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Author:(RZ Azma)

1.Juvenile myelomonocytic leukaemia: a case series

RZ Azma ; AL Zarina ; A Hamidah ; R Jamal ; NA Sharifah ; O Ainoon ; NH Hamidah

The Malaysian Journal of Pathology 2009;31(2):121-128

2.The Msi2 Protein Expression Positive Correlation with Favorable Cytogenetics Findings in AML

Omayma Seb ; Nurasyikin Y ; Azma Rz ; Suria Aa ; Chandramaya S ; Noraidah M

Medicine and Health 2017;12(1):66-82

3.Minimal Residual Disease Status in Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemias by Flow Cytometry and Their Clinical and Haematological Features

Azma RZ ; Zarina AL ; Hamidah A ; Cheong SK ; Jamal R ; Hamidah NH

Medicine and Health 2010;5(1):22-33

4.Detection of Partial G6PD Deficiency using OSMMR2000-D Kit with Hb Normalization

Azma RZ ; Siti Zubaidah M ; Azlin I ; Hafiza A ; Nurasyikin Y ; Nor Hidayati S ; Noor Farisah AR ; Noor Hamidah H ; Ainoon O

Medicine and Health 2014;9(1):11-21

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