Objective To explore the new ways for treating multiple-ulcer treatment of breast tuberculosis. Methods The clinical data fo 10 cases of muhiple-ulcers summary of TB breast-conserving surgery and breast sur-gery purely traditional procedure were retrospectively analyzed. Results Surgical incision of 10 patients were healed stage Ⅰ, 2 patients experienced abscess drainage before admission to hospital and local incision healing was poor, who were healed through the out-patient dressing, and no skin ischemic necrosis occurred as well as the breast was in good shape. Follow-up lasted 3 to 26 months, during which period there was no recurrence, and patients and their families present with 100% satisfaction. Conclusion Conserving surgery with anti-TB rules is the new way of muhi-ple ulcer type of breast tuberculosis treatment,which is minimally invasive, effective, safe, with less complications and economical and practical advantages.