1.Juvenile myelomonocytic leukaemia: a case series
RZ Azma ; AL Zarina ; A Hamidah ; R Jamal ; NA Sharifah ; O Ainoon ; NH Hamidah
The Malaysian Journal of Pathology 2009;31(2):121-128
Juvenile myelomonocytic leukaemia (JMML), previously known as juvenile chronic myeloid leukaemia
(JCML) is a rare, myelodysplastic – myeloproliferative disease typically presenting in early childhood.
This disorder is diffi cult to distinguish from other myeloproliferative syndrome such as chronic
myeloid leukaemia (CML) because of the similarities in their clinical and bone marrow fi ndings.
However, because of its unique biological characteristics such as absolute monocytosis with dysplasia,
absence of Philadelphia chromosome or BCR-ABL fusion protein, hypergammaglobulinaemia and
raised fetal haemoglobin level, this disorder does not satisfy the criteria for inclusion in the CML
or chronic myelomonocytic leukaemia (CMML) group, as seen in adult patients. We describe a
series of three patients with JMML, who had almost similar clinical and laboratory fi ndings, and
discuss the diffi culty in the classifi cation and treatment of the disease.
2.The Msi2 Protein Expression Positive Correlation with Favorable Cytogenetics Findings in AML
Omayma Seb ; Nurasyikin Y ; Azma Rz ; Suria Aa ; Chandramaya S ; Noraidah M
Medicine and Health 2017;12(1):66-82
Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) is the most common subtype of acute leukaemias
with a poor outcome. Msi2 protein is a newly discovered prognostic marker and
it has been considered as a new target for therapy in AML. The study of Msi2
protein expression in AML cases has not been performed in Malaysia, to date.
The main aim of the present study was to observe the expression of Msi2 protein
in AML patients by immunohistochemistry (IHC) and to correlate its expression
with the well-established prognostic and clinical parameters in AML as well as
the overall survival (OS). Sixty four bone marrow trephine biopsy sections were
immunostained for Msi2 protein. The percentage of blasts with positive reaction
and the intensity of the cytoplasmic and nuclear staining were evaluated. The
expression of Msi2 protein was found in 95.3% cases with Msi2 pattern varying
between the cases. In 71.9% of cases, the blasts showed total cellular positivity and
23.4% cases showed only cytoplasmic positivity. Majority showed high expression
of Msi2 for cytoplasmic staining. Interestingly, there was significant correlation
between total cellular staining and the intermediate cytogenetic subgroup (P=
0.04). In conclusion, the results showed that the majority of the patients had high
expression of Msi2 but this did not correlate to OS. However, the Msi2 expression
correlated to the cytogenetic findings. The results suggest future extensive research
to be conducted in order to ascertain the exact role of Msi2 positive blast cells in
AML in our population and their association with prognosis and outcome.
3.Minimal Residual Disease Status in Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemias by Flow Cytometry and Their Clinical and Haematological Features
Azma RZ ; Zarina AL ; Hamidah A ; Cheong SK ; Jamal R ; Hamidah NH
Medicine and Health 2010;5(1):22-33
Residual disease in patients with acute leukaemia indicates unfavorable prognosis. The evaluation of remission using flow cytometry allows a better estimation of minimal residual disease (MRD) after induction chemotherapy in childhood acute lymphoblastic
leukaemia (ALL) cases. Patients in morphological marrow remission with presence of blast cells of less than 5%, may still have up to 1010 leukaemic cells. However with flow cytometric analysis, lower levels of the residual leukaemic cells (1 in 104 cells) can be detected and it can be used as a tool to predict relapse. This study compared the presenting clinical and haematological features of children with ALL and their residual
disease status determined by flow cytometry. Analysis of their MRD status following remission-induction chemotherapy were done at day-28, week-12 and week-20. The
cases were also followed up to five years, to determine their survival status. Their residual disease status by flow cytometric immunophenotyping was also compared
with their bone marrow findings morphologically. Thirty-eight cases of precursor B-ALL in pediatric patients from UKM Medical Centre (UKMMC) were analyzed. There was no
significant correlation between demographic, clinical and haematological features with MRD status at day-28. However, there was a significant correlation between MRD
status by flow cytometry and by morphological marrow examination at week-12. Three cases showed persistent MRD findings until week-20 where two of the cases relapsed
and died subsequently. Twenty four patients were still alive after five years of follow up.
4.Detection of Partial G6PD Deficiency using OSMMR2000-D Kit with Hb Normalization
Azma RZ ; Siti Zubaidah M ; Azlin I ; Hafiza A ; Nurasyikin Y ; Nor Hidayati S ; Noor Farisah AR ; Noor Hamidah H ; Ainoon O
Medicine and Health 2014;9(1):11-21
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency is the most common enzyme deficiency worldwide including Malaysia. Screening of cord blood for partial G6PD deficiency is important as they are also prone to develop acute haemolysis. In this study, we determined the prevalence of partial G6PD deficient in paediatric population aged 1 month-12 years and normal term female neonates using OSMMR-D kit with haemoglobin (Hb) normalization and compare it with florescence spot test (FST). A total of 236 children, aged between between 1
month-12 years and 614 normal term female neonates were recruited for this study. Determination of normal means for G6PD activity and; cut-off points for partial and severe deficiency were determined according to WHO Working Group (1989). Determination of prevalence for partial deficiency for both groups (female patient) was done using this enzyme assay kit and findings were compared with FST. In this study, 15.7% (18/115) female children were classified as partial G6PD deficient by quantitative enzyme method (G6PD activity: 4.23-5.26U/gHb). However, FST only detected 0.9% (1/115) with minimal G6PD activity. The prevalence of partial G6PD deficiency in female neonate group was 3.42% (21/614) by enzyme assay versus
0.49% (3/614) by FST. This study concluded that our routine screening method using FST was unable to diagnose female heterozygotes. We recommend using this quantitative enzyme assay method by OSMMR-D kit since it was more sensitive in detecting G6PD deficiency in female neonates compared to FST.
Glucosephosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency