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Author:(Reil Vinard Espino)

1.Biomechanical parameters assessed during running among running-related athletes with recurrent hamstring strain injury: A scoping review

Reil Vinard Espino ; Consuelo Suarez ; Lewis Ingram ; Donald Manlapaz ; Kris Anthony Agarao

Philippine Journal of Allied Health Sciences 2024;7(2):9-27

2.Physical activity patterns of college students of the University of Santo Tomas.

Reil Vinard Espino ; Consuelo Gonzalez-Suarez ; Karen Leslie Pineda ; Stephanie Ann Balid-Attwell ; Kristina Devora ; Diane Mendoza

Philippine Journal of Allied Health Sciences 2020;3(2):36-46

3.Interrater reliability of performing a step-by-step procedure for selected pain provocation tests for hamstrings and special tests for other lower extremity musculoskeletal injuries

Reil Vinard S. Espino ; Consuelo G. Suarez ; Lewis Ingram ; Ivan Neil B. Gomez ; Donald G. Manlapaz ; Vergel B. Orpilla ; Jazzmine Gale S. Flores ; Elaine Nicole S. Bulseco

Journal of Medicine University of Santo Tomas 2024;8(1):1342-1353

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