1.Situation of HIV, HBV and HCV infection among the drug addictive prisoners in prisons in Thanh Hoa province in 2000
Journal of Practical Medicine 2002;435(11):40-42
This study aimed to determine the rate of HIV, BBC and HCV infection and some risk factors of infections among prisoner in 5 prisons in Thanh Hãa during 4/2000 - 7/2001. The results showed that the rates of HIV, HBV and HCV infection were 15.7%, 22.9% and 61.9%, respectively. The risk factors included tutoring, repeated use of syringe and needle, improper sterilization of syringes and duration of drug addiction more than 12 months. The intercourse before marriage, blood transfusion influenced unclearly on the HIV, HBV and HCV infection
Substance-Related Disorders
2.Validation Of The Malay-Translated Version Of The Center For Epidemiological Study – Depression Scale (CES-D)
Nurul Hazrina Mazlan ; Affizal Ahmad
ASEAN Journal of Psychiatry 2014;15(1):54-65
Objective: This study aims to establish the validity and reliability of the Malaytranslated version of the CES-D. Methods: This study employed a cross-sectional
study design. The participants were female inmates (n=90) from local prisons which were selected based on purposive-selective sampling. The analyses include face validation, factor analysis, and reliability testing. A test-retest was
conducted within a one-week interval. Results: The mean score for depression among the participants is 18.97 (SD=6.51). Further descriptive analysis showed
that 58.9% of them scored above the mean score, which is considered high. Preliminary construct validation analysis confirmed that factor analysis was appropriate for the Malay-translated version of the CES-D. Furthermore, the
factor analysis showed similar factor loadings to the original English version. The total internal consistency of the translated version, which was measured by
Cronbach’s alpha coefficient, was equal to 0.75. The test-retest reliability of the total score, measured by Pearson’s correlation was equal to 0.69. Conclusions:
Face validity, construct validity, and reliability analysis were found satisfactory for the Malay-translated version of the CES-D. The Malay-translated version of
the CES-D was found valid and reliable to be used in future studies, with comparable properties to the original version and to previous studies.
Validation Studies
3.Analytic Case Study on Ethical Responsibilities of the Nurse.
Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamental Nursing 1999;6(2):277-287
Respect for human life and respect for human rights are basic values which the organized nursing profession has urged its members to adhere to in their service to human being. This study was designed and carried out to identify ways to reconcile often conflicting basic values in practice. This study focused on ethical dilemma experienced by nurses who were caring for political offenders in prison. Concrete case study was presented to show solutions to the problems.
Human Rights
4.Survey of the knowledge, attitude, belief, practice of AIDS in superintendents and prisoners in Binh Dien prison
Journal of Preventive Medicine 2004;14(1):77-82
A cross-sectional study was performed on 536 people on July 2003. The percentage of HIV knowledge of both groups was 95%, information receiving source was mainly from television (92-97%). Besides, there were some other information receiving sources (newspaper, radio, friends); this rate was high in superintendents and was low in prisoners. The exact knowledge rate about 3 mainly infected routes was 90% in both groups, 85% thinking that need encouraging and consoling infected people, 73-89% believing that using condom from the start could prevent HIV infection and using condom could prevent HIV infection about 95%, 10-13% of people in both groups did not understand about preventing HIV infection by intravenous drugs
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
5.A debate about telemedicine in South Korea.
Journal of the Korean Medical Association 2016;59(11):828-831
In 2002 the introduction of a telemedicine clause into the Medical Law allowed telemedicine consults between physicians and health care providers. The Korean government decided to launch a pilot program to provide online health services for people who resided in rural or remote areas such as island dwellers, prisoners, soldiers, and the crew of a pelagic trawler in 2014. However, since the accessibility to medical facilities has been well-established in South Korea, it was hard to determine whether the pilot programs, in terms of safety, were successful or not. The majority of people argue that telemedicine should be performed by medical professionals only for achieving accessibility. Nonetheless, if telemedicine were proven to be useful with respect to safety and validity, then broadening the application of telemedicine between physicians and patients may need reconsideration.
Health Personnel
Health Services
Military Personnel
6.The presence of sharp-edged weapon related cut mark in Joseon skull discovered at the 16th century market district of Old Seoul City ruins in South Korea.
Hyejin LEE ; Chang Seok OH ; Jong Ha HONG ; Jeongsoo KIM ; Leehyeon HAN ; Jung Min PARK ; Dong Hoon SHIN
Anatomy & Cell Biology 2017;50(4):306-309
A human skull was discovered at the 16th-century drainage channel of market district ruins, one of the busiest streets in the capital of Joseon kingdom. By anthropological examination, we noticed the cut mark at the right occipital part of the cranium. Judging from the wound property, it might have been caused by a strong strike using a sharp-edged weapon. As no periosteal reaction or healing signs were observed at the cut mark, he might have died shortly after the skull wound was made. We speculated that this might have been of a civilian or soldier victim who died in a battle or the decapitated head of prisoner. This is the first report about the discovery of the skull damaged by sharp-edged weapon at the archaeological sites in the capital city of Joseon Kingdom.
Military Personnel
Strikes, Employee
Wounds and Injuries
7.A Study Delinquents of Korean Army Prisoners.
Korean Journal of Preventive Medicine 1977;10(1):118-124
The features of crimes, their causes and backgrounds of 70 army delinquents, comparing with the controls, were studied from Nov. 1st, 1976 to Nov. 20, 1976. The results were as follows : 1. Most of the delinquents were from the a diverse circumstances i.e. low education level, poor economic status, farmers and had got married. 2. The majority of the delinquents occurred within the first 2 years of the enlistment. 3. The rate of the parent-loss of the criminals was definitely higher than that of the controls. (48.6%) 4. Escapers from military service were over the half of them, and violence, steal and embezzlement were followed, The motivations of the escape from the military service was mostly domestic problem and illness ; but a lot of the criminals also escaped for amusement and pleasure. 5. The prognosis of them was relatively favorable and constructive.
Military Personnel
United Nations
8.A Case of Iliotibial Band Contracture due to Prolonged Sittiing
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1970;5(1):21-23
A case of bilateral hip flexion abduction deformity due to iliotibial band contracutre developed after prolonged sitting is reported. The patient was a 23 year-old Army convict who spent a month in a prison cell sitting on the floor all day and complained of pain in both buttocks, radiating to the knees along the hamstring muscles. There was limitation of extension of both hips and knees as well as of the thoracolumbar spine. Roentgenographic examinations revealed a diffuse irregular periosteal reaction on both ischial tuberosities. Laboratory findings were within normal limits. Yount s operation was combined with Soutter's fasciotomy on the left side and the patient was immobilized in a bilateral hip spica cast for 6 weeks. After surgery and cast immobilization, both hip and knee deformities were corrected and symptoms relieved.
Congenital Abnormalities
9.Forensic Analysis of 25 Cases of Unnatural Death in Custody.
Journal of Forensic Medicine 2016;32(5):346-349
To screen and collect the cases of unnatural death in custody and analyze the influences and forensic characteristics.
Total 25 cases of unnatural death in detainees in custody form 2000 to 2015 were collected. Some forensic characteristics such as gender, age, yearly incidence, causes of death, manner of death were analyzed. The public security custodies were also compared with the prisons.
All dead involved were male, mostly were young and middle-aged adults. It showed that the number of cases tended to decrease year by year. The incidence of the injury cases were higher in public security custodies (64.7%) than that in the prisons (12.5%). However, there was a higher suicide rate in prisons (62.5%) than that in public security custodies (23.5%). The mainly cause of death were injury and asphyxia, there were also some cases died from intoxication and electricity.
The cases of unnatural death in custody expose some problems such as the imperfectness of law enforcement standardization, supervision loopholes and poor medical standards. A comprehensive and detailed autopsy has important implications for the identification of cause of death in custody.
Cause of Death
Middle Aged
10.Some hair mineral contents of non-violent criminal and normal control.
Korean Journal of Preventive Medicine 1993;26(1):110-125
This study was designed to determine whether non-violent criminal and normal control on the basis of concentration of levels of trace mineral and toxic metal by analysis of human scalp hair. The subjects were selected 87 nonviolent criminal from a prison population and 120 normal control from periodic health checks for study. Hair samples were taken from the napes and Minnesota Multiple Personality Inventory(MMPI) was performed also. Five trace mineral(Zn, Cu, Mg, Fe, Na) and two toxic metal(lead, cadmium) contents were determined by an atomic absorption spectrometer. The contents of zinc and magnesium in hair of non-violent criminal were significantly lower than the control group(p<0.01). In the case of lead and cadmium, mean value of criminal group was significantly higher than control group. Significantly higher T-score of MMPI was seen in non-violent criminal group for psychopathic deviate (Pd), paranoia scale(Pa), and Mania scale(Ma) than control group, but T-score of depression scale(D) was significantly higher in the control group. In the non-violent criminal group, the content of copper inversely proportion to T-score of Hs, D, Hy, Pd, Mf, Pa, Pt, Sc, Si except Ma, also Zinc inversely proportion to T-score of Hy, Mf, Pa, Pt. These results suggest that difference of some hair mineral contents exist between criminal and normal control group. Thus further studies are necessary to determine whether violent and nonviolent criminal group attributed biochemical imbalance with carefully constructed and controlled studies.
Bipolar Disorder
Multiple Personality Disorder
Paranoid Disorders