1.Goals, beliefs, knowledge, and barriers for diabetes selfcare in a multi-ethnic population in Malaysia: A qualitative study
Robert Saunders Neblett ; Yook Chin Chia ; Nurdiana Abdullah ; Elizabeth Ablah
The Medical Journal of Malaysia 2019;74(6):483-491
Introduction: Ethnic differences may influence diabetes selfcare practices and glycaemic control among people with
type 2 diabetes mellitus. This qualitative study explored
goals, beliefs about treatment effectiveness, knowledge, and
barriers to and facilitators for diabetes self-care among the
three main ethnic groups in Malaysia.
Methods: Patient focus group discussions were conducted
in three different ethnic groups: Malays, Chinese, and
Indians. Participants were recruited from the primary-care
clinic of a university medical centre located in an urban area.
Focus group discussions were audio-recorded, transcribed,
and analysed using a thematic approach.
Results: A total of 31 patients participated in the study:
Malays (n=12), Indians (n=10), and Chinese (n=9). There were
three sessions for each ethnic group. Reported goals
primarily related to quality of life and glycaemic control.
Participants expressed the belief that the combination of
diet, exercise, and medications is effective for controlling
diabetes. Groups described their obtaining information
external to a healthcare system and reported a need for
more specific, practical counselling from health
professionals on diet, exercise, and medications. Barriers to
and facilitators for diabetes self-care practices were
categorised into three major themes: having discipline,
social habits, and “other” themes.
Conclusion: Emerging themes were similar across the
ethnic groups and included quality-of-life goals, confidence
in combination treatment, common use of complementary
and alternative medicine, need for further counselling, and
the challenge regarding self-discipline.