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Author:(Rufei DENG)

1.Clinical repair strategy for ischial tuberosity pressure ulcers based on the sinus tract condition and range of skin and soft tissue defects

Rufei DENG ; Luyao LONG ; Yanwei CHEN ; Zhenyu JIANG ; Lan JIANG ; Lijin ZOU ; Youlai ZHANG

Chinese Journal of Burns 2024;40(1):64-71

2.Application and research advances of delayed sural neurotrophic vascular flap for diabetic foot ulcers

Luyao LONG ; Yanwei CHEN ; Rufei DENG ; Zhenyu JIANG ; Youlai ZHANG

Chinese Journal of Burns 2024;40(3):296-300

3.Reconstruction of chronic wounds with sinus tract in inguinal region using a pedicled gracilis musculocutaneous flap: a report of 10 cases

Rufei DENG ; Yonghong ZHANG ; Jiaxin CHEN ; Ruchen JI ; Zhenyu JIANG ; Lijin ZOU ; Xuhui DENG ; Youlai ZHANG

Chinese Journal of Microsurgery 2024;47(5):528-532

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