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Author:(Sandeep AGARWALA)

1.Lesion-Wise Comparison of Pre-Therapy and Post-Therapy Effective Half-Life of Iodine-131 in Pediatric and Young Adult Patients with Differentiated Thyroid Cancer Undergoing Radioiodine Therapy

Praveen KUMAR ; Chandrasekhar BAL ; Nishikant Avinash DAMLE ; Sanjana BALLAL ; S N DWIVEDI ; Sandeep AGARWALA

Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 2019;53(3):199-207

2.Lesion-Wise Comparison of Pre-Therapy and Post-Therapy Effective Half-Life of Iodine-131 in Pediatric and Young Adult Patients with Differentiated Thyroid Cancer Undergoing Radioiodine Therapy

Praveen KUMAR ; Chandrasekhar BAL ; Nishikant Avinash DAMLE ; Sanjana BALLAL ; S N DWIVEDI ; Sandeep AGARWALA

Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 2019;53(3):199-207

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