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Author:(Rosales Raymond L)

1.Precision medicine meets AI

Raymond L. Rosales

Journal of Medicine University of Santo Tomas 2024;8(2):1403-1404

2.Four cases of Kennedy's disease in three families earlier diagnosed as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

Martinez Teresita L ; Rosales Raymond L

Philippine Journal of Neurology 2004;8(1):47-50

6.Viewpoint: Physician as a Clinician, Researcher, and Academician

Mary Suzette R. Cody ; Raymond L. Rosales

Journal of Medicine University of Santo Tomas 2021;5(2):671-674

7.Fork in the road: Pick research and publication

Raymond L Rosales

Journal of Medicine University of Santo Tomas 2022;6(2):943-

8.A pilot study on the effect of statins, fibrates and its combination in rat nerves.

Rosales Raymond L ; Geling Olive ; Mendoza Dulce Teresa L

Philippine Journal of Neurology 2004;8(1):1-5

10.Anxiety symptoms among cognitively-intact, community dwelling Filipino patients with Parkinson disease.

Rosales Raymond L ; Go Criscely L ; Rosales Raymond L ; Go Criscely L ; Joya-Tanglao Michelle ; Ng Arlene ; Delgado-de los Santo Mildred

Philippine Journal of Neurology 2012;16(1):51-52

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