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Author:(Praveen SINGAM)

1.Iatrogenic Ureter Injuries: Eleven Years Experience in A Tertiary Hospital

Hans Alexander Mahendran ; Praveen Singam ; Christopher Ho ; Goh Eng Hong ; Tan Guan Hee ; Zuklifli Md Zainuddin

The Medical Journal of Malaysia 2012;67(2):169-172

2.Fournier’s Gangrene: A Case of Neglected Symptoms with Devastating Physical Loss

Praveen Singam ; Khor Tze Wei ; Ammar Ruffey ; James Lee ; Teh Guan Chou

Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences 2012;19(3):81-84

3.Ketamine-Associated Ulcerative Cystitis: A Case Report and Literature Review

Christopher Chee Kong Ho ; Hafez Pezhman ; Singam Praveen ; Eng Hong Goh ; Boon Cheok Lee ; Md Zainuddin Zulkifli ; Mohamed Rose Isa

Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences 2010;17(2):61-65

4.Ureteral stricture formation after ureteroscope treatment of impacted calculi: A prospective study.

Xeng Inn FAM ; Praveen SINGAM ; Christopher Chee Kong HO ; Radhika SRIDHARAN ; Rozita HOD ; Badrulhisham BAHADZOR ; Eng Hong GOH ; Guan Hee TAN ; Zulkifli ZAINUDDIN

Korean Journal of Urology 2015;56(1):63-67

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