanis sporocysts and 10,000 T. gondii oocysts, respectively. The intact and soluble Sarcocystis antigens were prepared from the bradyzoites harvested by peptic digestion of infected pork. The intact and soluble Toxoplasma, antigens were prepared from the tachyzoites in mouse peritoneal cavity. IgG antibodies in pigs infeded with Sarcocystis and Toxoplasma, respectively were detected first at 2 weeks post infection on both IFA test and ELISA. The antibody titer to Toxoplasma reached its maximum at 6 weeks post infection and decreased thereafter. The antibody titer to Sarcocystis reached its maximum terminally. The cross-reaction titer in pigs infected with Toxoplasma against Sarcocystis antigen was up to 1:16 in IFA test and up to 1:32 in ELISA. The titer in control group was below 1:4 in both reactions.
Toxoplasma gondii
Sarcocystis suicanis
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay