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Author:(Sadikin AS)

2.Nuclear Theranostics in Indonesia: Past, Present, and Future


Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 2019;53(1):33-34

3.Nuclear Theranostics in Indonesia: Past, Present, and Future


Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 2019;53(1):33-34

4.Correlation between the skull base fracture and the incidence of intracranial hemorrhage in patients with traumatic brain injury.

Ahmad FARIED ; Danny HALIM ; Ingrid Ayke WIDJAYA ; Rendy Febrian BADRI ; Syailendra Fii SULAIMAN ; Muhammad Z ARIFIN

Chinese Journal of Traumatology 2019;22(5):286-289

5.Correlation of Depression and Illness Cognition in Coronary Artery Disease at Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung, Java, Indonesia

Purba Deo ; Arifah Nur Istiqomah ; Veranita Pandia ; Lynna Lidyana ; Badai Bhatara Tiksnadi ; Santi Andayani

Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2022;18(No.1):121-128

6.Secondary Renal Amyloidosis in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patient

Lilik Sukesi ; Guntur Darmawan ; Stefanie Yuliana Usman ; Laniyati Hamijoyo ; Ria Bandiara

Philippine Journal of Internal Medicine 2021;59(1):28-

7.Awareness And Knowledge Of Smoking And Periodontitis Among Dental Patients

Sadikin AS ; Mansor H ; Saub R ; Vaithlingam RD

Annals of Dentistry 2015;22(2):15-22

8.Comparison between Ketogenic and Diabetic Conventional Diet on Wound Closure in Diabetic Rat Model

Muhammad Defri SAPUTRA ; Herry HERMAN ; Greesea Dinamaria WHITIANA

Journal of Wound Management and Research 2024;20(2):145-153

9.Comparison between Ketogenic and Diabetic Conventional Diet on Wound Closure in Diabetic Rat Model

Muhammad Defri SAPUTRA ; Herry HERMAN ; Greesea Dinamaria WHITIANA

Journal of Wound Management and Research 2024;20(2):145-153

10.Comparison between Ketogenic and Diabetic Conventional Diet on Wound Closure in Diabetic Rat Model

Muhammad Defri SAPUTRA ; Herry HERMAN ; Greesea Dinamaria WHITIANA

Journal of Wound Management and Research 2024;20(2):145-153

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