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Author:(Sadiya Aziz ANAH)

1.Screening of the antiparasitic activity of gold nanoparticles on hydatid cysts protoscolices in vitro

Sadiya Aziz ANAH

Korean Journal of Veterinary Research 2023;63(4):e33-

2.Anti-parasitic activity of zinc oxide nanoparticles against Eimeria tenella in broilers experimentally infected

Sadiya Aziz ANAH ; Saad Aziz ANAH ; Khadeeja Abees Hmood AL-KHALIDY

Korean Journal of Veterinary Research 2022;62(4):e30-

3.Evaluation of the efficiency of chitosan and silver nanoparticles in the treatment of lice experimental infestation in local chickens

Youssef Qasim MOHAMMED ; Sadiya Aziz ANAH

Korean Journal of Veterinary Research 2024;64(2):e12-

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