1.The expression of COX-2 and its relationship to the apoptosis and proliferation in gastric cancer
Journal of Chongqing Medical University 1986;0(03):-
0.05).In the group with COX-2 positive expression AI was higher than that of the group with COX-2 negative expression,whereas AI was higher in the latter group than in the former ( P
2.30 Cases of Post-stroke Hiccup Treated with Acupuncture and Medicine
Journal of Zhejiang Chinese Medical University 2014;(1):82-83
[Objective]To observe the effect of treatment on post-stroke hiccup by acupuncture and medicine.[Methods]58 cases were divided into 2 groups randomly,30 cases were taken the acupuncture and medicine treatment, 28 cases were injected metoclopramide as control. [Results]The curative effect in therapy group is much better than that of control group(P<0.05).[Conclusion]The therapy of acupuncture and medicine is superior to pure medicine in the treatment of post-stroke hiccup.
3.Practice and thinking of external education in gastroenterology for foreign students
Chinese Journal of Medical Education Research 2016;15(3):276-279
With the globalization of higher education,the scale of foreign medical students in China has been increasing year by year.Clinical external teaching is an important connection between medical theoretical study and clinical practice.Digestive diseases are complicated and may need endoscopic therapy.Therefore,the external education for foreign students in gastroenterology has its distinctive characteristics.In recent years,in training foreign students,the gastroenterology department of our hospital has effectively improved the teaching effect by carrying out the teaching of endoscopy,establishing one plus one peer teaching,using multimedia assisted teaching of audio-visual materials,and paying more attention to improving the training teachers' English.
4.Analysis of bacterial spectrum and drug resistance in 50 cases of severe acute pancreatitis complicated with infection
Chinese Journal of Digestion 2015;35(10):678-681
Objective To investigate the bacterial spectrum changes and characteristics of drug resistance of patients with severe acute pancreatitis (SAP) and to guide clinical proper use of antibiotics medicine .Methods Clinical specimens of 50 patients with SAP were analyzed including sputum ,blood , urine ,central venous catheter ,bile ,et al .Bacterial strains were regularly isolated and drug sensitivity test was made by disc diffusion method .Chi-square test was performed for statistical analysis .Results One hundred and fifty-six bacterial strains were isolated .The number of strains isolated from the sputum , blood ,pancreas and abdominal cavity ,bile ,urine tract ,surgical incision ,oral secretion was 51 ,37 ,24 , 23 ,11 , 8 and 2 , respectively . The most common bacterial strains were Acinetobacter baumannii , Escherichia coli ,Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Enterococcus f aecium ,the number of strains was 30 ,21 , 20 and 14 ,respectively .The drug resistance rate of Acinetobacter baumannii to imipenem and meropenem was no less than 90% .The drug resistance rate to cefoperazone/sulbactam was lower ,but still over 60% . The drug resistance rate of Escherichia coli to penicillins ,majority of cephalosporins and quinolones was over 90% . The drug resistance rate of Pseudomonas aeruginosa to partial cephalosporins was high (90% ) ,and the drug resistance rate to imipenem was also up to 65% . T he drug resistance rate of Enterococcus faecium to penicillin G and quinolones was up to 100% . No Enterococcus resistant to tigecycline ,vancomycin and linezolid was found .The infection rate of patients received invasive operation was higher than that of patients received no invasive operation .Conclusions The main bacteria of patients with SAP complicated with infection was Gram-negative bacteria ,which has high drug resistance .The common locations of infection were respiratory tract ,blood ,abdominal cavity ,biliary system and urinary tract .The infection in respiratory tract and blood may be related with invasive medical operations .
5.Changes of the cytoskeleton and cell apoptosis
Journal of Medical Postgraduates 2003;0(08):-
During cell apoptosis,a series of characteristic changes occur in the cell configuration and,according to recent findings,in the cytoskeleton as well,including degradation,condensing and maldistribution of the cytoskeleton reticular formation.Through investigations of the biological activity and function of the cytoskeleton protein,the dynamic changes of the cytoskeleton during cell apoptosis and related regulatory factors,we found that the change of configuration is based on that of the cytoskeleton during cell apoptosis,which suggests that we can achieve the purpose of curing tumors and other diseases by inducing cell apoptosis through changing the cytoskeleton configuration.
6.Quality standard for Compound Songluo Granules
Chinese Traditional Patent Medicine 1992;0(03):-
AIM: To establish the quality standard for Compound Songluo Granule (Rhizoma Corydalis, Radix Angelicae Sinensis, Lichen Usneae). METHODS:Rhizoma Corydalis, Radix Angelicae Sinensis were identified by TLC. Usnic acid in Lichen Usneae was determined by TLCS. RESULTS: Rhizoma Corydalis, Radix Angelicae Sinensis could be detected by TLC. Usnic acid showed a good linear relationship at the range of 0. 50~2.50 ?g, r=~0.999 9. The average recovery was 97.5% and RSD was 2.61%, respectively. CONCLUSION:The method is available with a good reproducibility and can be used for the quality control of Compound Songluo Granule.
7.Efficiency of Sewage Treatment in a Large Hospital
Journal of Environment and Health 1993;0(03):-
Objective To understand the efficiency of membrane biological reactor (MBR) and sodium hypochlorite generator in a hospital sewage treatment. Methods The samples were collected before and after the sewage was treated by MBR and sodium hypochlorite. The sludge suspend particles, CODCr, BOD5, NH3-N, fecal coliform count and the content of residual chlorine were determined. Results After membrane biological reactor treatment, the removal rates of sludge suspended particles, CODCr, BOD5, NH3-N and fecal coliform was 82.25%, 80.25%, 75.52%, 75.84%, 96.75% respectively. After sodiun hypochlorite disinfection, the removal rate of fecal coliform counts was 99.96%, the content of residual chloride was 3.4 mg/L. Conclusion The efficiency of MBR and sodium hypochlorite is satisfactory in the sewage treatment in the large hospital, the treated sewage will meet the Chinese standard (GB8978-1996).
8.Observation on patency of radial artery bridge in patients after coronary artery transplantation
Tianjin Medical Journal 2018;46(7):696-699
Objective Toexplorethepatencyofbridgevesselsinpatientsaftercoronaryarterytransplantation,andto providereferencefortheselectionofclinicalbridgevessels.Methods Dataof32patientsunderwentcoronaryangiography aftercoronaryarterybypassgraftingwereselectedandanalyzedretrospectively.Theoverallusageandpatencyofthegreat saphenousveingraft(SVG),theleftinternalmammaryartery(LIMA)andtheradialartery(RA)wereanalyzed.Thepatency ofthenearfuture(5years),themediumterm(5-10years)andlongterm(>10years)werecomparedbetweenthethreekinds ofbridgingvascularvessels.TheRAocclusionwasanalyzed. Results Thetotalnumberofbridgevesselsusedin 32 patientswas85,only1caseusedrightinternalmammaryartery(RIMA),theothersusedSVG,LIMAandRA,inwhich48, 23and13brancheswereusedrespectively.ThepatencyratesofSVG,LIMAandRAwere25%(12/48),73.91%(17/23)and 69.23(9/13)respectively.Therecentandmedium-termpatencyratesofallbridgevesselsshowedadecreasingtrend,in whichtherecentpatencyrateofSVGwassignificantlyhigherthanthatinLIMA,theintermediatepatencyratesofLIMAand SVGwerehigherthanthatofRA,andthelong-termpatencyrateofRAwassignificantlyhigherthanthatofLIMAandSVG. Therewasseverestenosis(>90%)orocclusionintheproximalsegmentofanastomosisinthe9radialarteriesunobstructed. Conclusion TheutilizationrateofRAisstilllow,andtheoverallpatencyrateofRAissuperiortotheSVG.RAcanbe usedasthesecondoptimalbridgevessel.ThepatientselectionandRAevaluationshouldbedonebeforeapplyingRA.The proximalstenosisdegreeoftargetvesselsignificantlyaffectsthelong-termpatencyofRA.
9.Vaccination program and implementation for children recovered from hematological malignancies
Chinese Journal of Applied Clinical Pediatrics 2021;36(3):236-240
Children who recovered from hematological malignancies have different degrees of secondary immunodeficiency.They are prone to acquire various infectious diseases, thus affecting their health and even endangering their life and may become the source of infection that affects the health of the surrounding people and residents of co-mmunities.Preventive vaccination is the easiest and most effective measure to prevent infectious diseases.However, in addition to the limited qualification of vaccination, due to the lack of the understanding to the safety, effectiveness and contraindications in the vaccination for this type of patients, there still exists blankness in the preventive vaccination work for this group in China.This paper summarizes some consensus on the vaccination for discharged patients of hematological malignancies in light of providing reference for the implementation of this clinical work in China.