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Author:(Qinfnag WU)

1.Chinese multicenter randomized trial of customized chemotherapy based on BRCA1 (breast cancer susceptibility gene 1)-RAP80 (receptora-ssociaet d protein 80) mRNA expr ession ina dvanced non-small cell lu ng cancer (NSCLC) pa tients

Jia WEI ; Xiaoping QIAN ; Zhengyun ZUO ; Lifeng WANG ; Lixia YU ; Chuanwen YOU ; Yong SONG ; Huiyu LU ; Wenjing HU ; Jing YAN ; Xingxiang XU ; Xiaofei CHEN ; Ya Xign LI ; Qinfnag WU ; Yan ZHOU ; Feiling ZHNAG ; Rui Bao LIU

Chinese Journal of Oncology 2016;38(11):868-873

2.Chinese multicenter randomized trial of customized chemotherapy based on BRCA1 (breast cancer susceptibility gene 1)-RAP80 (receptora-ssociaet d protein 80) mRNA expr ession ina dvanced non-small cell lu ng cancer (NSCLC) pa tients

Jia WEI ; Xiaoping QIAN ; Zhengyun ZUO ; Lifeng WANG ; Lixia YU ; Chuanwen YOU ; Yong SONG ; Huiyu LU ; Wenjing HU ; Jing YAN ; Xingxiang XU ; Xiaofei CHEN ; Ya Xign LI ; Qinfnag WU ; Yan ZHOU ; Feiling ZHNAG ; Rui Bao LIU

Chinese Journal of Oncology 2016;38(11):868-873

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