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Author:(Ramesh-K SEN)

1.Predictors of early outcome in unstable pelvic fractures.

Ramesh-K SEN ; Nirmal-Raj GOPINATHAN ; Tajir TAMUK ; Rajesh KUMAR ; Vibhu KRISHNAN ; Radheshyam SAMENT

Chinese Journal of Traumatology 2013;16(2):94-98

2.Buttress plating for a rare case of comminuted medial condylar Hoffa fracture associated with patellar fracture.

Ashwani SONI ; Ramesh K SEN ; Uttam Chand SAINI ; Dajjit SINGH ; Sushil CHAUDHARY

Chinese Journal of Traumatology 2012;15(4):238-240

3.Internal fixation and bone grafting for intraarticular nonunion of tibial plateau: a report of four cases.

Ramesh-K SEN ; Ashwani SONI ; Uttam-Chand SAINI ; Daljit SINGH

Chinese Journal of Traumatology 2011;14(6):371-375

4.Use of gentamicin-loaded collagen sponge in internal fixation of open fractures.

Susheel CHAUDHARY ; Ramesh-K SEN ; Uttam-Chand SAINI ; Ashwani SONI ; Nitesh GAHLOT ; Daljit SINGH

Chinese Journal of Traumatology 2011;14(4):209-214

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