Diphyllobothrium latum infection in human is not common in China and only 15
cases have been reported since 1927. We document a case of Diphyllobothrium latum
infection caused by the ingestion of raw fish in a 23-year-old woman in Dalian (Liaoning
Province), and diphyllobothriasis latum in China is briefly reviewed. The patient experienced
abdominal discomfort for about 6 months with a history of discharging proglottids in the
feces. The morphologic characteristic of the gravid proglottids and eggs were identified as
that of Diphyllobothrium latum. The patient was treated with pumpkin seed powder (100g)
and betel nut(100g) on an empty stomach. The majority of reported human cases occurred
due to the ingestion of raw or uncooked fish, such as pikes, burbots, trouts, perch and
salmons. The patient is the first case reported in Dalian (Lianning Province).