1.Infant hand and forearm severe crush injury: A case of comprehensive microsurgery treatment
Qiqiang DONG ; Songjian ZHANG ; Shuqiang XIE ; Baofeng WANG ; Lei ZHANG ; Hongxin WANG ; Chaofan YANG ; Jianxi HOU
Chinese Journal of Microsurgery 2021;44(2):225-227
A case of a 3-year-old child suffered with severe crush injury to the right forearm and right hand on June, 2017. A comprehensive treatment was conducted with limb salvage, free flap repair and the repair of nerve, vessel and tendon for functional reconstructions followed by rehabilitation therapies. The function and appearance of the injured limb and hand recovered well 3 years after surgery.
2.Ectopic replantation of forearm, wrist and palm in a destructive injury of a young child: A case report
Chenguang LIU ; Shuqiang XIE ; Huafeng ZHANG ; Ruifu YANG ; Zhaosen WU ; Qiqiang DONG ; Dahai YIN ; Weiqiang LIU ; Peng WANG ; Jianxi HOU
Chinese Journal of Microsurgery 2022;45(5):585-587
Reports a case admitted in the Ward I of Department of Surgery of Zhengzhou Renji Hospital in June 2017. A young child who suffered destructive injury of left forearm, wrist and palm with severed 3rd-5th fingers. Tendon and neurovascular repairs of forearm, wrist and palm were performed with pedicled abdomina flap and the 3rd-5th fingers ectopic replantation in Phase I surgery. In the Phase II surgery, the abdomina flap division was carried out. The replantation of severed fingers after ectopic replantation and the reconstruction of foot defect with free anterolateral thigh flap(ALTF) were carried out in Phase III surgery. In Phase IV surgery, fingers functional reconstruction and foot flap thinning were performed. Four years after surgery, the thumb oppositions to middle, ring and little fingers could be completed, with slightly limitations. The appearance and texture of transferred foot flap were good, and the child could walk and run almost normally.