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Author:(Qiqiang DONG)

1.Infant hand and forearm severe crush injury: A case of comprehensive microsurgery treatment

Qiqiang DONG ; Songjian ZHANG ; Shuqiang XIE ; Baofeng WANG ; Lei ZHANG ; Hongxin WANG ; Chaofan YANG ; Jianxi HOU

Chinese Journal of Microsurgery 2021;44(2):225-227

2.Ectopic replantation of forearm, wrist and palm in a destructive injury of a young child: A case report

Chenguang LIU ; Shuqiang XIE ; Huafeng ZHANG ; Ruifu YANG ; Zhaosen WU ; Qiqiang DONG ; Dahai YIN ; Weiqiang LIU ; Peng WANG ; Jianxi HOU

Chinese Journal of Microsurgery 2022;45(5):585-587

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