Based on the results of the household cross-sectional study on stunting and its risk fators during 2002-2003 in 32 communes of 8 regions in Viet Nam, authours focused on analyzing the relation between stunting and socio-economic factors at household level. The results of logistic regression showed that stunting was closely related to the height of mother, BMI of mother, birth intervals, and parent’s education level. Children who were sick in the first year of life were at higher risk with stunting (OR=2.5).There was also a strong relation between stunting and household’s living standards (stunting rates were 13,1%, 24,1%, 30.2%, 38.0% and 44.2% in the richest, the mid-upper, the middle, the low-mid and the poorest quintiles, respectively).
Risk fators
Family Characteristics