1.Preseptal and orbital cellulitis at the Philippine General Hospital
Uy Harvey S ; Tuano Prospero Ma C
Philippine Journal of Ophthalmology 2005;30(1):28-33
OBJECTIVE: To describe the clinical features, causative agents, management practices, and outcomes of preseptal and orbital cellulitis at a tertiary-care center in a developing country.
METHODS: This is a retrospective case series of preseptal and orbital cellulitis seen at the Orbit Clinic of the Philippine General Hospital from January 1990 to December 1995. The medical records were reviewed and the following data obtained: age, gender, manner of disease presentation, causative agent, medical interventions, and outcomes.
RESULTS: Fifty-six patients with preseptal cellulitis and 35 with orbital cellulitis were identified. Among the patients with preseptal cellulitis, the mean age at presentation was 12.6 +/- 17.0 years. No gender predilection was observed. The most common presenting signs were lid swelling (all patients), eye redness (34 %), fever (29%), and eye discharge (27 %). Bilateral involvement occurred in 9 patients. Among those with orbital cellulitis, 25 were classified as orbital cellulitis, 5 as orbital abscess, and 5 as cavernous sinus thrombosis. There were slightly more females than males (1.3:1). The mean age at presentation was 17.1 +/- 18.6 years. The most common symptoms were lid swelling (94 %), ophthalmoplegia (89 %), chemosis (77%), proptosis (71%), and decreased vision (51%). Both conditions were associated with antecedent infectious conditions such as skin and lid infection, sinusitis, dental abscess, respiratory-tract infection, and trauma. Staphylococcus was the most common organism isolated.
The most common initial antibiotics used were beta-lactamase-resistant penicillins. Other antibiotics were added based on clinical response and microbial studies. Orbital cellulitis was associated with sight threatening complications such as glaucoma, retinal vascular occlusion, exposure keratitis, and optic-nerve compression.
CONCLUSIONS: The etiology of preseptal and orbital cellulitis in this series differs from that in developed countries. Preseptal and orbital cellulitis should be distinguished early so that proper management can be instituted. Orbital cellulitis is associated with greater mortality and morbidity. CT scan and microbial studies are invaluable for appropriate diagnosis and management of orbital cellulitis.
Young Adult
2.The XY female: A rare case of Swyer syndrome with dysgerminoma.
Asto Ma. Rosielyn D. ; Aguilar Angela S.
Philippine Journal of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility 2016;13(1):14-21
Swyer Syndrome is a pure form of gonadal dysgenesis that although rare, should not be disregarded in the differential diagnosis of patients who present with primary amenorrhea and abdominopelvic mass. The dysgenetic gonads fail to produce antimullerian hormone in an individual with Swyer Syndrome who is genetically male, resulting in feminization and absence of virilization. Phenotypically female, they usually seek consult at a later time during their teenage years due to primary amenorrhea. Our index patient consulted due to a large abdominopelvic mass and primary amenorrhea. Hormonal assay showed a hypergonadotropic hypogonadism endocrinologic milieu, and on karyotyping, showed a genetically male individual. This paper shall discuss an in-depth pre-operative, surgical and post-operative management of patients diagnosed with Swyer Syndrome.
Human ; Female ; Adolescent ; Anti-mullerian Hormone ; Amenorrhea ; Feminization ; Diagnosis, Differential ; Gonadal Dysgenesis, 46,xy ; Turner Syndrome ; Gonadal Dysgenesis ; Karyotyping ; Virilism ; Hypogonadism ; Gonads
3.Sexual Pain Disorder with Anxiety and Depressive Psychopathology as Complication: A Case-Report
Ameerah Adeelah MA ; Kanit TD ; Hatta S
Medicine and Health 2016;11(1):87-91
Vaginismus is a sexual dysfunction which results from vaginal musculature spasm
and makes the penetration almost impossible. It is commonly associated with
significant emotional distress. On several occasions, fear of pain during sexual
intercourse may perpetuate the sexual dysfunction. We report a case of primary
vaginismus that was associated with psychiatric squeale of anxiety and depression
psychopathology. It suggests that psychological problems related to a mentalhealth
problem in vaginismus should be dealt adequately for a holistic approach.
A combination of behavioural, psychological and pharmacological treatment is
important to ensure a good prognosis outcome.
Sexual Dysfunctions, Psychological
4.Sensitivity, Specificity, Predictive Value and Inter-Rater Reliability of Malnutrition Screening Tools in Hospitalised Adult Patients
Nor Azian MZ ; Suzana S ; Romzi MA
Malaysian Journal of Nutrition 2014;20(2):209-219
Nutrition screening is recommended as a first step of nutrition care to allow early identification and intervention of malnourished patients. The present study determined the validities and reliabilities of two malnutrition screening tools namely, the Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool (MUST) and Malnutrition Screening Tool (MST) among adult patients at the Hospital Kuala
Lumpur. Methods: The sensitivity, specificity and predictive value of MUST and MST were conducted against the Subjective Global Assessment (SGA), anthropometric parameters including body mass index (BMI), calf circumference (CC),mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC) and energy intake. Inter-rater reliability was evaluated using kappa value (κ) to determine the level of agreement between raters. Results: A total of 151 subjects with mean age of 45.2 ± 13.7 years participated in this study. Prevalence of malnutrition according to MUST, MST and SGA was 34.4%, 33.8% and 19.9%, respectively. As compared to
SGA, MUST and MST had a sensitivity of 96.6% and 93.3% respectively, whereas the specificity was 80.9% for both tools. The sensitivity and specificity of MUST
against the anthropometric parameters (BMI, CC and MUAC) were between 53.8% to 88.8% and 67.4% to 69.9%, respectively. The sensitivity values for MST
were between 46.1% to 63.6% and specificity values were between 64.4% to 67.6%. The inter-rater reliability of MUST was higher (substantial, mean (κ) = 0.78) than for MST (moderate, mean (κ) = 0.52). Conclusions: In conclusion, MUST was found to have similar validity levels but higher reliability result than MST. Based on our result, MUST is recommended for use in identifying
adult patients who are at high risk of malnutrition. It can be used as a malnutrition screening tool but there is a need to evaluate the cost effectiveness of its
5.Double H-flap technique, an anti-reflux adjunct to esophagogastrostomy after proximal gastrectomy for gastric leiomyoma: A case report.
Ma. Katrina B. Guillermo ; Shiela S. Macalindong
Philippine Journal of Surgical Specialties 2021;76(2):63- 72
A significant challenge after performing resection of the
esophagogastric region, is the reconstruction that follows.
Esophagogastrostomy is a simple and direct method to restore
gastrointestinal continuity using a single anastomosis but is associated
with reflux esophagitis and anastomotic stenosis. This case report
presents a 29-year-old man with a bleeding gastroesophageal
junction leiomyoma who underwent a proximal gastrectomy and an
esophagogastrostomy reconstruction with a double H-flap technique
to reduce the incidence of gastric reflux. This illustrative description
of the double H-flap technique created a valve mechanism that
mimicked the function of the resected sphincter and cardia. This antireflux adjunct technique is reproducible and effective in preventing
gastroesophageal reflux symptoms after an esophagogastrostomy.
6.Hypersensitivity vasculitis secondary to rabies vaccine in a 53-year-old Filipino male: A case report
Charlene Lorraine A. Elio ; Ma. Deanna S. Ramiscal
Journal of the Philippine Dermatological Society 2024;33(Suppl 1):12-12
Vasculitis refers to the inflammation and damage of blood vessel walls. This presents as erythematous macules or palpable purpura with a predilection for dependent parts, particularly the legs. Vesicles and bullae are less common manifestations. Vasculitis can be idiopathic or associated with infections, systemic diseases, drugs, or vaccines. Vaccine-associated vasculitis has been reported in BCG, influenza, hepatitis, and more recently, COVID-19 vaccines. However, there is limited data on the adverse events associated with rabies vaccine administration.
A 53-year-old Filipino male presented with petechiae evolving into purpura and urticarial targetoid plaques with bullae on the extremities and trunk, after administration of inactivated purified Vero cell rabies vaccine (Verorab, Sanofi Pasteur) due to a Category 3 bite. There were no mucosal lesions. Nikolsky and Asboe-Hansen signs were negative. The patient had no previous reactions to drugs or vaccines.
Histopathology results confirmed the diagnosis of vasculitis. Resolution of skin lesions was achieved with administration of intravenous steroids and oral antihistamines.
Community surveys conducted in three Philippine provinces report the incidence of animal bites at 50 injuries per 1,000 population (5 percent) per year with 45 percent of patients seeking medical treatment at animal bite treatment centers.
There is limited data on adverse events associated with rabies vaccine administration. In general, allergic reactions to vaccines are rare, occurring in approximately 1 in 50,000 to 1 in 1,000,000 doses. These reactions may be due to antigens, residual media, stabilizers, preservatives, or other excipients in the vaccine.
Rash, urticaria, and pruritus have been reported, along with injection site reactions such as erythema, edema, and pain. Fever, malaise, headaches, low mood, purpura, urticaria, Stevens-Johnson Syndrome and erythema multiforme may also occur.
Adequate documentation and reporting of adverse reactions due to vaccines contributes to long-term safety studies and establishing treatment guidelines.
Human ; Male ; Middle Aged: 45-64 Yrs Old ; Hypersensitivity ; Rabies Vaccines ; Vasculitis
7.Transfusion related acute lung injury (TRALI) in a parturient with disseminated intravascular coagulation
Abellera-Bongco Ma. Jesusa O. ; King Larry S. ; Bautista Mary Jocylyn S. ; Lee-Jatico Mercy
Philippine Journal of Anesthesiology 2000;12(1):27-30
The objective of this case study is to present the anesthetic consideration of a patient with DIC for 'E' hysterotomy and the role of hemotherapy and its possible complications.
8.Semi-skeletonized internal mammary grafts and phrenic nerve injury: cause-and-effect analysis.
Yongzhi, DENG ; Zongquan, SUN ; Jie, MA ; Hugh S, PATERSON
Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Medical Sciences) 2006;26(4):455-9
Phrenic nerve injury after cardiac surgery increases postoperative pulmonary complications. The purpose of this study was to analyze the causes and effects of phrenic nerve injury after cardiac surgery. Prospectively collected data on 2084 consecutive patients who underwent cardiac surgery from Jan. 1995 to Feb. 2002 were analyzed. Twenty-eight preoperative and operation related variables were subjected to logistic analysis with the end point being phrenic nerve injury. Then phrenic nerve injury and 6 perioperative morbidities were included in the analysis as variables to determine their independent predictive value for perioperative pulmonary morbidity. An identical approach was used to identify the independent risk factors for perioperative mortality. There were 53 phrenic nerve injuries (2.5%). There was no phrenic nerve injury in non-coronary surgery or coronary surgery using conduits other than the internal mammary artery. The independent risk factors for phrenic nerve injury were the use of internal mammary artery (Odds ratio (OR) = 14.5) and thepresence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (OR = 2.9). Phrenic nerve injury was an independent risk factor (OR = 8.1) for perioperative pulmonary morbidities but not for perioperative mortality. Use of semi-skeletonized internal mammary artery harvesting technique and drawing attention to possible vascular or mechanical causes of phrenic nerve injury may reduce its occurrence. Unilateral phrenic nerve injury, although rarely life-threatening, is an independent risk factor for postoperative respiratory complications. When harvesting internal mammary arteries, it should be kept in mind avoiding stretching, compromising, or inadvertently dissecting phrenic nerve is as important as avoiding damage of internal mammary artery itself.
9.Awareness and confidence of family physicians in recognition and treatment of psychiatric illness
Pena Ma. Celeste S. ; Lao Annabelle Y. ; Conde Bernardo L.
The Philippine Journal of Psychiatry 2001;25(2):22-26
The family practitioner plays an important role in the detection and treatment of mental disorders. It is said that over half of all persons affected with mental illness are initially seen and treated by the non-psychiatrist in the outpatient setting rather than in the specialty mental health clinic.
This paper aims to evaluate perceived level of confidence and competence of the primary care practitioner in the recognition, diagnosis, and management of mental disorders.
A survey of family physicians and general practitioners using a thirteen (13)-point questionnaire during an annual convention of the Philippine Academy of Family Physicians (PAFP) was conducted. The questionnaire included items that attempted to quantify: exposure to psychiatry during residency and current medical practice; proportion of mental illness cases among total patient load; signs and symptoms that would be associated with mental illness; familiarity with standardized criteria for diagnosing mental illness i.e. schizophrenia and depression; familiarity with therapeutic medications; and perceived level of confidence in treating psychiatric cases.
Results and Conclusion:
The study implies that the family physician, although aware of the general signs and symptoms indicative of mental illness, is still hesitant in formulating a definitive diagnosis. Possible reasons for this attitude may be inadequate training in psychiatry as well as unfamiliarity and perceived difficulty with the DSM-IV.
10.Efficacy and safety of topical aspirin for persistent lichen simplex chronicus: A double blind, randomized, placebo-controlled crossover trial.
Patiño-Guiliano Victoria R ; Belisario Ma. Pacita S.
Journal of the Philippine Dermatological Society 2005;14(1):27-32
OBJECTIVE: To establish the effectiveness and safety of topical aspirin on patients with persistent lichen simplex chronicus (LSC) despite corticosteroid therapy
METHODS: Fifty-four male and female patients with LSC who underwent topical corticosteroid therapy in the past were randomized to receive 3 percent aspirin ointment for two weeks followed by placebo ointment for two weeks or placebo first followed by aspirin with a crossover design after a 2-week washout period on a preselected involved area. Outcomes looked for were pruritus by visual analogue scale (VAS), activities of daily living score (ADLS), size of lesion, number of skin markings and photographic assessment score (PAS). All comparisons were done both on per protocol and intention-to-treat bases.
RESULTS: Data were complete for 42 (77.8 percent) subjects. On per protocol analysis, there were significantly greater reductions in lesion size and number of skin markings on aspirin use than on placebo use (p=0.005 and p0.001, respectively). Proportions of subjects with improved signs and symptoms were all significantly greater in the aspirin group than in the placebo group (69 percent versus 9.5 percent by VAS, 85.7 percent versus 19 percent by ADLS and 100 percent versus 4.8 percent by PAS; all 0.001). Intention-to-treat analysis of the results had similar findings. One adverse event of transient burning sensation after topical aspirin use was reported.
CONCLUSION: Topical aspirin can be safely used for two weeks and is significantly more effective than topical placebo in decreasing pruritus and impairment of activities of daily living, as well as in improving the size and morphology of LSC lesions.
Human ; Male ; Female ; Aged ; Middle Aged ; Adult ; Adrenal Cortex Hormones ; Aspirin ; Intention To Treat Analysis ; Neurodermatitis ; Ointments ; Pruritus ; Sensation ; Skin Diseases