Currently,China is confronted with the situation of high quality papers and low impact journals.Quality and quantity of English science,technology and medical(STM) journals in our country can not meet the publishing demand of scientific research papers,which becomes the inner boost of developing English STM journals.Along with the implementation of Project for Enhancing International Impact of China STM Journals,a growing number of STM journals launched international cooperation in journal publishing.This paper introduced Genes & Diseases' strategy of launching and managing English journals in cooperation with foreign publisher.Genes & Diseases strictly follows international publishing practice.The editorial office of Genes & Diseases fully aroused the enthusiasm of editors,editorial board members and the editor-in-chief to solicit manuscripts.Meanwhile,the office of Genes & Diseases took advantages of website,social media,Emails,meeting and academic activity,etc to promote the journals.All these experiences can be used as references for those intended or already started to lunch English STM journal.