1.Examination of Condition Adjustment following Acupuncture Treatment for Competitive Sailors at the National Sports Festival.
Eiji FURUYA ; Yasuhisa KANEKO ; Hiroo OGAWA ; Shintaro ISHIKAWA ; Ayumi SAKAMOTO
Journal of the Japan Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion 2006;56(2):166-174
[Purpose] This report examines the immediate effect of acupuncture treatment for subjective symptoms in competitive sailors.
[Method] The investigation was performed in the conditioning room at the national sports festival. Acupuncture treatment was performed for lumbago (n=108), dorsal pain (n=72). Acupuncture treatment was performed only on the area where players complained of pain. The variety of chief complaints, number of chief com-plaints, and visual analog scale (VAS) score were used for the investigation. Significance of differences in VAS score was compared by t-test.
[Result] There were numerous chief complaints involving lumbago, followed in orderby dorsal pain, and othercomplaints. Acupuncture treatment decreased the VAS score fbr lumbago (n=108) from 52.3±215mm to 21. 5±16.4mm. Dorsal pain (n=72) was also decreased from 48.0±18.7mm to 18.5±15.2mm. These values were both significantly different at p<0.01.
[Discussion] Acupuncture treatment was effective for lumbago, and dorsal pain of competitive sailors. As a result, it was suggested that the acupuncture treatment is an effective condition adjustment methods.
2.Technical training to prevent medical accidents caused by deep acupuncture sticking-Confirmation of the apex position of acupuncture needle using electrical acupuncture stimulation-
Takao SAITO ; Yoshiko WATANABE ; Sinji HAYASHI ; Hiroo OGAWA ; Shintaro ISHIKAWA
Journal of the Japan Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion 2008;58(4):671-679
[Objective]It is important for students to learn in school education how to prevent medical accidents caused by deep insertion of a needle. Also, it is essential in safe acupuncture treatment that students are always reminded there are individual variations in subcutaneous structure and to confirm the position of the needle tip in the subcutaneous tissue. To recognize the acupuncture needle tip, muscle twitch induced by electrical stimulation through the acupuncture needle tip was felt with fingers of training students.
[Methods]To prevent accidental pneumothorax, acupuncture training was performed in the upper and lower extremities. After the class, we conducted a questionnaire investigation with the students.
[Result]As the result, students realized that the position of the needle tip which they assumed is different from the real position in subcutaneous tissue.
[Discussion]Without knowing the precise position of the acupuncture needle tip, a desirable effect is not provided, and furthermore, a medical accident may be caused. It is important to confirm the position of the acupuncture needle tip with consideration to individual variation for safe and effective acupuncture treatment.
[Conclusion]We concluded that the skill to prick and insert the acupuncture needle to the correct position is so important in preventing medical accidents that training to learn correct needle tip position should be given in acupuncture education.
3."Oketsu" and Hemorheological Changes-Examination by Micro Channel Array Flow Analyzer-(the first report)
Yuzo HORIBE ; Syogo ISHINO ; Naoko HISAMITSU ; Thein LAIN ; Shintaro ISHIKAWA ; Takao SATO ; Tadashi HISAMITSU
Kampo Medicine 2004;55(5):645-648
Scientific elucidation of “oketsu (blood stasis)” states is very important to understanding the diagnostic methods of oriental medicine. We investigated the correlation of blood fluidity to oketsu states, by micro channel array flow analyzer (MC-FAN). Twenty-seven female patients were divided into three groups: a non-oketsu group, a mildly affected group, and a severely affected group according to the diagnostic criteria of their oketsu syndrome. Immediately after collecting their venous blood, whole blood passage time was measured by MC-FAN. And we compared and investigated the correlation with degree of oketsu state, diagnostic criteria and changes of whole blood passage time after the administration of ku-oketsu drugs. As a result, whole-blood passage time of the mildly affected group and the severely affected group were significantly longer than that of the non-oketsu group, while the [an] improvement of blood fluidity was observed after medication. This study confirms that reduced blood fluidity is seen using MC-FAN in oketsu states, and that ku-oketsu drugs are able to improve these states.
Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine 2011;60(5):475-482
[Objective] Physical exercises raise more or less body temperature. A body temperature is regulated constantly generally by homeostasis mechanism. Perspiration is only heat radiation mechanism under high temperature environments. And sudoriferous water is supplied from blood. Blood flow is determined by blood fluidity, blood volume and the cardiovascular system. It was reported that strong stress decreased blood fluidity.In this experiment, we investigated the relation between blood fluidity and water supply in rats loaded with forced exercise in high temperature environment.[Methods] SPF male Wistar rats weighing 150 g were used. All animals were put in high temperature environment (Wet Bulb Globe Temperature; WBGT: 28°C) through whole experimental period. In a group of water supply, distilled water was served before and later exercise by sonde forcibly. The rats were divided into five groups randomly; Rest-Non water intake (RN), Rest-Water intake (RW), Exercise-Non water intake (EN), Exercise-Water intake (EW) and Baseline (B). The blood was collected before or later of exercise and blood fluidity or platelet aggregation was measured.[Results] In the EN, platelet aggregation, lactic acid and corticosterone increased while blood fluidity were decreased significantly compared with the RN, RW and EW. In addition, the hematocrit did not increase even if water equivalent to 8 % of body weight lost it.[Conclusion] We speculate that exercise in high temperature environment decreases blood fluidity. However, the water supply that does not completely make up for quantity of depletion in exercise may improve blood fluidity.
Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine 2011;60(5):527-534
[Objective] Perspiration is almost only heat radiation mechanism under high temperature environments. And sudoriferous water is supplied from blood. Blood flow is determined by blood fluidity, blood volume and the cardiovascular system. It was reported that strong stress decreased blood fluidity.In this experiment, we investigated the relation between blood fluidity and water supply in rats loaded with forced exercise in high temperature environment.[Methods] SPF male Wistar rats weighing 250g were used. All animals were put in high temperature environment (Wet Bulb Globe Temperature; WBGT: 28°C) through whole experimental period. The rats were divided into four groups randomly; Suitable temperature environment-Exercise-Non water intake (SEN), High temperature environment-Exercise-Non water intake (HEN), High temperature environment-Exercise-Water intake (HEW) and Baseline (BL). In a group of water supply, distilled water was served before and later exercise by sonde forcibly. The blood was collected before or later of exercise and blood and erythrocyte suspension fluidity were measured.[Results] In the HEN, hydroperoxides, blood sodium, lactic acid and adrenaline increased while blood and erythrocyte suspension fluidity were decreased significantly compared with the BL. In addition, the hematocrit did not increase even if water equivalent to 4% of body weight lost it.[Conclusion] We speculate that exercise in high temperature environment decreases blood fluidity. However, the water supply in exercise that might not be sufficiently improve blood fluidity.
6.Analgesic and Anti-stress Effects of Yokukansan in Rats with Adjuvant Arthritis
Yutaka HONDA ; Masataka SUNAGAWA ; Sanae YONEYAMA ; Hideshi IKEMOTO ; Takako NAKANISHI ; Hiroaki IWANAMI ; Hiroki SUGA ; Shintaro ISHIKAWA ; Shogo ISHINO ; Tadashi HISAMITSU
Kampo Medicine 2013;64(2):78-85
Yokukansan (YKS), one of the traditional Japanese “Kampo” medicines, is a mixture of extract powders from seven kinds of medicinal herbs (Atractylodis Lanceae Rhizoma, Hoelen, Cnidii Rhizoma, Uncariae Uncis Cum Ramulus, Angelicae Radix, Bupleuri Radix, and Glycyrrhizae Radix). YKS has been administered to fragile habitus patients who show symptoms such as emotional irritability, neurosis and insomnia, and to infants who suffer from night crying and convulsions. In recent years, YKS has been reported to be effective against pain disorders such as headache and chronic pain, but the mechanism underlying these beneficial effects is still unclear. In this study, the effect of YKS on chronic inflammatory pain and stress caused by pain were investigated using rats with adjuvant arthritis.
Male Wistar rats were injected with complete Freund's adjuvant into the plantar surface of the right hindpaw, and then pain thresholds and stress markers were measured. The thermal pain threshold measured with the plantar test significantly decreased, and the level of salivary chromogranin A (CgA), which is used as a mental stress marker, was significantly increased in this model. The administration of YKS controlled the activation of spinal microglia involved in the expression of chronic pain, and significantly reduced a decrease in the pain threshold. Moreover, an increase in the level of salivary CgA was significantly inhibited. The authors concluded that YKS has effects in reducing chronic inflammatory pain and the stress caused by pain.
7.Inhibitory Effect of Shoseiryuto on Substance P and CGRP Production in the Trigeminal Nerve
Yoichi IKENOYA ; Masataka SUNAGAWA ; Erika TOKITA ; Eri YAMASAKI ; Hiroaki IWANAMI ; Rumiko KODA ; Shintaro ISHIKAWA ; Takako NAKANISHI ; Shogo ISHINO ; Tadashi HISAMITSU
Kampo Medicine 2013;64(3):143-149
It has been reported that the effect of shoseiryuto, a traditional Japanese “Kampo” medicine, on allergic rhinitis depends on several mechanisms. Previously, we reported that shoseiryuto administered in an allergic rhinitis rat model, inhibited increases of substance P (SP) and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) in the nasal mucus, which in turn are involved in the exacerbation of rhinitis symptoms and allergic symptoms. In the present research, we looked into whether the secretion of SP and CGRP are directly inhibited by the administration of shoseiryuto.
Histamine solution 5µl (10 mg/ml) was instilled in both nostrils of healthy, male SD rats, thereby inducing allergic symptoms, and for the group to which shoseiryuto had been pre-administered, increase in the concentration of SP and CGRP in the nasal mucus was significantly inhibited. Moreover, upon investigating SP and CGRP production in the trigeminal ganglia by means of immunostaining, it was found to be similarly significantly inhibited. The above results indicate that shoseiryuto directly inhibits the secretion of SP and CGRP in the C-fibers of nasal mucosa.
8.Effect of Rosmarinic Acid on Allergic Rhinitis in Rats
Eri YAMASAKI ; Masataka SUNAGAWA ; Kayo NUMAGUCHI ; Erika TOKITA ; Yoichi IKENOYA ; Atsuko KITAMURA ; Noriyuki SERADA ; Shintaro ISHIKAWA ; Takako NAKANISHI ; Tadashi HISAMITSU
Japanese Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2012;9(2):107-113
Objective: In general, antiallergic drugs, steroids, and autonomic drugs are administered for patients with allergic diseases, but the chronic administration of these medicines may occasionally induce side effects. As such, several complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) are used, even though their effectiveness has not been established by a significant amount of evidence. Health food, herbal medicines, herbal tea, and aromatherapy, etc., are used for the treatment of allergic rhinitis (AR) as CAM. Rosmarinic acid is a type of polyphenol, and is reported to have antiallergic, antioxydative and anti-inflammatory properties. Rosmarinic acid is included in Perilla Herbs, which are used in health foods and herbal medicines (Kampo medicines), Rosemary and Lemon balm, which are used as herbal teas and essential oils of aromatherapy. This study was performed to evaluate the effect of rosmarinic acid on AR using AR model rats.
Methods: Six-week-old male Sprague-Dawley rats were sensitized with toluene 2,4-diisocyanate (TDI) to induce AR. Rosmarinic acid (1 mg/kg i.p. or 3 mg/kg i.p.) is administrated for 21 days. On day 22, the symptom of nasal allergy was evaluated by counting the number of sneezes within 10 minutes. Substance P (SP), calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) and nerve growth factor (NGF) in the nasal lavage fluids were also measured.
Result: SP and CGRP take part in the exacerbation of rhinitis symptoms, and are secreted from the nerve ending following nerve stimulation by chemical mediators such as histamine. The administration of Rosmarinic acid had no effect on NGF, but significantly suppressed increases of sneezes, SP and CGRP dose-relatedly. Conclusion: Rosmarinic acid could control the symptom of nasal allergy, and one of the mechanisms was suppressing of the secretion of SP and CGRP.
9.Activities of the Ishikawa Prefectural Joint Committee of Blood Transfusion Therapy
Naohiro SUGITA ; Hiroshi TANAKA ; Hidehiro SATOU ; Tosihiko HUTAKI ; Makiko MIYAMOTO ; Sinitiro YONEDA ; Aya OKAMOTO ; Yo TANIGUCHI ; Ikue YAMASITA ; Makoto NITTA ; Masaki KOMORI ; Shintaro SHIOBARA ; Shuichi KIKUCHI ; Akiyoshi TAKAMI ; Hirohito YAMAZAKI ; Yasufumi MASAKI
Japanese Journal of Social Pharmacy 2018;37(1):2-8
Objective : In 2011, the Ishikawa Prefectural Joint Committee of Blood Transfusion Therapy was organized in Ishikawa Prefecture. Since 2012, pharmacists have promoted educational activities regarding the appropriate use of albumin products for different occupations based on a survey involving all medical institutions in Ishikawa Prefecture. We examined the effects of these activities with respect to the usage of albumin products. Methods : A questionnaire survey regarding blood transfusion therapy, including the total usage of albumin products, departments responsible for the management of albumin products, and health care professionals’ awareness of issues on the appropriate use of albumin products, was conducted from 2011 until 2014 involving all medical institutions where blood transfusion preparations were used in Ishikawa Prefecture. Results : The questionnaire collection rate was ≥70%. The results showed that, in middle- or small-scale medical institutions, departments/physicians other than the Department of Pharmacy were responsible for the management of albumin products. Furthermore, some health care professionals did not recognize/understand problems regarding the appropriate use of albumin products. Pharmacists newly increased educational activities by study meetings for various occupations or panel discussions involving participants. The participants’ occupations varied, and the number of institutions to which they belonged was 20 to 24. The total usage of albumin products in Ishikawa Prefecture decreased by approximately 20% between 2011, when these attempts were started, and 2014. Discussion : This study suggests that the educational activities by pharmacists and other health care professionals at the prefectural level reduced the total usage of albumin products.
10.A Surgical Experience of Unroofing for Anomalous Aortic Origin of Right Coronary Artery with Ischemia in Adult
Honami MIZUSHIMA ; Hiroki KATO ; Naoki SAITO ; Hideyasu UEDA ; Hironari NO ; Shintaro TAKAGO ; Kenji IINO ; Keiichi KIMURA ; Hirofumi TAKEMURA
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2020;49(5):253-256
We describe a 50-year-old man who was diagnosed with anomalous aortic origin of the right coronary artery (AAORCA) by coronary angiography and coronary computed tomography performed for chest pain on exertion. Exercise-loaded myocardial scintigraphy revealed inferior wall ischemia, and hence surgery was performed. Intraoperatively, the right coronary artery was seen to run in the aortic wall, and hence, right coronary ostioplasty (unroofing) was performed. Postoperatively, coronary computed tomography revealed that the right coronary artery originated from a normal position, and exercise-loaded myocardial scintigraphy indicated no ischemia.