2.The epidemiology of malaria in the Papua New Guinea highlands: 3. Simbu Province.
Ivo Mueller ; Julius Kundi ; Steve Bjorge ; Pioto Namuigi ; Gerard Saleu ; Ian D Riley ; John C Reeder
Papua and New Guinea medical journal 2004;47(3-4):159-73
Two very distinct malaria zones can be found within Simbu Province. The north of the province is characterized by the absence or very low level of local malaria transmission, but there is a considerable risk of epidemics prevalent in the lower-lying parts. During non-epidemic periods, parasite prevalence was usually under 5%, with similar frequencies for Plasmodium falciparum and P. vivax (47% each), and malaria was an only minor source of febrile illness. During epidemics, however, 13-36% of people were infected, predominantly with P. falciparum (64%), and high levels of severe morbidity were present. In south Simbu malaria is clearly endemic with an overall prevalence of 35%, combined with a strong age-dependence of infections, low haemoglobin levels, high rates of enlarged spleen and moderate to severe anaemia (haemoglobin level < 7.5 g/dl) in children. The malaria epidemiology in south Simbu is thus more similar to the lowlands than to other highlands areas. Epidemic prevention, surveillance and response in the north, and bednet distribution and strengthening of curative services in the south, are therefore the priorities for malaria control in Simbu Province.
Study of epidemiology
upper case pea
Prevalence aspects
epidemic aspects
3.The prevalence of GP Mur and anti-"Mia" in a tertiary hospital in Peninsula Malaysia.
Ramesh Prathiba ; C G Lopez ; F Mary Usin
The Malaysian journal of pathology 2002;24(2):95-8
The Mi III phenotype of the Miltenberger subsystem (or GP Mur) is relatively common in Southeast Asia especially along the south-east coast lines of China and Taiwan. The term anti-"Mia" describes antibodies that react with the Mi III phenotype. Since the Peninsula Malaysian population is a multiethnic one with a significant proportion of Chinese, a study was conducted into the prevalence of anti-"Mia" in patients from its 3 major ethnic groups--Chinese, Malays and Indians, as well as the GP Mur phenotype in blood donors (healthy individuals). Blood samples from 33,716 patients (general and antenatal) were screened for anti-"Mia" from January 1999 to December 2000. The investigation for the GP Mur phenotype representing the corresponding sensitizing antigen complex was carried out in 655 blood donors. Serum anti-"Mia" antibody was found to be the third most commonly occurring antibody detected in our patients and was found in all the ethnic groups. The antibody was detected in 0.2% of 33,716 antenatal and general patients with a prevalence in Chinese of 0.3%, Malay 0.2% and Indian 0.2%. The detection of these antibodies in the ethnic groups other than the Chinese is a noteworthy finding as such information is not well documented. The GP Mur red cell phenotype was detected in 15/306 (4.9%) of Chinese blood donors, a lower prevalence than in Chinese populations in other countries in the region. More significant was its detection in the Malays (2.8%) and the Indians (3.0%). Because of the many reports of clinical problems associated with the "Mia" antibody including the causation of fetal hydrops and haemolytic transfusion reactions, it is warranted that the GP Mur red cells be included in screening panels for group and screen procedures in countries with a significant Asian population.
Chinese People
Prevalence aspects
5.Helicobacter pylori: prevalence, clinical and endoscopic findings in children who underwnet upper endoscopy for abdominal ailments.
The Medical journal of Malaysia 2001;56(4):414-7
A total of 97 children aged 1 month to 16 years (mean 6.6 years) had upper endoscopies performed in Paediatric Institute, Kuala Lumpur Hospital between January 1997 and December 1999 for various gastrointestinal symptoms. Of these 70 children were tested for Helicobacter pylori. The four most common indications for upper endoscopy were recurrent abdominal pain, upper gastrointestinal bleeding, epigastric pain and vomiting. The overall prevalence of this infection in this heterogenous group of symptomatic children was 10% (7/70). This study shows that H.pylori positivity in a routine endoscopy population is low and does not appear to be associated with specific symptoms.
Prevalence aspects
Helicobacter pylori
6.Obesity among schoolchildren in Kuala Selangor: a cross-sectional study.
Ghazali Sumarni Mohd ; K Muhammad Amir ; S Ibrahim Md ; I Mohd Rodi ; M G Izzuna Mudla ; Idris Nurziyana
Tropical biomedicine 2006;23(2):148-54
Childhood obesity is an established problem in many countries and emerging in others. Epidemiological data on obesity in children is essential in order to plan public health policy and services. A study was conducted to determine the prevalence of obesity in schoolchildren in the fifth grade of elementary school (10-12 years old) in the district of Kuala Selangor. Ten schools of which five are in urban and five in rural areas were selected consisting of 699 eleven year old schoolchildren from the three major ethnic groups. Using international cut-off points for obesity, we report an overall prevalence of obesity of 7.2%. Prevalence of obesity in urban children is 7.2% whereas in rural children it is 7.0 %. Analysed by gender, there were 8.9% obese boys and 5.3% obese girls. Among the 3 major ethnic groups, the Malays had the highest prevalence of obesity at 9.3% followed by the Chinese with 6.6% while among Indians 3.0%. The data obtained from this study suggests that obesity in Kuala Selangor children is a cause for concern in urban and rural areas.
Prevalence aspects
rural area
7.The epidemiology of malaria in the Papua New Guinea highlands: 6. Simbai and Bundi, Madang Province.
Ivo Mueller ; Simon Yala ; Moses Ousari ; Julius Kundi ; Rex Ivivi ; Gerard Saleu ; Albert Sie ; John C Reeder
Papua and New Guinea medical journal 2007;50(3-4):123-33
Although predominantly a lowland province, Madang also includes highland areas such as Simbai and Bundi along the northern highland fringe. While the malaria situation in the coastal lowlands has been studied in great detail, the current malaria situation in the highland fringe communities has not been studied in depth since the 1960s. A series of recent malariological surveys found that the malaria situation has changed little over the last 40 years in both Simbai and Bundi. In the Simbai area there is little malaria transmission in villages above 1400 m, with a prevalence rate (PR) of 2.5-4.2%. Below 1400 m, however, there is moderate to high transmission (PR 8.6-24.7%) with surprisingly little difference in prevalence rates between survey villages, despite large differences in altitude. Prevalence rates of malaria infection were low in all Bundi villages (2.5-8.5%) with most infections occurring in adolescents and adults, which indicates limited acquisition of effective immunity to malaria and the possibility that many infections are acquired when travelling to the highly malarious lowlands area. Based on spleen rates the lower Simbai area would be regarded as mesoendemic, and the upper Simbai and Bundi areas as hypoendemic. Only in the lower Simbai area is malaria a major cause of febrile illness. However, in all areas village mean haemoglobin (Hb) levels were highly correlated with the prevalence of malaria infections, while concurrent parasitaemia reduced individual Hb levels by 1.3 g/dl (CI95 [1.0-1.5], p < 0.001) and significantly increased the risk for moderate-to-severe anaemia (Hb < 8 g/dl) (adjusted odds ratio 5.6, CI95 [3.6-8.6], p < 0.001). Based on the survey results, areas of different malaria epidemiology are delineated and options for control in each area are discussed.
Study of epidemiology
Prevalence aspects
8.Prevalence of hearing loss and hearing impairment among rural males in Selangor, 199
The Medical journal of Malaysia 1994;49(1):78-85
A cross sectional study to determine the prevalence of hearing loss and hearing impairment was conducted on 286 male subjects from a rural area. The sample was chosen by using a simple random sampling method. Prevalence of symptoms of tinnitus, ear disease, ear drum perforation and infection of external auditory meatus was 19.0 per cent, 6.7 per cent, 3.5 per cent and 0.4 per cent respectively. Air conduction audiometry tests showed the prevalences of hearing impairment of the left, right and both ears (aged 15-30 years) were 5.9%, 8.8% and 0% respectively. The prevalence of hearing loss increased with age. The higher frequencies (> 4KHz) appeared to be more affected than the lower frequencies.
Hearing Loss, Partial
Statistical Prevalence
Prevalence aspects
9.Anaemia and iron status among blood donors in a blood transfusion unit in Malaysia.
Veera S Nadarajan ; Geok Im Eow
The Malaysian journal of pathology 2002;24(2):99-102
Iron deficiency is a major complication of regular blood donation as a result of regular iron loss from each donated blood unit. Ninety-two regular blood donors and 95 first time blood donors attending a hospital-based blood transfusion centre were assessed as to their haematological and iron status by blood counts and serum ferritin levels as an indicator of iron stores. All donors had passed the haemoglobin-screening test using a copper sulphate method prior to blood donation. Ferritin levels were found to be significantly lower among regular blood donors (47.8 mmol/L) as compared to first time blood donors (94.2 mmol/L). Iron deficiency as observed by low ferritin levels was seen in 7.4% of all first time donors as compared to 17.4% in regular donors. Male first time donors showed a low prevalence of iron deficiency but the prevalence significantly increased with regular blood donation. Female first time and regular blood donors however did not show any significant differences in prevalence of iron deficiency, with both groups exhibiting prevalence rates similar to male regular donors. The association between haemoglobin levels and iron deficiency was poor and the copper sulphate-screening test was found insensitive to anaemia with many donors passing the test and donating blood despite being anaemic. It is concluded that a high prevalence of iron deficiency is present among regular male blood donors and all female donors. Besides, the use of the copper sulphate screening test as a sole criterion for anaemia screening should be reviewed. Ferritin measurements should be included in the routine assessment of blood donors especially among regular blood donors.
Blood Donors
Iron deficiency, NOS
In Blood
Prevalence aspects