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Author:(Saihu MAO)

1.The impact of ossified anterior longitudinal ligaments surrounding osteotomy vertebra on the lordosing capability of pedicle subtraction osteotomy in thoracolumbar kyphotic deformity secondary to ankylosing spondylitis

Saihu MAO ; Zongxian FENG ; Bangping QIAN ; Zezhang ZHU ; Bing WANG ; Yang YU ; Yong QIU

Chinese Journal of Orthopaedics 2017;37(10):595-603

2.Effects of Halo-gravity traction in patients with neurologic deficits secondary to severe focal angular kyphosis of the upper thoracic spine

Benlong SHI ; Yang LI ; Zhen LIU ; Xu SUN ; Saihu MAO ; Zezhang ZHU ; Yong QIU

Chinese Journal of Orthopaedics 2021;41(7):412-419

3.Bracing treatment for girls with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: clinical outcomes and predictive factors

Xu SUN ; Bin WANG ; Yong QIU ; Zezhang ZHU ; Feng ZHU ; Yang YU ; Bangping QIAN ; Weiwei MA ; Zhen LIU ; Saihu MAO

Chinese Journal of Orthopaedics 2011;31(3):201-206

4.Effect of postoperative trunk shift on long-term shoulder imbalance after single segment hemivertebra resection in children: risk factors and prognosis

Xiyu PAN ; Jun QIAO ; Zhen LIU ; Saihu MAO ; Xu SUN ; Zezhang ZHU ; Yong QIU

Chinese Journal of Orthopaedics 2022;42(11):696-705

5.Vertebral rotatory subluxation: a risk factor for intraoperative neurological complications in correction surgery of spinal deformities

Yang LI ; Dun LIU ; Benlong SHI ; Saihu MAO ; Zhen LIU ; Xu SUN ; Zezhang ZHU ; Yong QIU

Chinese Journal of Orthopaedics 2020;40(11):700-706

6.Posterior column osteotomy for the treatment of "Lenke 5-like" lumbar congenital scoliosis

Xiyu PAN ; Jun QIAO ; Zhen LIU ; Saihu MAO ; Xu SUN ; Zezhang ZHU ; Yong QIU

Chinese Journal of Orthopaedics 2021;41(22):1598-1606

7.Mid-term outcomes of one-stage posterior-only jumping hemivertebra resections and short fusions for children with congenital scoliosis secondary to multiple hemivertebrae

Saihu MAO ; Song LI ; Zezhang ZHU ; Yanyu MA ; Zhen LIU ; Benlong SHI ; Xu SUN ; Jun QIAO ; Bin WANG ; Yang YU ; Yong QIU

Chinese Journal of Orthopaedics 2021;41(23):1673-1682

8.Efficacy of posterior staged correction in the treatment of severe kyphoscoliosis

Yinkun LI ; Benlong SHI ; Zhen LIU ; Saihu MAO ; Jun QIAO ; Zezhang ZHU ; Yong QIU

Chinese Journal of Orthopaedics 2023;43(17):1146-1154

9.Pelvic fixation for posterior lumbosacral hemivertebra resection and long fusion in adult spinal deformity

Song LI ; Zezhang ZHU ; Saihu MAO ; Yanyu MA ; Yitong ZHU ; Zhen LIU ; Benlong SHI ; Xu SUN ; Jun QIAO ; Bin WANG ; Yang YU ; Yong QIU

Chinese Journal of Orthopaedics 2022;42(7):426-436

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