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Author:(Raynal Squires)

1.Preparedness for Zika virus testing in the World Health Organization Western Pacific Region

Raynal C Squires ; Frank Konings

Western Pacific Surveillance and Response 2016;7(1):44-47

2.Preparedness for molecular testing of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus among laboratories in the Western Pacific Region

Squires Raynal C ; Konings Frank

Western Pacific Surveillance and Response 2014;5(3):40-42

3.External quality assessment for arbovirus diagnostics in the World Health Organization Western Pacific Region, 2013–2016: improving laboratory quality over the years

Mohammad Yazid Abdad ; Raynal Squires ; Sebastien Cognat ; Christopher John Oxenford ; Frank Konings

Western Pacific Surveillance and Response 2017;8(3):27-30

4.Ebola preparedness in the Western Pacific Region, 2014

Zhen Xu ; Boris I Pavlin ; Raynal C Squires ; Thilaka Chinnayah ; Chin-Kei Lee ; Ailan Li

Western Pacific Surveillance and Response 2015;6(1):66-72

5.External quality assessment of dengue and chikungunya diagnostics in Asia Pacific region, 2015

Li Ting Soh ; Raynal C Squires ; Li Kiang Tan ; Kwoon Yong Pok ; HuiTing Yang ; Christina Liew ; Aparna Singh Shah ; John Aaskov ; Sazaly Abubakar ; Futoshi Hasabe ; Lee Ching Ng ; Frank Konings

Western Pacific Surveillance and Response 2016;7(2):26-34

6.First round of external quality assessment of dengue diagnostics in the WHO Western Pacific Region, 2013

Pok Kwoon Yong ; Squires Raynal C ; Tan Li Kiang ; Takasaki Tomohiko ; Abubakar Sazaly ; Hasebe Futoshi ; Partridge Jeffrey ; Lee Chin Kei ; Lo Janice ; Aaskov John ; Ng Lee Ching ; Konings Frank

Western Pacific Surveillance and Response 2015;6(2):73-81

7.Influenza virus detection: driving change in public health laboratories in the Western Pacific Region

Raynal Squires ; Patrick Reading ; Sheena Sullivan ; Ian Barr ; Frank Konings

Western Pacific Surveillance and Response 2018;9(5):68-70

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