1.Tre atment of Gonorrhoea with Antibiotic Combinations : Kanamycin plus Ampicillin / Probenecid versus Kanamycin plus Talampicillin / Probenecid.
Chang Hoon KWAK ; Jae Hong KIM ; Joong Hwan KIM
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1985;23(6):745-751
riie snbjects werc 269 patients with uncomplicated gonococcal urethritis, who visited the Veiereal Disease Clinic of Choong-Ku Public Health Center in Fieoul from August to Decernber 1984. ()ni hundred and four of 108 patients treated with 1.anamycin, 2 gm, IM plus anipi illin,3.5 gm, p0 plus probenecid, 1 gm, PO regirrien recovered with 65(62. 5 post-gonococcal urethritis(PGlJ) and 4(3.7%) failed, One hundred and seven of III patients treated with kanamycin, 2 gm, IM plus talarnpicillin, 2 gm, PO plus probenecid, 1 gm, po regimen recovered with 71 (66. 4% ) post-goriococcal urethritis and 4(3. 6%) failed. It is suggeste,d that both these antibiotic comlbination regimens have similarly good effect in the treatment. of gonococcal urethritis.
Public Health
2.The Effect of Combination Therapy of Kanamycin Plus Talampicillin for Uncomplicated Male Gonorrhea.
Kwang Ho CHOI ; In Sub YANG ; Jae Hong KIM ; Joong Hwan KIM
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1985;23(4):462-467
The treatment of gonorrhea caused by beta-strains of N. gonorrhoeae is quite different from that of non-beta-strains, but it is not always possible in general practice to take cultures of gonococci to detect p-lactamase producing organisms. Therefore treatment regimens commonly used for gonorrhoea should be effective against both PPNG non-PPNG strains. Eighty-seven male uncomplicated gonorrheal patients were treated with intramuscular kanarnycin 2gm in combilnation with talampicillin 2. 5 gm plus probenecid 1grn orally. Sixty-seven patients were followed up. All patients recovered. Ten patients among sixty-seven patients had PPNG. A regimen of intramuscular kanamycin 2 gm, talampicillin 2. 5 gm plus probenecid 1 0 gm orally seems to be one of the most cost effective regimens in Korea.
General Practice
3.Recurrent Hematuria due to Renal Hypouricemia.
Kyu Young KIM ; Il Soo HA ; Hae Il CHEONG ; Yong CHOI
Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1995;38(1):129-132
A marked low concentration of serum uric acid(0.7-1.2mg/dl) was detected in a 14-year-old boy with recurrent episodes of gross hematuria. The hypouricemia accompanied with a markedly increased urinary clearance of uric acid (32.6-56.0ml/min), which was only minimally changed after both the administration of pyrazinamide, and inhibitor of the renal tubular secretion of uric acid, and the administration of probenecid, and inhibitor of the renal tubular reabsorption of uric acid. Other renal tubular functions were normal. There were no other family members with hypouricemia. Thies is the first case report of isolated renal hypouricemia due to presecretory reabsorption defect of uric acid in the renal proximal tubule in Korea. And renal hypouricemia should be included in the diagnosis of hematuria.
Uric Acid
4.Prevalance of PPNG in Seoul, Korea (1981~1982).
Joong Hwan KIM ; Young Suck RO ; Do Hun HWANG ; Young Tae KIM ; Kwang Soo KIM ; Dong Hun SHIN ; Young Chul KYE
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1984;22(1):10-15
In this study, the effect of kanamycin sulfate was compared with fortified penicillin G in the treatment of uncomplicated penicillinase negative Neisseria gonorrhoeae(nonPPNG) urethritis in male. The subjects were 250 male patients with uncomplicated non-PPNG urethritis, at the Venereal Disease Clinic of Choong-ku Public Health Center in Seoul from May 1982 to August 1982. Among 103 patients treated with kanamycin sulfate, 2. 0 gm, IM, 92 recovered and 11(10. 7%) failed. Among 100 patients treated with fortified penicillin G, 6 megaunits IM, plus probenecid, l. 0 gm, 92 recovered and 8(8%) failed. No significant difference in the effect was found between these two regimens for non-PPNG urethritis. It is concluded that kanamycin sulfate as well as fortified penicillin G. have a good effect in the treatment of non-PPNG urethritis.
Penicillin G
Public Health
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
5.A Case of Renal Hypouricemia and Hypercalciuria.
Gi Hyeon SEO ; Sang Su BAE ; Sang Joon PARK ; Hye Young KIM ; Woo Seong HUH ; Yoon Ha LEE ; Yoon Goo KIM ; Ha Young OH
Korean Journal of Nephrology 1998;17(1):128-133
We encountered a case of renal hypouricemia and absorptive hypercalciuria. Although renal hypouricemia is asymptomatic as usual, it is rarely complicated with acute renal failure and urolithiasis. A 43-year-old man had hypouricemia (serum uric acid, 0.6-1.0mg/dl) with an increased renal uric acid clearance (69.4ml/min), hypercalciuria (367.2mg/day). In present case, there was no response of uric acid excretion to either pyrazinamide or probenecid and hypercalciuria disappeared after calcium restriction diet. These results suggest that the present case had the defect of both pre-and postsecretory reabsorption of uric acid and absorptive hypercalciuria.
Acute Kidney Injury
Uric Acid
6.A Study on Postgonococcal Urethritis.
Eui Chul JEONG ; Jae Hong KIM ; Joong Hwan KIM
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1986;24(2):242-248
The subject were 653 male patients with uncomplicated gonorrhea at the VD Clinic of Choong Ku Public Health Center in Seoul from January to November 1985. 653 male patients with uncomplicated gonococcal infection were treated one of the following regimens. Five treatment regimens used were 2, 0 gm spectinomycin single 1M, 4 0 mega unit fortified procain penicillin G+2. 0 gm kanamycin sulfate IM preceded by 1 pgm probenecid PO, 6.0 mega unit fortified procain penicillin G+2 pgm kanamycin sulfate IM preceded by 1. 0 gm probenecid PO, 5, 0 rnega unit aqueous crystaline penicillin+2. 0 gm kanamycin sulfate irn preceded by 1, 0 gm probenecid PO and 9 tablets of cotrimoxazole+ 2. 0 gm kanamycin sulfate IM. There were no significant differences in the incidence of PGU among the five treatment groups. The overall PGU rate was 67.3% 59.2% and 53.6% at 3~5, 7~10 and 14 days after treatment respectively. The incidence of PGU at 7-10 days was not significantly higher than that of at 14 days after treatment. It is suggested that it is best to test PGU at 7 days after treatment. Because the longer one waits, the harder to follow the patients, and in earlier period, post-inflammatory irritation might be too frequent. It is also suggested that at 3 5 days after treatment examination of urethritis might serve to compare the effect of treatment regimens on the incidence of PGU.
Public Health
7.Clinical Aspects of Gonorrhea: V. Double dose of sodium penicillin G. in the treatment of male gonorrhea.
Hack Chul SHIN ; Joong Hwan KIM
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1982;20(4):533-536
We reported previously that, combined with l. 0 gm of probenecid, sodium penicillin G. 4, 0 m.u.i.m. was slightly less effective than procaine penicillin G. 4. 8 m.u. i.m. in the treatment of uncomplicated male gonorrhea. We now present the effect of double dose of sodium penicillin G. in the treatment of uncomplicated gonorrhea. The subjects were 262 male patients with uncomplicated gonoccccal urethritis at the VD clinic of Choong Ku Public Health Center in Seoul during 5 months period from January to May 198l. The following criteria were used to identify gonococcal infection - Gram negative intracellular diplococci in urethral smear and/or oxidase positive typical colony formation on Thayer-Martin media composed of Gram negative diplococci. They were given 4.0 m.u. sodium penicillin G. i.m. proceeded 15 to 30 min. by 1. 0 gm. probenecid p.o.. Four hours later, same amount of sodium peniciIlin G. i.m. was repeated. Concornitant eomparison of procaine penicillin G. was not done because of recent una,vailability of the drug in Korea. To avoid pain, the drug is dissolved in 6 ml of normal saline plus 2 ml of 2% lidacaine. One hundred eighty five patients were able to be followed 3 to 7 days after the treatment. There were .24 (13%) failures and 17 (10. 6%) postgonococcal urethritis. During this study, l4 strains of PPNG (Penicillinase Producing Keisseria Gonarrhoeae) were detected with chromogenic cephalosporin slide method. There were 10 (5. 8%) failures among 171 patients with urethritis caused by non-PPNG.
Penicillin G Procaine
Penicillin G*
Public Health
8.Treatment of Gonorrhea with Antibiotic Combination Regimens - Kanamycin plus Benzyl Penicillin G / Probenecid versus Kanamycin plus Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole.
Kyu Uang WHANG ; Jae Hong KIM ; Joong Hwan KIM
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1986;24(5):623-630
From August to November 1985 244 bacteriologically proven male uncomplirated goncicoccal urethritis patients at the VD clinic of Choong-Ku Public Health Center form August to November 1985 were divided into group A and group B according to a random number sheet. In group A, treated with kanamycin 2.Ogm, im plus benzyl penicillin-G 5 mega units, im plus probenecid, 1.Ogm, PO; 112 of 121 patients were followed and 10 patients (8.9%) failed to be recovered. In group B, treated with kanamycin, 2,Ogm, im plus trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, 9 tahlets, PO; 112 of l23 patients were followed and 7(6.3%) failed. There is no sign.ificant difference between the two groups (p>0. 05) The failure rates in PPNG urethritis were 14.3% and 8.0% in group A and group B respectively. There is a signficant difference in failure rate between the two groups (P<0.05). It is suggested that, because of high rate of PPNG among circulating N.gonorrhoeae, the combinatioin regimen of kanamycin and trime.thoprim-sulfamethoxazole may be used as a first line treatrnent regimen for uncomplicated gonococcal urethritis.
Penicillin G*
Public Health
Trimethoprim, Sulfamethoxazole Drug Combination*
9.Treatment of Uncomplicated Male Gonococcal Urethritis with Clavulanate: Potentiated Amoxycillin.
Joong Hwan KIM ; Sung Ho KIM ; Hoon HUR ; Young Tae KIM
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1987;25(3):343-350
At the Venereal Disease Clinic of Choong-ku Public Health Center in Seoul ]03 male patients with uncomplicated gonococcal urethritis were allocated randomly into one of 2 treatment regimens and 101 patients were followed. All 51 patients, including PPNG infections, treated with clavulanate-potentiated amoxycillin, 375 mg, PO, t.i.d. for 5 days recovered(100%), Two(4%) of 50 patients treated with clavulanate-potentiated amoxycillin, 3. 25g, PO plus probenecid, lg, PO failed to recover. These cases were 2 of 25 Penicillinase Froducing Neisseria gonorrhoeae(PPNG) infections(failure rate of 8%) and all 25 non-PPNG infections recovered(100%). It is suggested that both of these clavulanate-potentiated amoxycillin regimens ha.ve similarly good effect with minimal side effects in the treatment of gonococcal urethritis and, because of high rate of PPNGs among circulating N, gonorrhoeae, they can be recommended as the first line treatment for gonorrhoa ir Korea.
Clavulanic Acid*
Public Health
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
10.Clinical Aspects of Gonorrhea: IV. Sodium penicillin G in the treatment of uncomplicated male gonorrhea.
Hack Chul SHIN ; Joong Hwan KIM
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1982;20(2):249-254
Although the penicillin is still the first choice of drug in the treatment of gonorrhea in most areas of the world, Neisseria gonorrhoea has become increasingly less sensitive to penicillin preparations. The proportion of such strains also varies from region to region. Sodium penicillin G. is a short acting preparation which enables to attain quick high blood level. The reason for combining the quick acting sodium penicillin G. with probenecid is that latter inhibits renal excretion of penicillin and maintains effective serum penicillin levela long enough to extinguish gonococcal infections. The subjects were 265 male patients with uncomplicated gonococcal urethritis at the VD clinic of Cboong Ku Public Health Center in Seoul during 5 months period from September 1980 to January 1981. The following criteria is used to identify gonococcal infection Gram negative intracellular diplococci in urethral smear and/or oxidase positive typical colony formation on Thayer-Martin media composed of Gram negative diplococci. The 265 patients were divided in two groups(A and B group). They were administered an oral dose of 1.0 gm. probenecid and, 15 to 30 min. later, 4.0 m.u. of sodium penicillin G. i.m. in A-group(152) and 4.8 m.u. procaine penicillin G. i.m. in B-group(113). Only those who were able to be followed up 3 to 7 days after treatment were contained for final analysis(A-group:108, B-group:88), A-group showed 22 failures(20.4%), and B-group 9 failures(10.2%). A significant difference is found between the two groups(P<0.05). Incidence of postgonococcal urethritis was 6(7.0%) in A-group and 5(6.3%) in B-group(P>0.05). We suggest a repeated injection 3 to 4 hours later or increased amonuts of sodium penicillin G. might give better result in the treatment of uncomplicated gonorrhea.
Penicillin G Procaine
Penicillin G*
Public Health