Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine 2007;56(1):191-202
The purpose of this study was to examine factors related to the occurrence of enthesis pain by long-term longitudinal investigation and measurement in junior high school soccer players, while intervening for its prevention. The subjects were 107 male junior high school soccer club members. The presence or absence of enthesis pain, the height growth velocity, muscle tightness, and alignment were longitudinally investigated, and stretching was instructed periodically. The time of enthesis pain occurrence was consistent with phase II of the height growth velocity curve in many cases. On comparison between before and after the appearance/disappearance of enthesis pain, no association was noted between the muscle tightness and occurrence of enthesis pain. But, on comparison of changes with time in muscle tightness, the tightness of the right quadriceps significantly increased, being useful for the prediction of enthesis pain. A significant increase in the Q-angle was also noted when enthesis pain appeared. Furthermore, the tightness of the bilateral iliopsoas, hamstrings, hip adductors, and gastrocnemius had significantly improved on the final measurement, showing that instruction in stretching was effective. This study showed the necessity of the long-term longitudinal evaluation of muscle tightness, suggesting that there is a possibility of intervention for prevention, as well as physical therapy for sporting injuries in the growth period.
2.Utility of Dynamic CT in the Management of Laparoscopic Port-site Hematoma
Koji SHIMABUKURO ; Haruka MANEYAMA ; Tamami ODAI ; Takanori YOSHIDA ; Takafumi TSUKADA ; Shiori KOURI ; Yukiko NUSHI ; Yasuko NISHIDA ; Rie KITANO ; Maiko ICHIKAWA ; Seiichi ENDO ; Masae SAKAMOTO ; Reiko NAKAMURA
Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 2017;65(5):1023-1026
We report a case of subcutaneous port-site hematoma developed on day 6 after laparoscopic left-sided salpingooophorectomy. To start the procedure, three ports were placed in the umbilicus and in each lower quadrant using bladeless trocars. No bleeding was observed at the trocar sites after insertion or withdrawal. The patient was discharged on postoperative day (POD) 3, but returned to the emergency outpatient department with acute left lower abdominal pain on POD 6. Dynamic CT revealed a port-site hematoma with active bleeding from a subcutaneous artery. Hemostasis was achieved easily by opening the trocar wound. Dynamic CT was useful to locate the bleeding vessel and enabled use of a minimally invasive procedure to control bleeding.
3.Preventive Effect of Neutral Positioning of Both Arms on Malposition-Related Hand Numbness after Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery
Koji SHIMABUKURO ; Reiko NAKAMURA ; Tamami ODAI ; Takanori YOSHIDA ; Takafumi TSUKADA ; Yukiko NUSHI ; Haruka MANEYAMA ; Shiori KOHRI ; Yasuko NISHIDA ; Rie KITANO ; Maiko ICHIKAWA ; Seiichi ENDO ; Masae SAKAMOTO
Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 2017;66(1):21-26
This retrospective study was carried out to clarify the preventive effect of neutral positioning of both arms on upper extremity neuropathy after gynecological laparoscopic surgery compared with right arm abduction positioning. In 93 cases of right arm abduction positioning >90°, with the left arm tucked in at the side, postoperative right hand numbness occurred in 6 cases (6.5%). In these 6 cases, symptoms disappeared in 4 cases after postoperative day (POD) 1, in 1 case after POD 21, and in the remaining case after POD 41. In 81 cases where both arms were in the neutral position tucked in at the sides with shoulder braces applied, upper extremity numbness was not experienced in any cases; however, shoulder pain developed in 4 cases (4.9%) and was thought to be related to using the shoulder braces. The pain disappeared in 2 cases after POD 1, in 1 case after POD 2, and in the remaining case after POD 3. In right arm abduction positioning without the use of shoulder braces, shoulder pain was not experienced in any cases. Neutral positioning of both arms in gynecological laparoscopic surgical patients was effective for the prevention of upper extremity neuropathy, but measures to alleviate the onset of shoulder pain after change in positioning need to be addressed in the future.
4.Vaginal Double Circular Incision-Closure Method: A New Technique for Vaginal Cuff Dehiscence after Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy
Koji SHIMABUKURO ; Takanori YOSHIDA ; Tamami ODAI ; Takafumi TSUKADA ; Reiko NAKAMURA ; Ikuno YAMAUCHI ; Tatsuya SATO ; Haruka MANEYAMA ; Shiori KOHRI ; Yukiko NUSHI ; Yasuko NISHIDA ; Rie KITANO ; Asami HIRATA ; Maiko ICHIKAWA ; Seiichi ENDO ; Masae SAKAMOTO
Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 2017;66(1):91-94
We report a case of vaginal cuff dehiscence after total laparoscopic hysterectomy that was successfully managed by a newly developed vaginal double-layer circular incision-closure method through a transvaginal approach. The nulligravid postmenopausal patient with cervical cancer received a diagnosis of vaginal evisceration on postoperative day 24. The eviscerated small intestine was pushed back after vaginal douching with normal saline before the procedure. The vaginal mucosa was incised circularly in two layers at the levels of 10 mm and 15 mm from the vaginal stump, and the edges apposed with double-layer closures. She was discharged on postoperative day 3 and followed up for 5 years, with no recurrence of cancer or vaginal dehiscence. This operative method is especially useful for a nulligravida with a small vagina.
5.Renal Prognosis and Pregnancy Management in 4 Pregnancies Complicated by Renal Disease
Momoko SEKI ; Rie KITANO ; Shiori KOHRI ; Maiko ICHIKAWA ; Seiichi ENDO ; Masae SAKAMOTO ; Koji SHIMABUKURO
Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 2020;68(6):790-
Pregnant women with renal disease are at high risk of perinatal complications and renal impairment. Here, we report the outcomes of 4 pregnancies complicated by renal disease diagnosed during pregnancy and the puerperal period. Case 1: Urine test had been positive for protein from 8 weeks of pregnancy, and chronic kidney disease stage G4 was diagnosed at 25 weeks of pregnancy. Renal impairment worsened over time, and cesarean section was performed due to non-reassuring fetal status at 32 weeks of pregnancy. Case 2: Urine test had been positive for protein since before pregnancy, and chronic glomerulonephritis was diagnosed at 15 weeks of pregnancy. Gradual impairment of renal function started at 31 weeks of pregnancy, and the patient had a vaginal delivery at 37 weeks of pregnancy. Case 3: Urine test had been positive for protein since before pregnancy, and hypertension and urine protein were observed since around 26 weeks of pregnancy. Cesarean section was performed due to acute renal failure at 36 weeks of pregnancy. Chronic glomerulonephritis was suspected after childbirth. Case 4: Blood pressure became uncontrollable beginning around 28 weeks of pregnancy, and cesarean section was performed due to sudden worsening of hepatic and renal functions at 31 weeks of pregnancy. Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease was diagnosed after childbirth. Pregnancies complicated by renal disease need to be managed carefully with monitoring of blood pressure and renal function. Cooperation with a renal specialist is crucial throughout the perinatal and puerperal periods.
6.Two Cases of Surgery Under General Anesthesia in Patients on Methadone Therapy for Cancer Pain Management
Mari MORITA ; Rie SAKAMOTO ; Erina OSHIRO ; Ikumi KAYAMA ; Erika KIKUCHI ; Hideko KAWAHARA ; Rie CHIKUTA ; Masakazu SUMITOMO ; Tatsuya KIDA ; Hiroyuki SAKASHITA ; Shigeo TOYOTA ; Ikuko OTA ; Haruna WATABE ; Mari SAITO
Palliative Care Research 2022;17(4):135-139
Introduction: We report two cases of surgery under general anesthesia during cancer pain management of patients with methadone therapy. Case 1: A 57-year-old woman was started on methadone for pain from right breast cancer with multiple bone metastases, and right mastectomy was performed during the course of chemotherapy. There was no exacerbation of cancer pain due to methadone withdrawal, although analgesics were used temporarily for wound pain. Case 2: A 76-year-old man was placed on methadone for pain from lung cancer. There was concern that lower limb paralysis would develop from a compression fracture of the lumbar spine that had occurred during the course of treatment. Therefore, decompression and fixation surgery was performed. Ketamine was used to control intraoperative pain exacerbation, and fentanyl was used by continuous injection for re-exacerbation of pain after the patient had awakened from anesthesia. Conclusion: Since methadone is available only by mouth in Japan and the equianalgesic ratio between methadone and other opioids has not been established, caution is needed for perioperative pain control while oral methadone cannot be administered. Thus, pain and palliative care specialists prescribing methadone are expected to play an active role in adequate perioperative pain control.
7.Contribution of the Slogan “Health and Happiness of Local Residents” to Recoveries in Accounts Receivable Management
Rie SUGIURA ; Yuka TAKAHASHI ; Shinobu SAKAMOTO ; Miho INAMORI ; Hiroaki YAMADA ; Nobuhiro YONEZUMI ; Hiroko MORISHITA ; Midori MAEDA ; Tomoyuki KAWAI
Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 2018;67(4):538-
At Anjo Kosei Hospital, all staff has been working concertedly on a project to establish a community hospital in line with our future vision. Hospital staff in charge of the Medical Affairs Division has been involved in measures aimed at achieving the slogan “health and happiness of local residents” as part of this project. To address this, three goals were set as follows: improvement of recoveries in accounts receivable management, a reduction of money held in trust, and a decrease in the number of outsourced transactions. To achieve the goals described above, the following specific measure were carried out: (1) collection of accounts receivable using convenience store settlement; (2) collection of high-cost medical expenses by wider use of Eligibility Certificates for Ceiling-Amount Applications and promotion of the Major Medical Cost Loan System for national health insurance holders; and (3) support in acquiring family registration for nonregistered family members and for health insurance benefits. Recoveries of accounts receivable through convenience store settlement was about 90,000 yen/month, and our support activities for family registration and health insurance benefits provided the recoveries of about 80,000 yen/month. Furthermore, the promoted use of the certificate and loan system resulted in recoveries of about 17 million yen/year. The average commission fee and number of outsourcing was 890,188 yen and 12 cases, respectively, from April to August 2016. However, in 2017, it was 305,615 yen and 10 cases, respectively. Our project aimed at achieving slogan-elicited patient voluntary payment of medical expenses, leading to improved recoveries, with reduced money held in trust and fewer outsourced transactions.
8.Placenta Accreta: A Case Series and Literature Review
Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 2023;72(1):1-10
Placenta accreta spectrum (PAS) disorders may lead to massive postpartum hemorrhage but optimal treatment strategies have yet to be determined. This retrospective analysis involved 35 cases of PAS that occurred at our hospital between January 2014 and November 2021. Mean maternal age was 37 (21-43) years and 8 pregnancies were the result of assisted reproductive therapy. Fifteen patients had placenta previa, 12 had a history of cesarean delivery, and one had a history of PAS. Mean gestational age was 36 (26-41) weeks. Twenty deliveries were by cesarean section and 15 were vaginal deliveries. Mean blood loss was 2,970 (300-14,727) mL. Nine patients were treated by manual placenta removal, one of whom had a delayed hysterectomy because of bleeding. Eleven patients were treated by cesarean hysterectomy and 2 were treated by curettage. Thirteen patients were treated by conservative management, and in 3 of them, treatment was changed to curettage, abdominal placenta resection, or hysterectomy because of vaginal bleeding or intrauterine infection. Four patients thought to have PAS before delivery were treated by cesarean hysterectomy and the amount of bleeding was not severe. Conservative treatment for placenta accreta was successful in 10 patients (77%), and the uterus could be preserved in 12 women (92%). In cases thought to be PAS before delivery, if the placenta is not removed, cesarean hysterectomy should be selected. Conservative management tends to be selected in cases of PAS when the main part of the placenta can be removed. However, in cases of life-threatening hemorrhage or infection, clinicians might need to perform peripartum hysterectomy or uterine artery embolization when bleeding or infection occurs. Therefore, clinicians should obtain informed consent for such treatment in advance.
9.Clinical Experience and Lessons of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Treatment Early in the Pandemic at a Public Regional Core Hospital
Takayuki KUGA ; Yuka YANO ; Masatoshi SHIGETA ; Ryunosuke SAKAMOTO ; Mayu TAKEHARA ; Rie NAGAI ; Takiko MATSUNO ; Megumi NAGAO ; Yasuyo WATANABE ; Jyunichi MATSUDA ; Ritsuko KUBOE ; Mari HANASHIMA
Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 2021;70(1):22-31
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has spread rapidly in Japan. The purpose of this study was to report the clinical experience of our COVID-19 patients early in the pandemic and lessons from our experience. An outpatient fever clinic was established on April 7. Admission of COVID-19 patients was started on July 23. Between April 7 and September 30, there were 364 walk-in outpatients and emergency patients with fever. Polymerase chain reaction test for SARS-CoV-2 RNA or COVID-19 antigen test were performed in all patients, and all results were negative. Twenty patients with COVID-19 were admitted to a newly established dedicated COVID-19 ward. They were discharged well. There were no cases of nosocomial infection at our hospital. Length of hospitalization was correlated with serum ferritin level at admission, serum CRP level at admission, and age. More than half the patients experienced psychological stress, and COVID-19 specialized nurses experienced some stress. It is essential to set up the medical system for COVID-19 according to the trends of the disease. Creation of our original database and our “problem notebook” were useful for treatment and care of COVID-19 patients as well as for mental care of nurses.
10.1.The Survey of Trends on Japanese Post-marketing Study after Enforcement of Revised Good Post-marketing Study Practice (GPSP)
Noriko TAKAHASHI ; Rie OTAKE ; Jiro HOKUGO ; Ryoji GUNJI ; Tomoko TANIGUCHI ; Chikako NAKAO ; Mitsuhiro HARAGUCHI ; Yuichiro SAKAMOTO ; Tsuyoshi KANI
Japanese Journal of Pharmacoepidemiology 2020;25(1):17-27
In Japan, a re-examination system was introduced in the 1970s, and Post-marketing surveillance (PMS) has been conducted in many cases after the launch of new drugs or the approval of new indications for existing drugs. The revised Good Post-marketing Study Practice (r-GPSP) was enacted in 1 April 2018, and more scientific approach has been required for PMS. The survey aims to identify what kinds of change occurred in the PMS planned after r-GPSP enacted. As for the study method, after confirming the review report of each product, Risk Management Plan (RMP), and the package insert, and extracting necessary items, tabulation and analysis were performed. As a result of analysis, Drug Use Investigations (DUI) still accounted for more than 60% of the total in PMS. Regarding the target number of DUI, Fifty-eight out of 90 had a sample size of 500 or fewer, only 3 studies exceeded 3,000. Regarding the newly introduced Post-marketing database surveillance (DB study) after r-GPSP enacted, 13 products and 18 surveillances were confirmed, although the number was not as large as the number of DUI. The most used database was Medical Data Vision Co., Ltd. (MDV), which were used in twelve DB studies, and cardiovascular disease and interstitial pneumonia were set as survey targets for safety considerations in multiple studies. There was no Drug Use Comparative Investigation. Furthermore, there were two products which were approved on the condition with re-examination period but did not required additional Pharmacovigilance activities. In terms of sample size calculation, 88 out of 135 studies mentioned rationales for setting the number of samples. Of which, 58 studies had statistical rationales. In many studies, the sample size calculation method that was commonly used in conventional PMSs, called ‘Rule of three’ was described as the statistical rational. After r-GPSP enacted, newly introduced Post-marketing surveillance, including DB surveys, and the scientific approach recommended by PMDA have been adopted in companies gradually. In the future, in order to further promote the scientific approach, it is necessary to further improve the capability of human resources of companies involved in PMS.